To examine the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites.

To examine the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites.

To examine the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites.

The aim of this assignment is to investigate the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites. I will examine the choices that determine why people choose to go to their specific destination. I will also explain the management procedures that are employed by tourist destinations to control the movements of tourist, and how this determines the movements of tourist. The marketing techniques used by people employed in the tourism industry in attempt to sell products to tourist and weather I believe these methods are ethical.

Why people choose their destination of travel at a certain time of the year, the activities undertook while in their particular destination and how much time they spend in a certain destination are all determined by a number of factors. These factors include cost, attractions, language, history, climate, family, geographical location, culture, political unrest and the exchange rate. The most common factor amongst most people is the cost price to travel and stay in a certain destination. This prices change throughout the year depending on the seasons as there are peak and low periods in the tourist industry. Places like Vanuatu will have cheaper rates in the winter then it would in the summer as a place such as Vanuatu is in demand for tourist in the summer.

Attractions in a destination can also be an influence when the time comes to decide the destination you travel to. The attractions will vary depending on the people travelling to the destination as some people may be attracted to museums and other may be attracted to themes parks or some may just be happy with a beautiful leisure resort.

The language barrier may be a negative factor to some people but positive to others, as it can be found as a difficulty when communicating. Other my use the language barrier as a learning experience and use their time in a certain destination as a beneficial experience. There is no reason why a person will not be able to enjoy a trip to any destination as a result of the language barrier as most tourist destinations cater for most languages.

The climate in a destination is also a major factor when choosing a preferred destination to travel to. People are not likely to travel Japan during its monsoon season when they could travel to Spain and enjoy the sunshine. Other may not enjoy the heat and prefer to travel a cooler climate or even the snow in places such as Austria and Hungry.

At the moment political unrest is a major factor when it comes to choosing a destination. Due to the events of September 11th most people are now wearier of where they travelling to due to the fear factor. People do not want to travel to place were there is war, civil war or the treat of a terrorist attack. The events surrounding a country can make a huge impact on the number of tourist visit a certain country or continent.

Many people travel just to visit family members who live in are place were travelling is necessary, which means either interstate or overseas. This factor can also determine how long a people stays in a certain destination as they may want to spend a lot of time with family in order to catch up with them, or they may just travel to a wedding or another important family occasion.

At recent times the culture of a person is also becoming important when a person decides the destination they are travelling to. Example most people from the middle-east will now hesitate when travelling to America due to the events on September 11th, and most people from America will now also hesitate if travelling to the middle-east. This is not always the case as many people travel just to learn and enjoy different cultures.

The currency and exchange rate of a particular destination is also a factor when choosing a destination as it will cost much more to travel to places like England, America and Japan as the exchange rate from Australian dollars is so high. If people travel to places such as Bali Australian get much more for their money and are sometimes able to get more out of their holiday or visit with it also being much cheaper.

For people travelling overseas there are many procedures that are necessary to complete before gaining access to they’re chosen destination. The first procedure that is needed to be completed is the medical procedure. It is important to be vaccinated against diseases that may occur in the chosen destination or if you are carrying a disease it is also necessary for you to be vaccinated so that you do not past the disease go to other in your destination. Customs is also another procedure that is necessary before you leave to your chosen destination. After the events of September 11th security of what is brought in and out countries has really been tightened and much stricter. When travel the first thing that is needed is a passport if you do not own a passport it will almost impossible for a person to travel. When travel overseas it is also essential to have a visa as this enables you to stay in a country for a certain period of time and the passport gives you the clearance to enter your destination. There are different types of visa that are enable a person to do different things these visas are, working visas and residence visas. A visiting visa enabled you to visit the country for a short period of time and you must leave the country before or as soon as the visa expires. A working visa enables a person to stay in their destination and work for period of time which is more than that of a visiting visa. A residence visa allows a person to live in a country for a long period as long as you are working and not being a menace to society and have a steady financial background.

Within Australia they are also restrictions when a person is travelling. No passport or visa is needed when travel interstate or locally, but there are restrictions on the food and plants that are transported between the states of Australia because of the dangers of fruit fly. When travelling interstate all fruit must be given to the authorities so that they can dispose of it in the proper way. Other laws that exist are speed limits and drink driving which is enforced all around Australia by the police. National parks also have method of controlling tourism. These methods include putting tables and chairs in national parks to help stop plank and vegetation so erosion and damage. Rubbish bins have been placed throughout the parks so that wildlife is not harmed or injured. Nearly every tourist destination has it own set of rules and regulations that are made to create a peaceful atmosphere which are safe.

The four brochures that I chose to examine were Fleurieu Peninsula South Australia, Getaway Deals to Queensland, A-style adventures Peru and Vanuatu. When looking at the local South Australian guide on the Fleurieu Peninsula I noticed that a number of things. The front cover showed cattle walking across a road and a car waiting for them to cross. I believe that this piece appeals to an older age group as it looks like a calm peaceful atmosphere opposed to a place where there are a number of buildings were it is really busy. The language throughout the brochure is easy to read and understand. The language used is used to enhance the destination and descriptive words are used such as exquisite. The key points are highlighted using bold text and colours. There is a part in the brochure called ‘hot spots’ throughout the brochure are highlighted using bright colours and a bright red sun. The brochure also advertises many places to stay showing a picture of the accommodation and a brief description of the location. Also the pictures show a place where the sun is shining and there are a lot of happy people around. There is sandy beaches, wildlife and ocean life all shown to market this part of South Australia.

The second brochure that I viewed was a brochure on Queensland. The brochure was very plan it was, red, white or black. It did not contain one picture and did not appeal to me at all. In my opinion this is an example of a bad brochure. It has heaps of information about accommodation and airfares. But it is all information and not one single picture, which I thought was very poor. It told about the accommodation and airfares but nothing about what I could do in Queensland. I found it hard to read as the font was small and I also found it difficult to follow. I think the target group of this brochure would have to be someone stupid, as they would be choosing their accommodation without even seeing what it looked like.

The next brochure that I examined was a brochure on Peru. The front page shows the culture of the country with a picture on some ruins of the Inca temples. It the background it shows the mountains of Peru. In the inside on the front cover it shows a map on South American and outlines Peru, and has pictures of tourist attractions around Peru. It has planned tours that last for 14 and 20 days. It describes specialized tours and tells about the pink dolphin of the amazon. It has two pages of things to know before you go. It has picture, which reflex the culture of the people of Peru. The only way to travel to Peru from Australia is to catch a plane. I found this brochure easy to fellow, as it was a mix of good information and pictures. The marketing techniques used in this brochure I believe are good as it tell the information you need to know about Peru and its people. The target group of this brochure I believe is for young people between twenty and thirty.

The last brochure I examined was on Vanuatu it was a brochure that was full of colour. It showed the cultural aspect of the people of Vanuatu and the beautiful surroundings that they live in. the brochure has a page of maps so the reader knows exactly were Vanuatu is. The reach the destination you will need to travel by plane. Bonus offers have been highlighted so that they stand out for the reader. A number of tourist accommodations are shown in the brochure and the price and information is very useful. The pictures all show clear blue seas and magnificent landscapes. Many of the pictures include couples and I think this is because the target group for this particular brochure is for people who are going on honeymoons or young couple who what to go on holiday together. Every page has a border to bring out some bright colours to the viewer. I believe that all the photos have been enhanced, as it could not be so beautiful all year around. They are marketing Vanuatu in a good way and but they are making it look better than it really is.

The marketing techniques that have been used by the management of these tourist destinations were good besides the brochure on Queensland. They have good pictures, which show you were you, are going and what you will most properly see. All the information is easy to read and is clear beside the brochure on Queensland once again. Most of the photos related to the target group, which was good as it, helped me understand what each age group wanted from each destination. Most pictures show the best possible moment of the particular destination and what you need to remember is that it will not be as beautiful as the picture every day you are in or particular destination. I do believe that sex sales but in these particular brochures sex does not have much to do with the consumers choice of destinations, as they tend to relate and rely on the surroundings of the country or location. The marketing techniques were mainly false in the sense that what you see is sometimes not what you will witness. It will not look as great in real life as it does in the picture or in the brochure so the tourist will be let down and fell like he has been cheated.

Aim: To examine the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites.

The aim of this assignment is to investigate the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites. I will examine the choices that determine why people choose to go to their specific destination. I will also explain the management procedures that are employed by tourist destinations to control the movements of tourist, and how this determines the movements of tourist. The marketing techniques used by people employed in the tourism industry in attempt to sell products to tourist and weather I believe these methods are ethical.

Why people choose their destination of travel at a certain time of the year, the activities undertook while in their particular destination and how much time they spend in a certain destination are all determined by a number of factors. These factors include cost, attractions, language, history, climate, family, geographical location, culture, political unrest and the exchange rate. The most common factor amongst most people is the cost price to travel and stay in a certain destination. This prices change throughout the year depending on the seasons as there are peak and low periods in the tourist industry. Places like Vanuatu will have cheaper rates in the winter then it would in the summer as a place such as Vanuatu is in demand for tourist in the summer.

Attractions in a destination can also be an influence when the time comes to decide the destination you travel to. The attractions will vary depending on the people travelling to the destination as some people may be attracted to museums and other may be attracted to themes parks or some may just be happy with a beautiful leisure resort.

The language barrier may be a negative factor to some people but positive to others, as it can be found as a difficulty when communicating. Other my use the language barrier as a learning experience and use their time in a certain destination as a beneficial experience. There is no reason why a person will not be able to enjoy a trip to any destination as a result of the language barrier as most tourist destinations cater for most languages.

The climate in a destination is also a major factor when choosing a preferred destination to travel to. People are not likely to travel Japan during its monsoon season when they could travel to Spain and enjoy the sunshine. Other may not enjoy the heat and prefer to travel a cooler climate or even the snow in places such as Austria and Hungry.

At the moment political unrest is a major factor when it comes to choosing a destination. Due to the events of September 11th most people are now wearier of where they travelling to due to the fear factor. People do not want to travel to place were there is war, civil war or the treat of a terrorist attack. The events surrounding a country can make a huge impact on the number of tourist visit a certain country or continent.

Many people travel just to visit family members who live in are place were travelling is necessary, which means either interstate or overseas. This factor can also determine how long a people stays in a certain destination as they may want to spend a lot of time with family in order to catch up with them, or they may just travel to a wedding or another important family occasion.

At recent times the culture of a person is also becoming important when a person decides the destination they are travelling to. Example most people from the middle-east will now hesitate when travelling to America due to the events on September 11th, and most people from America will now also hesitate if travelling to the middle-east. This is not always the case as many people travel just to learn and enjoy different cultures.

The currency and exchange rate of a particular destination is also a factor when choosing a destination as it will cost much more to travel to places like England, America and Japan as the exchange rate from Australian dollars is so high. If people travel to places such as Bali Australian get much more for their money and are sometimes able to get more out of their holiday or visit with it also being much cheaper.

For people travelling overseas there are many procedures that are necessary to complete before gaining access to they’re chosen destination. The first procedure that is needed to be completed is the medical procedure. It is important to be vaccinated against diseases that may occur in the chosen destination or if you are carrying a disease it is also necessary for you to be vaccinated so that you do not past the disease go to other in your destination. Customs is also another procedure that is necessary before you leave to your chosen destination. After the events of September 11th security of what is brought in and out countries has really been tightened and much stricter. When travel the first thing that is needed is a passport if you do not own a passport it will almost impossible for a person to travel. When travel overseas it is also essential to have a visa as this enables you to stay in a country for a certain period of time and the passport gives you the clearance to enter your destination. There are different types of visa that are enable a person to do different things these visas are, working visas and residence visas. A visiting visa enabled you to visit the country for a short period of time and you must leave the country before or as soon as the visa expires. A working visa enables a person to stay in their destination and work for period of time which is more than that of a visiting visa. A residence visa allows a person to live in a country for a long period as long as you are working and not being a menace to society and have a steady financial background.

Within Australia they are also restrictions when a person is travelling. No passport or visa is needed when travel interstate or locally, but there are restrictions on the food and plants that are transported between the states of Australia because of the dangers of fruit fly. When travelling interstate all fruit must be given to the authorities so that they can dispose of it in the proper way. Other laws that exist are speed limits and drink driving which is enforced all around Australia by the police. National parks also have method of controlling tourism. These methods include putting tables and chairs in national parks to help stop plank and vegetation so erosion and damage. Rubbish bins have been placed throughout the parks so that wildlife is not harmed or injured. Nearly every tourist destination has its own set of rules and regulations that are made to create a peaceful atmosphere which are safe.

The four brochures that I chose to examine were Fleurieu Peninsula South Australia, Getaway Deals to Queensland, A-style adventures Peru and Vanuatu. When looking at the local South Australian guide on the Fleurieu Peninsula I noticed that a number of things. The front cover showed cattle walking across a road and a car waiting for them to cross. I believe that this piece appeals to an older age group as it looks like a calm peaceful atmosphere opposed to a place where there are a number of buildings were it is really busy. The language throughout the brochure is easy to read and understand. The language used is used to enhance the destination and descriptive words are used such as exquisite. The key points are highlighted using bold text and colours. There is a part in the brochure called ‘hot spots’ throughout the brochure are highlighted using bright colours and a bright red sun. The brochure also advertises many places to stay showing a picture of the accommodation and a brief description of the location. Also the pictures show a place where the sun is shining and there are a lot of happy people around. There is sandy beaches, wildlife and ocean life all shown to market this part of South Australia.

The second brochure that I viewed was a brochure on Queensland. The brochure was very plan it was, red, white or black. It did not contain one picture and did not appeal to me at all. In my opinion this is an example of a bad brochure. It has heaps of information about accommodation and airfares. But it is all information and not one single picture, which I thought was very poor. It told about the accommodation and airfares but nothing about what I could do in Queensland. I found it hard to read as the font was small and I also found it difficult to follow. I think the target group of this brochure would have to be someone stupid, as they would be choosing their accommodation without even seeing what it looked like.

The next brochure that I examined was a brochure on Peru. The front page shows the culture of the country with a picture on some ruins of the Inca temples. It the background it shows the mountains of Peru. In the inside on the front cover it shows a map on South American and outlines Peru, and has pictures of tourist attractions around Peru. It has planned tours that last for 14 and 20 days. It describes specialized tours and tells about the pink dolphin of the amazon. It has two pages of things to know before you go. It has picture, which reflex the culture of the people of Peru. The only way to travel to Peru from Australia is to catch a plane. I found this brochure easy to fellow, as it was a mix of good information and pictures. The marketing techniques used in this brochure I believe are good as it tell the information you need to know about Peru and its people. The target group of this brochure I believe is for young people between twenty and thirty.

The last brochure I examined was on Vanuatu it was a brochure that was full of colour. It showed the cultural aspect of the people of Vanuatu and the beautiful surroundings that they live in. the brochure has a page of maps so the reader knows exactly were Vanuatu is. The reach the destination you will need to travel by plane. Bonus offers have been highlighted so that they stand out for the reader. A number of tourist accommodations are shown in the brochure and the price and information is very useful. The pictures all show clear blue seas and magnificent landscapes. Many of the pictures include couples and I think this is because the target group for this particular brochure is for people who are going on honeymoons or young couple who what to go on holiday together. Every page has a border to bring out some bright colours to the viewer. I believe that all the photos have been enhanced, as it could not be so beautiful all year around. They are marketing Vanuatu in a good way and but they are making it look better than it really is.

The marketing techniques that have been used by the management of these tourist destinations were good besides the brochure on Queensland. They have good pictures, which show you were you, are going and what you will most properly see. All the information is easy to read and is clear beside the brochure on Queensland once again. Most of the photos related to the target group, which was good as it, helped me understand what each age group wanted from each destination. Most pictures show the best possible moment of the particular destination and what you need to remember is that it will not be as beautiful as the picture every day you are in or particular destination. I do believe that sex sales but in these particular brochures sex does not have much to do with the consumers choice of destinations, as they tend to relate and rely on the surroundings of the country or location. The marketing techniques were mainly false in the sense that what you see is sometimes not what you will witness. It will not look as great in real life as it does in the picture or in the brochure so the tourist will be let down and fell like he has been cheated.

Aim: To examine the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites.

The aim of this assignment is to investigate the effects of marketing techniques used in tourist brochures or web sites. I will examine the choices that determine why people choose to go to their specific destination. I will also explain the management procedures that are employed by tourist destinations to control the movements of tourist, and how this determines the movements of tourist. The marketing techniques used by people employed in the tourism industry in attempt to sell products to tourist and weather I believe these methods are ethical.

Why people choose their destination of travel at a certain time of the year, the activities undertook while in their particular destination and how much time they spend in a certain destination are all determined by a number of factors. These factors include cost, attractions, language, history, climate, family, geographical location, culture, political unrest and the exchange rate. The most common factor amongst most people is the cost price to travel and stay in a certain destination. This prices change throughout the year depending on the seasons as there are peak and low periods in the tourist industry. Places like Vanuatu will have cheaper rates in the winter then it would in the summer as a place such as Vanuatu is in demand for tourist in the summer.

Attractions in a destination can also be an influence when the time comes to decide the destination you travel to. The attractions will vary depending on the people travelling to the destination as some people may be attracted to museums and other may be attracted to themes parks or some may just be happy with a beautiful leisure resort.

The language barrier may be a negative factor to some people but positive to others, as it can be found as a difficulty when communicating. Other my use the language barrier as a learning experience and use their time in a certain destination as a beneficial experience. There is no reason why a person will not be able to enjoy a trip to any destination as a result of the language barrier as most tourist destinations cater for most languages.

The climate in a destination is also a major factor when choosing a preferred destination to travel to. People are not likely to travel Japan during its monsoon season when they could travel to Spain and enjoy the sunshine. Other may not enjoy the heat and prefer to travel a cooler climate or even the snow in places such as Austria and Hungry.

At the moment political unrest is a major factor when it comes to choosing a destination. Due to the events of September 11th most people are now wearier of where they travelling to due to the fear factor. People do not want to travel to place were there is war, civil war or the treat of a terrorist attack. The events surrounding a country can make a huge impact on the number of tourist visit a certain country or continent.

Many people travel just to visit family members who live in are place were travelling is necessary, which means either interstate or overseas. This factor can also determine how long a people stays in a certain destination as they may want to spend a lot of time with family in order to catch up with them, or they may just travel to a wedding or another important family occasion.

At recent times the culture of a person is also becoming important when a person decides the destination they are travelling to. Example most people from the middle-east will now hesitate when travelling to America due to the events on September 11th, and most people from America will now also hesitate if travelling to the middle-east. This is not always the case as many people travel just to learn and enjoy different cultures.

The currency and exchange rate of a particular destination is also a factor when choosing a destination as it will cost much more to travel to places like England, America and Japan as the exchange rate from Australian dollars is so high. If people travel to places such as Bali Australian get much more for their money and are sometimes able to get more out of their holiday or visit with it also being much cheaper.

For people travelling overseas there are many procedures that are necessary to complete before gaining access to they’re chosen destination. The first procedure that is needed to be completed is the medical procedure. It is important to be vaccinated against diseases that may occur in the chosen destination or if you are carrying a disease it is also necessary for you to be vaccinated so that you do not past the disease go to other in your destination. Customs is also another procedure that is necessary before you leave to your chosen destination. After the events of September 11th security of what is brought in and out countries has really been tightened and much stricter. When travel the first thing that is needed is a passport if you do not own a passport it will almost impossible for a person to travel. When travel overseas it is also essential to have a visa as this enables you to stay in a country for a certain period of time and the passport gives you the clearance to enter your destination. There are different types of visa that are enable a person to do different things these visas are, working visas and residence visas. A visiting visa enabled you to visit the country for a short period of time and you must leave the country before or as soon as the visa expires. A working visa enables a person to stay in their destination and work for period of time which is more than that of a visiting visa. A residence visa allows a person to live in a country for a long period as long as you are working and not being a menace to society and have a steady financial background.

Within Australia they are also restrictions when a person is travelling. No passport or visa is needed when travel interstate or locally, but there are restrictions on the food and plants that are transported between the states of Australia because of the dangers of fruit fly. When travelling interstate all fruit must be given to the authorities so that they can dispose of it in the proper way. Other laws that exist are speed limits and drink driving which is enforced all around Australia by the police. National parks also have method of controlling tourism. These methods include putting tables and chairs in national parks to help stop plank and vegetation so erosion and damage. Rubbish bins have been placed throughout the parks so that wildlife is not harmed or injured. Nearly every tourist destination has its own set of rules and regulations that are made to create a peaceful atmosphere which are safe.

The four brochures that I chose to examine were Fleurieu Peninsula South Australia, Getaway Deals to Queensland, A-style adventures Peru and Vanuatu. When looking at the local South Australian guide on the Fleurieu Peninsula I noticed that a number of things. The front cover showed cattle walking across a road and a car waiting for them to cross. I believe that this piece appeals to an older age group as it looks like a calm peaceful atmosphere opposed to a place where there are a number of buildings were it is really busy. The language throughout the brochure is easy to read and understand. The language used is used to enhance the destination and descriptive words are used such as exquisite. The key points are highlighted using bold text and colours. There is a part in the brochure called ‘hot spots’ throughout the brochure are highlighted using bright colours and a bright red sun. The brochure also advertises many places to stay showing a picture of the accommodation and a brief description of the location. Also the pictures show a place where the sun is shining and there are a lot of happy people around. There is sandy beaches, wildlife and ocean life all shown to market this part of South Australia.

The second brochure that I viewed was a brochure on Queensland. The brochure was very plan it was, red, white or black. It did not contain one picture and did not appeal to me at all. In my opinion this is an example of a bad brochure. It has heaps of information about accommodation and airfares. But it is all information and not one single picture, which I thought was very poor. It told about the accommodation and airfares but nothing