Tracking Equity in High School Sports
Tracking Equity in High School Sports
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Tracking Equity in High School Sports
For generations, equity was deranged from the American systems. Not just limited to education, the enigma marked most selections criterions across the nation and ill-defined requirements as muscular. Case for which, institutions considered male admissions as entirely appropriate and visionary, when yet the admission of females got labeled as wasteful and of out of focus (Rober, 2013). Notably, more traditional considerations had been mired into sports as a view had gotten developed on ladies as pretty things who lack the desired physicality to stage any sport-worthy competition admirably. As more educational institutions allocated less and less of their budgetary funding to female sports participation, statics screamed for a difference. However, the latter decades of the previous millennium got to experience a rush and desire to change what considerations had termed as norm (Volkwein, 2004). According to Magee (2007), the legislated changes and proposals led to equitable funding and participation of both genders in a range of sporting activities. They have also played significant roles in reforming the image of the American Education systems as socially reputable. The changes that have resulted in the high sports, since such campaigns took course, are noteworthy and overwhelming, but have dire consequences on the sporting quality that the nation projects. As more emphasis gets laid upon equity, less attention is paid to the underlying purpose of the sporting events (Rober, 2013).
Probable Effects of the Proposal
Equity in high school sports could have the semblance of a political drive with so many social issues that have gotten factored into the entire affair. However, when all the factors get sided, and the whole matter considered as an occurrence that would engage the minds of teens and keep them exercising, positivities get sighted. The proposal got made with the expectation that there would be an influx of participation of either gender in sports in equal measure, a factor that is more than likely to occur. Notably, the high number of exercising teens would mark a turning point for the generations (Magee, 2007). Through scientific research, the revelation that vices that develop at teenage can get stemmed out has been made. Reduction in smoking rates and delayed sexual activity are some of the virtues that have been noted to occur with increased exercise rates. The odds of teen pregnancy also get reduced as graduation likelihood increase (Rober, 2013). Other health reports have projected that exercising females would not only keep fit, but reduce their chances of being infected with cancerous diseases. Educationally, sports often affect learners in two ways with the first being revitalized minds that have the capacity to conceive more class concepts and theories. That would lead to an improved performance level across the genders (Magee, 2007). Alternatively, increased sports participation would act as a distraction to most students who would then abandon their academic duties (Volkwein, 2004). From that perspective, academic performance would drop across the nation. However, the effects are not limited to sporting, education and health matters alone. Politicians who often take such issues seriously in some occasions have a hidden agenda. Such would be aspirations to get an appealing look and woe the feminine support across the voting blocs. As such, the other significant effect of the proposal would be a shift in political affiliations as the issue would factor into the decisions made by the voters. The impact of the proposal would hence be massive and would touch on several aspects both directly and indirectly.
Possible Outcomes of the Proposal
Anderson (2011), states that legislative duties have gotten entrusted to individuals whose political inclinations outweigh most of their interests. The enthusiastic performances they exhibit in the political capacities, the alacrity with which they propose legislations and the rush with which they move to push institutions adopt them is a pointer to more politics than equity. That is because most of such endeavors get undertaken with an expanded vision that aspires to win the public vote of confidence and portray the parties involved as fair and considerate (Anderson, 2011). But in as much, the feminists involved could be serving on entirely different platforms that genuinely becries a fair judgment and inclusion of all. Clarity has not been placed upon the nature and identity of the advocates as they in the real sense, are feminists and politicians to the merest. Their actions belittle sporting philosophies as they push for the inclusion of parties who could be joining games to use it as an arena that it is not (Anderson, 2011). Stressing that any interested party should get duly considered for inclusion in sporting teams is rude and contrary to traditional sporting philosophies that require that a sportsman should earn the sporting credits. Interest in the participation of sports could be just that and could also be far-fetched beyond the purpose of sports. For instance, sporting events often pull large crowds of audiences. Attention seekers who desire platforms on which they can get recognized in less sporting manners may hence seize the advantage to participate. Interest could also be a submission to peer influence. Sporting focus and quality hence get compromised as side shows get muddled into the events (Volkwein, 2004). The ultimate repercussion would hence be a reduction of the fanaticism levels as sports fanatics have more interest in the standard and quality of the performance exhibited on the pitch. Though high schools sports are not the real grounds for fanaticism, and the inclusion of sporting participants based on interests would be almost fair to sports, other considerations should get duly get a consideration. The quality of the performances that teams exhibit can inspire the participants to continue their participation in the game even beyond high school levels, a factor would make them amass wealth in the future.
Changing of Opinion
As had been clarified earlier, there are several issues that have gotten factored into the proposal some of which derange from the values of sports. Upholding sporting virtues would, however, be the sole purpose of an individual in a management position (Volkwein, 2004). Nonetheless, a carefully schemed balance that meets universal interests and satisfies sporting hunger should get achieved by a sporting boss (Hammond, Keeney & Raiffa, 1999). However, when balancing such factors, more emphasis should be laid upon the quality of the sport in question. Hammond, Keeney & Raiffa (1999), further clarify that achieving the balance would require a careful analysis and interpretation of all the factors that play roles in the formulation and implementation of the proposals. As such, a sporting boss should be a critique and a critical thinker, capable of making and changing decisions to the benefit and security of both the sporting events and the participants. Upholding the decision to protect the sporting quality would be brilliant. However, it is more important to note that the sporting quality can only get maintained when the funding is adequate. Considering that the very forces responsible for providing budgetary allocations are the very forces that approve such proposals, more sanity should get used in handling the issue. Moreover, an influx of the number of participants would stiffen competition and draw a lifeline in the sporting events. As such, the decisions to uphold sporting quality should be subject to change depending on the conditions and political tension levels within the nation (Hammond, Keeney & Raiffa, 1999). A sports boss would also desire to improve the quality of a competitive activity.
There is relevance to the proposal made by the House of Representatives as the nation aspires to improve equity in high school sports. However, the proposal has some other drives behind it that override the actual purpose of sports entirely. The call for equity has already disregarded the traditional meaning of sports, but should not change the events into platforms that get used to determine how mankind treat each other. Though the proposed measures could inspire an increased participation and even intensified competition, the sporting quality would be compromised. That is because the stipulations override the considerations that should get consideration in the selection of qualified athletes. It is vital and noteworthy that the process of selection would get marred with the aims of reaching the targeted participating populations rather than the sporting ability of the interested parties.
Anderson, J. E. (2011). Public policymaking: An introduction. Boston, MA: Cengage.
Hammond, J. S., Keeney, R. L., & Raiffa, H. (1999). Smart choices: A practical guide to making better decisions. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.
Magee, J. (2007). Women, football, and Europe: Histories, equity, and experiences. Oxford [England: Meyer & Meyer Sport.
Rober, E. A. (2013). Gender relations in sport. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Volkwein-Caplan, K. A. E. (2004). Culture, sport, and physical activity. Aachen [u.a.: Meyer & Meyer Sport.