Trade Policy in Developing Countries

Trade Policy in Developing Countries

Trade Policy in Developing Countries


Course and Date


Submission Date

Acknowledgements page

Acknowledge a few people and organizations that led to the success of the project

Executive Summary

Provide and summarize the key points of the report. It should restate the purpose of the report, highlight the major points of the report, and describe any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the report.

Table of contents, list of figures and tables

Level 1, 2, and 3 headings should be used

Chapter I: Introduction

The introduction chapter presents the core research question and aims.

1.1 Background

The relationship between international trade and economic development

Trade policies development over the years

Developing countries’ use of trade policies

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The problem itself: stated clearly and with enough contextual detail to establish why it is important

The method of solving the problem: often stated as a claim or a working thesis

The purpose, statement of objective and scope of the document that the paper will prepare.

1.3 Theoretical Framework

Concept of trade policy

Trade policy and the developing economies

Key theories in trade policy (mercantilist theory of trade, classical theory of trade, modern theory of trade, and new theories of trade)

1.4 Hypothesis/Research Question

Provide a working hypothesis or research questions

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

Mention what the study focuses on

Motivation for the study

What are the key limitations?

1.6 Significance of the Study

Mention the significance of the study to several stakeholder groups including respondents, extant research bodies, organizations, the international trade sector, developing nations, policy makers, and future researchers.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Define the following key terms:


Trade policy

Developing economies

Trade theories


Import substituting

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

The literature review chapter assesses what the current research says about this question.

2.1 The relationship between international trade and economic development

2.2 Trade policies development over the years

2.3 Developing countries’ use of trade policies

2.4 Concept of trade policy

2.5 Trade policy and the developing economies

2.6 Key theories in trade policy

2.7 Comparative review of literature on mercantilist theory of trade, classical theory of trade, modern theory of trade, and new theories of trade

Chapter III: Research Design & Methods

The methodology chapter will go about undertaking new research about this question.

3.1 Research Design

Relates the purpose of the study and describe the research design and the variables used in this study.

A qualitative research approach was chosen as the methodology because this approach reinforces an understanding and interpretation of meaning as well as intentions underlying human interaction.

Data was collected using in-depth interviews.

3.2 Justification for using qualitative research

Describe qualitative research as a multifaceted research method involving an interpretative, naturalistic approach to subject matter.

Qualitative research was deemed suitable for this research project as the purpose of this study was to explore the views of…

Mention advantage to researchers

Mention the principles of qualitative research that makes it a better fit for this study

3.3 Data Collection and Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering materials and the research procedure used in the study

Mention that qualitative research emphasizes the importance of context in analyzing data

Interview questions presented online via Zoom and other video conferencing tools

Questions are tailored to the participant’s situation

Open-ended questions are used and probes are frequent.

Interviewer and participant jointly control the pace and direction of the interview

To create rapport, the interviews were jointly guided by the participants’ responses and the direction of the research was thus mutually guided by the researcher and the participants

3.4 Sampling

Two non-probability sampling approaches to be used in the selection of the participants for the study.

The sampling method to include a combination of the purposeful and snowball techniques.

The researcher will specifically select participants who are capable of contributing to the research topic and who would be willing to share their experiences

3.5 Data Analysis

Describe data analysis as the process whereby a phenomenon is broken down into its constituent parts in order for it to be understood better

A discourse analysis methodology was used to analyze data and to understand the conditions behind the problem

Define discourse analysis

Explain that discourse analysis is an approach that stems from post-modern and post-structural understandings of reality

Provide criteria in discourse analysis

3.6 Process of Analysis

Start by explaining that the recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim by the researcher, who also generated a written transcript for each of them.

Mention that because it was important to protect the participants’ identities, their names were removed from the transcripts and they were given pseudonyms, which allowed them to maintain their anonymity while still sharing information about their lives.

Regarding timeframe, explain that the transcripts of the recorded interviews were completed within 24 hours of the recordings being made.

Justify the purpose of the rapid transcription technique as a facilitation for the researcher to get as familiar with the material as feasible as quickly as possible.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

Mention all of the ethical considerations that were taken into account to ensure a study that adhered to appropriate requirements.

Mention participant consent, volunteerism, and communication, explanation of purpose, confidentiality, anonymity during and after the study, and the freedom to exit the process at any time

Chapter IV: Presentation of Research Findings

An analytical presentation of key findings against the literature

4.1 Introduction

Introduce the chapter by restating the purpose of the study and a description of this section

4.2 Results and Analysis

4.2.1 Context

4.2.2 Tarde approaches used in developing economies

4.2.3 Knowledge from Experts

4.2.4 Attitudes and Values in Developing Economies

Chapter V: Discussion of Results

Discuss the results in relation to the emergent themes

5.1 The relationship between international trade and economic development

5.2 Trade policies development over the years

5.3 Developing countries’ use of trade policies

5.4 Concept of trade policy

5.5 Trade policy and the developing economies

5.6 Key theories in trade policy

5.7 Comparative review of literature on mercantilist theory of trade, classical theory of trade, modern theory of trade, and new theories of trade

Chapter VI: Summary, Implications, Conclusions

6.1 Summary

6.2 Implications

6.3 Conclusions


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