States the claim

States the claim


Student’s name



Should the Cost of College Education Be Free?


States the claim; College education should be made free

Premise of the claim

Why is at a moral issue

Thesis Statement: The essay uses the theory of utilitarianism to provide an argument as to why college education should be made free in the United States.

Background Information

Background about the theory of utilitarianism.

Supporting Arguments

Argument #1: Making College Education Free Improves Society

Argument #2: Making College Education Gives Students Freedom to Choose a Major they Love


Counter Argument #1: Making College Education Free Reduces Value of College Degrees


Thesis is restated.

Arguments are summarized

Works Cited

Jackson, Victoria. “Ohio Promise: Equitable Free College.” Policy Matters Ohio (2018).

Perna, Laura W., Elaine W. Leigh, and Stephanie Carroll. ““Free college:” A new and improved state approach to increasing educational attainment?.” American Behavioral Scientist 61.14 (2017): 1740-1756.