There is no hope of doing perfect research (Griffiths, 1998, p97), looking at a research that has been done by several resear

There is no hope of doing perfect research (Griffiths, 1998, p97), looking at a research that has been done by several resear


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There is no hope of doing perfect research (Griffiths, 1998, p97), looking at a research that has been done by several researchers to lead to different results.

What is research? Research is the process of discovering, or finding something that has not been found or discovered before. It is the process that usually gives answers to questions individuals have on something and; therefore, research is a process that is continuous. There is only one thing that can be compared to research, and that is technological innovations. Think about it; today we have a mobile phone that is deemed perfect, tomorrow another cell phone is innovated that seems perfect that the latter. Computers are the same too, today we have a perfect computer and tomorrow it is eliminated from the race by another perfect computer. So yes, I agree with Griffiths when he argues that there is no hope of ever attaining a research that is perfect. This paper will explore this argument further by looking at a research that has been done by several researchers to lead to different results.

To assert the point that research can never be perfect, it is essential to look at a study that was carried out by a number of researchers to come up with disagreeing facts. An example of search a study is the one on the causes of acne. Acne has been indicated to be as a result of a number of factors. Some researchers argue that it is genetic while other argues that it is cause by lifestyle. A study carried out by Hyde indicates that acne can be caused by the consumption of fats that are high in fats. The reason why the researcher thought fatty foods could result to acne was because he thought that fatty foods create instability in blood sugar because of the fact that fatty foods make blood sugar increase extremely quickly and reduce at the same rate. This rapid change in the blood sugar levels, according to the researcher, led to severe changes and reactions of body hormones, something that eventually led to acne. The article also argued that foods high in fats slow down the transport of oxygen, as well as, nutrients into the cell, increasing chances of developing acne (Hyde 1).

Rudis published another article that gave an entirely different argument about the causes of acne. She was of the idea that the causes of acne are based on genetics, and that other factor such as changes in the levels of hormones, bacteria, and overactive oil glands complemented the genetics aspect. This study implied that acne has nothing to do with the consumption of fatty foods or blood sugar as the first article had implied that acne is caused by the interplay of numerous factors, all which had nothing to do with the factors the previously reviewed article had mentioned (Rudis 1).

The two articles reviewed above further and confirm the claim by Griffiths that research can never be perfect. If research were perfect, then it would be expected that any study carried out on the same subject should obtain similar results or outcomes. Rather, most of the surveys that have been carried out indicate that different studies by different researchers obtain different results and outcomes. As it follows, it is clear from the above examples that Griffiths was correct when he claimed that research is not perfect, and there is no hope of ever conducting a perfect research.


Hyde, Daniel. ‘Foods that Cause Acne: Fact or Fiction.’ 8. Web. 12 September 2011.

Rudis, Jacquelyn. ‘True or False: Eating Chocolate (or Other Fatty Foods) Causes Acne.’ (Health Library Army Medical Center) EBSCO, 2010. Web12 September 2011.