Training Opportunities Assignment Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is to increase awareness of available training opportunities and to encourage continued learning and professional development.
Imagine that your supervisor has identified a specific need for training or improvement for the staff in your internship site.
Identify training opportunities that exist within your community or online that would provide specific training to address the supposed need. These opportunities could be in the form of training sessions, organizations that promote certification, literature to read, etc. Make sure that these trainings are specific to the need and not general education trainings (e.g., a university program for a bachelor’s degree).
Make sure that you provide information regarding your site (e.g., focus of services, population served), as well as the need that is being addressed. This can be done as the introduction to the assignment, before beginning your list of training opportunities.
Create a list of at least five training opportunities that will meet this specific need.
The list should include the name of the training, a brief abstract of learning goals (in your own words), contact information for the training and cost information as applicable.
Assignment should be in APA format (i.e., title page, page numbers, headings).
Refer to the Training Opportunities Grading Rubric for specific grading criteria.