The authors conducted large-scale surveys in six different countries to establish the native’s perspective

The authors conducted large-scale surveys in six different countries to establish the native’s perspective


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Alesina, A., Miano, A., & Stantcheva, S. (2020). Immigration and Redistribution. NBER. Retrieved 3 October 2020, from


The authors conducted large-scale surveys in six different countries to establish the native’s perspective on the issue of immigration and the perceptions which influence their preferences in regards to redistribution. The findings of this study show that most natives overestimate the number of immigrants in their country, have bias in regards to the cultural affiliation, religious affiliation and economic status of immigrants. The natives also believe that immigrants are more favored by the government in transfer of social funds for assistance than it is usually the case. In general, the study showed that natives have overall negative perceptions over immigrants. This they relate to the consequent effect on redistribution, where they established that many natives gave less support to the idea of redistribution such as charities. The authors, however, argue that this point of view on immigrants and redistribution is greatly influenced by untrue narratives on the matter which are rarely checked against facts. They add that the facts actually say contrary on the effect that immigrants have on social amenities.


Dustmann, C., Schönberg, U., & Stuhler, J. (2016). The Impact of Immigration: Why Do Studies Reach Such Different Results?. Journal Of Economic Perspectives, 30(4), 31-56.

This article basically studies the impact that immigration has on wages using empirical models of policy research. They review empirical literature on the subject, with totality and relativity of variables “inelastic and heterogenous labor supply of the natives” and “downgrading of immigrants” used as the key assumptions. The authors observe that downgrading of immigrants in the labor market occurs when their position is relatively lower in comparison to those of natives in the same position. This implies that the immigrants receive relatively lower pay for the same skills as compared to the natives. When considering the variables, the study found that heterogenous labor supply elasticities are complicate the process of estimating wages when the effects are studied relatively instead of in totality, similarly downgrading is supposed to lead to biased estimates when the effects are studied relatively rather than in totality. In a nutshell, empirical models of establishing the effects of immigration of wages answer critical policy questions when studied in totality.


Farris, E., & Silber Mohamed, H. (2018). Picturing immigration: how the media criminalizes immigrants. Politics, Groups, And Identities, 6(4), 814-824.

This article central point is that the media’s portrayal of immigrants creates either a positive or negative perception of the issue of immigration in the public. The authors build on previous studies and pictorial evidences to examine the legality of the media coverage on the issue. The finding of this research is that the press, indeed, severally presents the picture of immigrants as undocumented and show images of the immigrants that are either detained or arrested. The analysis carried out shows that the media have the tendency to portray immigrants in a negative way knowing very well that the statistics on the threat that immigrants pose are quite opposite. The authors argue that this negative coverage of the immigration issue by the media has led to hostile attitudes towards immigrants as well as general public support for punitive measures in the formulation of immigration policy.



This article main purpose is to help bridge the gap of knowledge that exists in the study of the criminality of undocumented immigrants. The primary research question for the article is whether undocumented persons, otherwise referred to as aliens, increases violent crimes. Therefore, the authors use demographic statistics of undocumented immigrants all over the U.S. to analyze the possible existence of a relationship between undocumented immigration and violent crimes. Using regression models in the analysis, the study reveals that there is no relationship between an increase in violent crimes and undocumented migration. Using supplemental models of victimization data and instrumental variable methods, the authors establish that there exists little evidence that the aforementioned results are because of decreased reporting. Therefore, the policy of immigration enforcement in recent decades are not founded on hard facts.


Ousey, G., & Kubrin, C. (2018). Immigration and Crime: Assessing a Contentious Issue. Annual Review Of Criminology, 1(1), 63-84.

This article seeks to establish the general relationship between immigration and crime. The study uses recent research on immigration-crime relationship to synthesize the factuality of the matter through a combined approach of qualitative method of literature review and quantitative method of systematic meta-analysis. The findings of this research showed that the relationship between immigration and crime is generally negative although the scale of negativity varies from one literature to another.