Topic you chose from Google forms

Topic you chose from Google forms

Topic you chose from Google forms

Would a public Health approach to REPLACE social/environmental injustice decrease rates of medical condition caused by injustice for population you will focus on ?

From a Future Nurse’s Prospective



West Coast University

Topic Description

In this paragraph you are going to define the terms in your chosen social or environmental injustice. You need to include an explanation of the issue beyond a definition. Use credible sources in this part because you cannot make up information. The citation will go around the end of the paragraph when you are finished using information from that source. Also, you need to write formally meaning NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS (we, our, my or you). This is no place for personal opinions either so the word should cannot be used. Look at my full list of words and phases in my Writing Style handout that makes your writing juvenile (get/ing, a lot, huge, big to name a few). If you use them I will know you did not look at the videos and are not participating in class. NO QUOTATIONS either. Information needs to be paraphrased and cited correctly You are explaining what these topics are in an unbiased way. Look at my example about the decline in bee populations and the peer review rubric for guidance. They are both posted in the announcements.

Problem Statement

In this section you are going to define the problem and the specific health disparity to be focused on. The one you have in your research question. Include the population you are focusing on and why they are at a particular disadvantaged. You also need to have a final sentence that will give you a smooth transition into the next section. Same goes for the paragraph above too. Use credible sources in this part because you cannot make up information. Also, you need to write formally meaning NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS (we, our, my, I or you). This is no place for personal opinions either so the word should cannot be used. Look at my full list of words and phases in my Writing Style handout that make your writing juvenile (get/ing, a lot, huge, big to name a few). If you use them I will know you did not look at the videos and are not participating in class. NO QUOATATIONS either. Information needs to be paraphrased and cited correctly. You are explaining what these topics are in an unbiased way. Look at my example about the decline in bee populations for guidance. They are both posted in the announcements

Purpose of Topic

In this section you will define public health in your own words and explain the advantages to approaching a health disparity as a public health issue. The last sentence of this section should be your purpose which is your research question turned into a statement. This is the only sentence you can use the word should because you are stating you are going to be providing evidence to prove your point in the following paper. Everything else stands. NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS (we, our, my or you). Look at my full list of words and phases in my Writing Style handout that make your writing juvenile (get/ing, a lot, huge, big to name a few). If you use them I will know you did not look at the videos and are not participating in class. NO QUOATATIONS either. Information needs to be paraphrased and cited correctly. You are explaining what these topics are in an unbiased way. Look at my example about the decline in bee populations for guidance. They are both posted in the announcements.