Statistic Project
For this assignment you must choose a statistic that illustrates to you a stratification (inequality) we see in society. It can be on any of the topics in the textbook or from a current event in the media. You may want to consider the history, the current state or perhaps what you see as the future in regards to the issue, but make sure to use a statistic as the starting point for your research (and your presentation).
Your task is to create a visual presentation to illustrate your point. Depending on your comfort level with technology will most likely determine the presentation style you choose. You can choose to make a 3-5 minute video, create a slide show in PowerPoint, Prezi or another presentation product (using notes or narration to explain). Your presentation must contain a minimum of 12 slides. Your presentation should be creative. It should include visuals including images, charts, graphs, pictures etc. You can include written descriptions but they should be concise and easy to read.
When you have completed your project you should create a Blog Entry. You can write a short description of your project and then attach the file from your computer. During the following week you should watch the presentations of your classmates and comment on their presentations.