Statement of Problem Outline
Problem Statement: The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of Twitter on female students’ voting behavior during the 2020 presidential election at Bethune-Cookman University.
Research Question: Do tweets and hashtags have an influence on student’s voting behavior during the 2020 presidential election?
Twitter is a social media platform people can use to voice their opinions on current events and to socialize with friends.
It can also be a place where users who are students, can form political alliances to discuss solutions for the issues in their community.
This platform impacts female students’ voting behavior due to the algorithm of the political information that is shown on a user’s new feed as a result, this can influence a person’s vote.
Current Events
The 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Debate being live streamed on Twitter.
The US Inauguration Day 2021, twitter had the opportunity to live stream the ceremony.
News outlets such as CNN are users, @CNNPolitics.
Journal Article
This literature highlights the effect of Twitter on college student engagement and grades but does not mention the female students’ voting behavior during the 2020 presidential election (Heibergert, J. 2021, August/September).
There is a significant amount of literature that contest Twitter can influence students’ behavior (Heibergert, J. 2021, August/September).
My topic is significant because it focuses on the political interaction students have when they use Twitter.
Twitter is one of the social media platforms people used to voice their opinion and vote for politicians that would best run this country. Presidential campaign managers incorporate hashtags and create Twitter accounts to their method of citizens voting in favor of their candidate. Focus on me.
This research will represent a quantitative study and will be conducted through a survey instrument on female undergraduate students at Bethune-Cookman University.
My hypothesis is Twitter’s platform has an impact on female undergraduate students’ voting behavior during the 2020 Presidential Election.
The independent variable is Twitter.
My dependent variable is female undergraduate students’ voting behavior during the 2020 presidential election at Bethune-Cookman University
Heibergert, J. (2021, August/September). The effect of Twitter on college student engagement and grades. Retrieved from