The expression I AM clearly brings out the identity of Jesus Christ
The expression “I AM” clearly brings out the identity of Jesus Christ. This starts in the Old Testament where God is sending Moses to deliver the children of Israel from slavery. Moses asks Him who I will say has sent me. Here the Lord brings out His identity and He says “I AM WHO I AM” meaning that He is Jehovah. The statement I AM is clearly identified in the book of Isaiah and later in the book of John where Jesus Christ the son of God brings out His identity. The essay identifies where the statement I AM is in the Bible, the events that surround it, how the statement relates to God as revealed in the Old Testament and lastly how the statement reveals the deity of Christ.
In the book of John chapter 6, Jesus says that He is the bread of life, and he who comes to him will never go hungry or thirsty. This is clearly evident when He feeds the 5000 men. Even after feeding them some were asking for more miracles that is why Jesus Christ brought out this statement to show that he who is in Him will never lack. This also enabled him to bring out His identity. What he meant by saying that He is the bread of life was that whoever accepts Him he will never have spiritual hunger. At the well, Jesus told the woman that whoever drinks the water shall never thirst. This means that Jesus would give eternal life to those who accept Him in their lives and in Him our spiritual hunger and thirst is quenched.
In John chapter 8, Jesus says that He is the light of the world and whoever comes to Him will never work in darkness. Here he wanted to make it clear to His disciples that whoever is in Him will have the power to understand the spiritual truth because He is the light that leads His people into the true destiny. By being the light of the world, he showed that He can bring light in every situation. Where there is no joy, He brings joy. He provided where there is no hope and finally heals our diseases.
Jesus says, “I AM the gate” and whoever enters through Him will be saved”. This means that salvation is through Jesus Christ. No one comes to Him except through Him. Here Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and was trying to open up their understanding of who He was. He wanted them to understand that salvation is only through him. In this context, He gave them an example of a man who enters the sheep pen through another way apart from the main gate. He said that, that person is a robber. By this, he clearly meant that He provides full joy to people who receive His salvation through Him. Freedom only comes through Him. The book Psalms says, “Goodness and mercy shall follow only those who dwell in the house of the Lord”. That is those who acknowledge Jesus Christ and enter into salvation through Him.
In the same context, while talking to the Pharisees He said, “I am the good shepherd”. That is after receiving the salvation Jesus Christ is responsible for all their endeavors. The responsibility of a shepherd is to make sure that the sheep are safe. He gives an example and says that He is a good shepherd and He does not behave like the hired shepherd. He will do anything to make sure that He rescues the sheep’s life. He says that He is laying down His life for the sheep. This shows that He considers the sheep’s life more important than His own life. That is why He is willing to lie down is life to take care of His sheep no matter the condition and the situation.
In Bethany, a man named Lazarus was sick. Jesus was called by Lazarus sisters who are Mary and Martha so that He may resurrect their brother Lazarus. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life”. The disciples and some of the Pharisees did not believe that Jesus Christ would resurrect Lazarus. That is why He echoed this statement to confirm to them that He was the life. Apart from providing eternal life He was also able to provide physical life and in abundance. In the book of John 3: 16, Jesus clearly says that He who believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. It is important to note, Jesus clearly showed that, in Him, there is life in abundance. That is both physical and eternal life. That is why in Lazarus occasion He later resurrected Him.
In one of the occasions, one of His disciples, who is Thomas told Jesus that they did know where He was going so how can they follow Him. Jesus answered him “I am the way the truth and the life. This meant that for one to approach the throne of God you had to follow Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the way and the truth no one enters the kingdom of God apart from following Jesus Christ. By saying that He is the way He wanted to clear the disciples mind and imagination by telling them that He was truly the way to eternal life. In the same occasion, Philip asked Jesus how they can see the father Jesus answered him and said that He is the father this clearly showed that He was the way the truth and the life.
Jesus tells His disciples “I am the vine and you are the branches”. When one becomes a new creation in Christ, it is required of him to give produce. That is why for one to abide in Jesus Christ he or she must accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ in his or her life because you must stay attached to the vine for you to produce. The gardener who is God takes away every branch that does not produce. That is why Jesus was encouraging His disciples to abide in Him and produce fruits for the kingdom of God.
In conclusion, the statement “I AM” confirms Christ deity. This is because it was questioned many times by both Satan and man. In the book of Matthew Satan questions the identity of Jesus by leading Him into temptations but in the end He overcomes. The Pharisees also questions His identity. That is why in one of the occasion they tell Jesus “If you are the Christ tell us plainly”. In the book of Isaiah Jesus applies the language of deity to clearly bring out His identity as Jehovah.
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