The article Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a review of the essential facts by Daley D

The article Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a review of the essential facts by Daley D

Life Span Development





The article “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a review of the essential facts” by Daley D examined the various issues pertaining to the condition. It explains that ADHD refers to a complex disorder that results from genetic and environmental influences or factors. Daley explains that while there has been modification in the name for the last five decades, ADHD’s current diagnosis shares the core inattention, impulsivity, motor restlessness, and symptoms with the earlier terms. The earlier terms include hyperactive child syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction and attention deficit disorder. In addition, the writer states that the etiological explanations of the disorder are either environmental or biological. Biological explanations of the disorder include brain structure and genetics, as well as their bearing on neuropsychology. The predisposing environmental factors include diet and parenting. As concerning intervention methods, the writer focuses on psychosocial intervention and the use of medication. However, he acknowledges that the use of medication has been known to have side effects especially in the case of children below school going age. He also examines asserts the fact that very little is known concerning the relationship between the later expression of ADHD disorder and the early hyperactivity.

It is noteworthy that the writer has been very thorough in examining the predisposing factors and the causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. However, the intervention section has been virtually neglected in this journal. Unlike the other sections, the writer has not examined any specific methods of interventions that are used in treating Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but only goes on to generalize in the form of medication and psychosocial intervention methods.

In addition, the writer has ignored the significance of dietary methods of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Supplementing or modifying one’s diet would in fact remedy the symptoms that are associated with the disorder. In any case, he had acknowledged that the condition could also be caused by the diet of the individual. Would it not follow that changes in the diet would be effective in treating it? Studies show that an individual could eliminate toxic additives in the diet and consume more organic whole foods in order to remedy the problem (Selikowitz, 2009). Food dyes, synthetic sweeteners, processed foods and artificial additives have been shown to trigger abnormalities in the brain, which spurs uncontrollable behavior and inattentiveness. Given that diet plays a significant role in enhancing focus, behavior, and metal capacity, the writer could have done more than mention it among the causes.

In addition, the writer opines that parenting has a bearing on the occurrence of children as well as their parents. While this may be the case, it is noteworthy that the writer does not provide a clear relationship between parenting and the occurrence of ADHD. In addition, that assertion would raise question as to whether the disorder is an ailment or just a result of the environment. It is noteworthy that ADHD has been shown to have a relationship with an individual’s genetic makeup. In this case, the assertion that the condition would arise as a result of parenting raises questions as to whether parenting would have any impact on the genetic make-up of a child or even the parent. Science has shown that this is impossible, which raises questions as to the assertion that parenting causes ADHD (Selikowitz, 2009)


Much is unknown about ADHD, not only as pertaining to it very nature but also on its causes and even the possible remedies. Much still remains to be done on the issue in order to offer a clear explanation to these issues.


Mark Selikowitz, 2009. ADHD. London: Oxford University Press.

D. Daley. (2006). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a review of the essential facts

Child: Care, Health and Development journals, Volume 32, Issue 2, pages 193–204
