The Evolution of Management

The Evolution of Management

The Evolution of Management

Based on the article, “The Management Century”, there were three respects of management. The first one was called conscious raising where management was viewed as a set of practices that could be studied and then improved. In conscious raising, management was to be deeply rooted in economics, which entailed reaching for the highest efficiency by simply using the available resources. Three eras then punctuated the period from early 1880’s to date. During the first error that occurred in the years that preceded World War II, scientific exactitude aspirations led to ambitions of self-proclaimed, new elite. The second era took place from 1940s to 1980s. It was called the recognized as the managerial era of good feelings, its apogee of widespread public support and self-confidence. The last and ongoing era has been marked by a particular retreat- into servitude to market forces, specialization, and declining moral ambitions. Moreover, it has also been an era characterized by global triumph that is majorly measured by agreement on specific crucial ideas, the worldwide march of MBA degree, steadily improving productivity, and an overall elevation of expectations on how employees ought to be treated.

My understanding of management has generally evolved significantly over time. This is because the world of business, leadership, innovation and management is dynamic and at every point in time, thing change. This has necessitated my need to acquire the new skills, knowledge and mindset in order to cope up with the changing times in the global environment. The approach given to management during the shareholder capitalism’s ascent over stakeholder capitalism in the mid nineteenth century cannot be used now in the 21st Century. A new concept and approach has to be adapted known as the shift towards leadership and innovation in order to provide the fundamental leadership that resonates with the current global standards requirement.