Strategies for Preventing the Growing Rate of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Kieandra Tatum
Texas Southern University
Strategies for Preventing the Growing Rate of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Several studies have indicated an elevated risk of sexually transmitted infections for college students in the United States. The STDs’ occurrence remains unacceptably high in the United States despite efforts in screening methods, diagnosis, and treatment. The disease remains the most common transmissible virus in the state, with approximates of new and existing infections adding more than 110 million. For instance, a case study of Texas Southern University indicates that 25% of learners have a sexually transmitted disease. Adolescents aged between 16 to 25 years account for more than half of different sexually transmitted diseases yearly, representing just 25% of the sexually active population (Whiting t al., 2019). There is a need for effective prevention of STDs as a high priority among college learners in the United States.
One of the concept strategies for preventing diseases’ growing rate is to provide sexual health information to college students like those at Texas Southern University. They need precise and comprehensive sex education to evade STDs and alleviate their impacts (Habel et al., 2017). Programs should offer learners accurate information about transmission, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of STDs. It is essential to equip them with skills to talk about their sexual independence healthily and foster healthy relationships, such as promoting condom use and understanding consent. The sexual wellbeing information given ought to be age suitable and respectful of, responsive to a variety of sexual orientations, racial backgrounds, and gender identities.
Policymakers and advocates addressing STDs among college students should support the necessities of those most vulnerable to STDs by access to medical care, confidential services, precautionary technologies, and vaccines (Whiting et al., 2019). Another strategy is to guarantee testing and treatment. Young individuals must get high-quality and accessible STD diagnosis and treatment services to prevent further transmission. Offer preventive care is another strategy that should reduce the growing rate of infection among college students. Public health specialists should approach sexually transmitted diseases from two angles: preventing adolescents from getting the disease in the initial place and averting them from disseminating it to others. Principal preventive methodologies include expedited partner therapy, vaccines, and condoms. The college students should also be guaranteed distinguished and supportive care. Sexual transmitted diseases prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are incredibly stigmatized subjects that adolescents are usually quiet to talk over. Still, insurers and providers can form a setting in which all sufferers feel cared for and respected.
Through the methods listed above, it is possible that when a person goes to seek medical assistance for a problem in hand, they will feel safer, and they will be courageous knowing that no one will look at them with a funny face or look at them in a judgmental manner. It is in line with making sure that this happens that there have been efforts to introduce expedited partner therapy. This is a type of treatment whereby the sex partner is treated for the disease through the other partner who dares to seek medical assistance. Therefore what happens in this program is that one partner who goes to the hospital is given medicine to take to the other partner who is unwilling to go to school. Therefore the treatment happens through one partner acting as the link between the doctors or the hospital and the patient.
Some people have discouraged this as they say that it is essential that a person be checked first. However, as of the current time, it is seen as one of the best ways to solve sexually transmitted infections which have become a big problem to a considerable population for quite some time now. Even though this is practical and is happening with some people, only two sexually transmitted diseases can be treated using the method, i.e., gonorrhea and chlamydia. The center has approved this for disease control prevention (CDC) because it is the only option for treating these patients when they cannot come to the hospitals for treatment due to the varied nature.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) acknowledges that it is through the introduction of the treatment without physical presence that the rate of disease transfer and widespread has been lowered. One of the reasons that necessitated this kind of treatment is the increasing infertility rates, especially among ladies and women who cannot come out and seek medical attention (ACOG, 208). The inability to come out and seek medical attention is associated with fear and the deep-rooted feeling that a person did the wrong thing. The patients are always encouraged to stop feeling sorry for the past and face the future with optimism.
Other ways of encouraging that sexually transmitted infections do not make the population lame are through the encouragement of people to use condoms during sexual activity. This is one of the effective campaigns which make it possible for people to use condoms rather than risking themselves on a person whom they are not fully aware of his/ her status. Therefore campaigns like love condoms are entrusted with making people love condoms and therefore use them more. The more they are used, the more there is a high probability of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Therefore, these kinds of campaigns make it possible to spread sexually transmitted diseases to cease or the rate to go down or just slow. When the spread slows, it is good news for those in the medical field, and it is a sign of a positive reaction to the measure put into place.
The use of vaccines also helps a great deal in facing the challenge of sexually transmitted diseases. According to Dr. Marleen Temmerman, the department of reproductive health at the world health organization, sexually transmitted infections are among the most significant health setbacks. Therefore, it has to be addressed as soon as possible. The use of vaccines is one of the best ways to deal with this issue. When vaccines are used, it becomes straightforward for a person to live a stress-free life knowing that they won’t get the disease they were once so afraid about getting, and therefore their sex life gets better. An STD also prevents a person from enjoying sexual activity, makes it worrying, and therefore focusing on getting a vaccine makes things better for a sexually active age. Therefore in this accord, there has been a lot of increased research in this same area of interest whereby the different institutions, both public and private, are trying to come up with vaccines for different STDs. Therefore it shows that there is a bright future for sexually transmitted disease control and containment.
Another way to make sure that a reduced number of those affected by the different sexually transmitted infections is to make sure that a person knows their status. This is by providing mandatory or free screening at designated areas and times. For example, when it’s a holiday or when a person is joining a college or university, they might be encouraged to go for testing. Therefore, it becomes easier to treat them rather than just waiting in the hospitals for the extreme cases to be brought to the hospital for treatment and management. Several states have tried this, and it works very well. Therefore it is an encouragement for the other states to think of employing this same method to make sure that testing is done and if a person is suffering from a disease, they get treatment as fast as possible.
The encouragement and the mob awareness about these sexually transmitted infections and how to deal with them if they find themselves with them are also essential. This is because it is only when a person knows something when they can deal with it. Therefore this access to information like symptoms and signs is critical. Some teenagers and youths get to have some sexually transmitted diseases, and they do not know if they are suffering from that or what they are supposed to do. Still, with the knowledge, it becomes straightforward for them to solve these challenges and continue with their lives peacefully. In this same awareness creation, it is also essential to create awareness for proper sexual behavior, which helps a person be unable to get these kinds of diseases. Therefore the sexual behavior should be watched keenly, and they are guided in the right manner into what they are supposed to do and how their sexual behavior should be like if they want to avoid some of these diseases.
Society should also change what is believed or known about sexual activities and anything else related to that. When a person feels shame for having a sexually transmitted infection, it means they can almost look for medical attention. Therefore it is essential to encourage and talk openly about sexual behavior, activities, and all the different issues related to it and how they affect a person’s life. This is because sexuality is a core part of human life. If given the attention needed, it becomes straightforward and possible to prevent diseases and infections that make a person ashamed.
Other methods of making sure that the sexually transmitted diseases do not overwhelm the sexually active people and especially the youths are to engage the youth in activities. Through the engagement in different activities, the teenagers or the youths will meet their peers. Once the youth come together, it will be the elder’s work to kick start a conversation about the issue of sexually transmitted infection, they affect them, and what can be done. This way, the research carried out, and information can help make sure that the youth get the information and everything else possible to make it possible for them to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections. The teenagers can be excellent agents of this course of action; however, they have to be facilitated and given the full support they need.
Therefore, in conclusion, the above methods, strategies, and ways of action, if encouraged, upheld, and practiced, can help change the sexual beliefs and negative thinking about anyone who might have a sexually transmitted infection and instead be able even to help them get medical support which they need very much. The agents of this change are the parents at home, the teachers and school, and most importantly, the young people’s peers. This is because it is at this age when a person is sexually active that they are likely to contract some of these diseases. The government also has a role to play in availing testing capabilities to all its citizens and ensuring that their health is prioritized.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2018). ACOG Committee Opinion Number 737-Expedited partner therapy. Obstet Gynecol, 131, e190-3.
Habel, M. A., Becasen, J. S., Kachur, R., Eastman-Mueller, H., & Dittus, P. J. (2017). Community colleges: Rethinking STD prevention for the nontraditional college campus. Community college journal of research and practice, 41(11), 747-756.
Renfro, K. J., Haderxhanaj, L., Coor, A., Eastman-Mueller, H., Oswalt, S., Kachur, R., … & Dittus, P. J. (2020). Sexual-risk and STI-testing behaviors of a national sample of non-students, two-year, and four-year college students. Journal of American College Health, 1-8.
Whiting, W., Pharr, J. R., Buttner, M. P., & Lough, N. L. (2019). Behavioral interventions to increase condom use among college students in the United States: a systematic review. Health Education & Behavior, 46(5), 877-888.
Whiting, W., Pharr, J. R., Buttner, M. P., & Lough, N. L. (2019). Behavioral interventions to increase condom use among college students in the United States: a systematic review. Health Education & Behavior, 46(5), 877-888.