Training And Development

Training And Development

Training And Development


TOC o “1-3” h z u Orientation PAGEREF _Toc378183292 h 1Training methods to be used PAGEREF _Toc378183293 h 2Theories of organization behavior in supporting a particular position PAGEREF _Toc378183294 h 2

Every organization is in need of a well adjusted as well trained and experienced people in their employees list so that they can [perform the activities of the organization adequately. When one is employed at McDonalds they get a wide variety of knowledge, skills as well as experience. Training of employees at McDonalds is done at all levels and the programs which are meant for training are based on the principles of the company which are service, quality cleanliness and value. The training and development process will be divided into various stages. Therefore the HMR decides upon the most appropriate training and development method that will be used in the company (Laird, ,Naquin, & Holton, 2003).

OrientationThe first step in training and development is orientation. This will be done in 5 to 6 months and will include various activities. First there will be a welcome day for orientation for any new employees of the company. Here they will be familiarized with the background of the company as well as the cultural values of the company and the goals and objectives of the company. The other activity will involve giving information on the expected dress code. This is followed by a compulsory 15 to 25 days spent in different sub departments. They will then be informed on the objectives that they are to carry out .The employees are placed under a specific supervisor when being trained and they will get 6 months to showcase what they have learned.

Training methods to be usedAfter the orientation the new employee will trained using various methods of training. They include job rotation, on-the-job training, lectures and audio visual based training. All these methods can be used top train new employees by entry-level workers. At the initial stage of training the new employees are subjected to a welcome meeting .During these meetings they will be given lectures on what is expected from them as they start working in the company. A complete description of their job and how they are expected to work is clearly laid out to them ( Noe, 2009).

After this the employees will be given training as they carry out their jobs. This is what is known as on-the-job training and it is useful as people often tend to grasp more from what they are practicing. Therefore there is an initial training period for all employees where they are given the basics of the job and they are expected to practice what they are told. Job rotation is the most popular in the company as it involves employees work through various departments so as to familiarize themselves with all job levels in the company. Finally there is use of audio-visual based training where the employees will be given DVDS, videos and films which are related to the operations in the company. Therefore if all these training methods are used the employees will become competent in whatever task that is accorded to them. All these methods of training and development ensure that new employees get well accustomed to their new working environment as well as develop the appropriate skills that are required to effectively carry out their designated job (Laird, ,Naquin., & Holton, 2003).

Theories of organization behavior in supporting a particular positionThere are various theories of organization behavior which can be used when it comes to supporting positions within McDonalds. One of the theories is configuration that identifies the organizations as being entrepreneurial, mechanical, innovative, mechanical, diversified and so on. Therefore McDonalds can be seen as an entrepreneurial organization whose aim is making profits through the sales that they make. This means that any position is important since the employees in those positions will be working towards achieving the goals of the company. The other theory is culture each and every organization has its own culture that it has set. Therefore any position created should be ion line with the company’s culture as well as traditions and the employees in these positions will work in line with the organizations cultures (Armstrong, 2000). Therefore when these theories that pertain to the organization behavior are put into consideration then the entire process of recruiting as well as training and development of employees will be done appropriately. This is because the activities involved in recruitment as well as training and development will be in line with the goals of the organization and hence they will be al effective. This is therefore means that the company will achieve its goals which is the making of profits through their sales.


Armstrong, M. (2000). Strategic human resource management a guide to action (2nd ed.). London: Kogan Page.

Cook, M. F. (2002). The AMA handbook for employee recruitment and retention. New York: American Management Association.

DeCenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2006). Human resource management (5th ed.). New York: Wiley.

Laird, D., Naquin, S. S., & Holton, E. F. (2003). Approaches to training and development (3rd Ed.). Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Books Group.

Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2003). Human resource management (10th ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-western.

Mondy, R. W., Noe, R. M., & Gowan, M. (2005). Human resource management (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Noe, R. A. (2009). Employee training and development. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.

Stevens, J., & Streatfeild, R. (2003). Recruitment and retention. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Leadership and Management Services.

Stevens, J., & Streatfeild, R. (2003). Recruitment and retention. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Leadership and Management Services.