Unification in USA 19th Century. Factors that led to the division of the united states of America as a nation

Unification in USA 19th Century. Factors that led to the division of the united states of America as a nation





Unification in USA 19th Century

Factors that led to the division of the united states of America as a nation There were a number of factors that led to the split of the United States of America as a nation in the ninetieth century. One of the major factors was the difference of the American people on ideological issues and the difference in individual income among the American populace. New Ideologies in the Early Nineteenth Century. For instance, ideals such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism and nationalism divided the population along their thought lines.

The Liberalists believed in the protection of the individual rights and freedoms. They also acknowledged the individual freewill to self determination.

This ideology was anchored on the economic, social and political liberty. The liberalist had the following aims in their political practice namely; the establishment and respect for individuals liberties and freedoms, they sought to the extension of voting rights to those of the middle classes such as the workers or the proletariats and lastly they wanted a free business franchise where trade was to be practiced with limited barriers if any and free from government control

Conservatives aimed to retain the already existing and established status quo. The proponents of this ideology acknowledged that change ought to come slowly and gradually. The two modes of thought hence, divided the citizenry in the execution of their political practice.

Next, socialists’ group arose as a result of reaction to liberalism, industrial capitalism and the pathetic conditions that the workers found themselves in. They then advocated for a utopian idea that was to see the means of production owned by the community members and aimed at doing away with the communal profiling that had come into place.

Nationalism was advocated by proponents who believed that a given group of people who share common tradition, culture identity can be called a nation. This group of people can then, safeguard their interests and hopes as well as collectively redress their fears and doubts. This ideology had allies and those against it in that, some saw it as a identifying with the dictates of liberalism.

America has also been divided due to difference in income distribution, for instances, there was chronic in equality income distribution with, major disparities being even worse as an individual moves to up in the income distribution especially between the top earners and the middle class.

This has been caused by factors such as, gender and race in equality, education and technology, incentives as well as taxation.

Factors that have promoted the unification of the united states as a nation.

The United States had grown into a unified country by the ninetieth century. This was driven by the belief that people of different nationalities can freely unite to safeguard their communal interests such as peace, freedom, economic well being and excreta.

Americans are united by commonly upheld ideologies such individuals being equal before the law, free citizens having a right to self determination, the upholding of the bill of rights among others. For example, the American constitution opens with the assertion that, they the American believe that each one of them was created by the almighty being and endowed with specific in alienable rights among them being; the right to life, freedom and pursuit for happiness.

They have equally been brought together by mutual concerns such as human welfare, economic empowerment etc. In addition, the Americans have been united by the common fight against ills such as slavery, racism, civil war and excreta.

Lastly, the desire to form a strong economic and military strength equally motivated their unification. This largely came in handy during the world wars.

Their desire to impact greatly on the international scene also motivated their coming together as a nation. This was because they wanted to influence the global politics and serve their citizens both at home and abroad.


The American population has been on the verge of split by a number of factors such as racism, ideological differences such as liberalism visa viz communism, economic in equality. But, the same nation has been brought together by common challenges such as civil war, slavery and excreta.

The attempts to give adequate redress to these problems that had plagued them motivated the motive of brotherhood hence their tangling together. For example, the civil conflict during Abraham Lincoln.

Last but not least, their participation in international affairs had to be done from a position of strength. This encouraged them to draw together in order to summon the mobilized wealth resources and human talent and potential. This would aid them in asserting their presence in the international plane.

Works Cited

Timothy Noah. “The United States of Inequality Entry 8” The Stinking Rich and the Great Divergence. Slate.com , 14 September 2010

Schiller & Bradely, The Economy Today: Ninth Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Thompson, William & Joseph Hickey. Society in Focus. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2005.

George Mowry, The Era of Theodore Roosevelt and the Birth of Modern America, 1900–1912 (Harpers, 1954)