State of Marriage and Family Today
State of Marriage and Family Today
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State of Marriage and Family Today
Marriage and family are among the fundamental structures in the society. Things are much different in today’s state of marriage and family compared to the traditional customs. The conditions lead to different reasoning and definition of this primary social element depending on the beliefs and the environment in which a person is grown. Marriage can be regarded as the social bond between two individuals that is lawfully acknowledged in the society, and traditionally it implies coming together permanently based on sexual affiliation as well as affection. The two are interconnected as marriage brings about a family. Family can be defined as an economic unit in the society that is formed by a legally recognized group in the regards blood bond, adoption or emotion. According to the precise research conducted it is clear that the state of marriage and family today in the society is fair. In this paper, the stand of family and marriage being fair is elaborated into a profound extent as well as the typical themes found in various research articles regarding the topic of discussion.
The matter concerning marriages and families are contradictory and are continuing to be inconsistent as days move. Considering the traditional perspectives regarding marriage it has to be strictly between a spouse that is a wife and a husband even though some cultures allows polygamy. It is also the case with religions in the community. Today, these customs and beliefs seem not to work where people mind more about their business and the issues of customary-marriage, single parents and same-sex marriage are trending and have become a way of life (Brown, 2015). Many young people have developed a phobia that nowadays marriages do not work in the society, and they end up preferring to be unmarried even if they will have to establish a family. The common factor of o family is believed to be children being the main reason why even same-sex individuals can comfortably adopt children and began a family.
The techniques applied in conducting the research include both qualitative and quantitative where interviews and survey methodologies were used respectively. Among the general questions regarding the state of marriage and family today were; what is the purpose of marriage? Why do many couples in the society prefer unmarried families? What are the primary components or requirements of a family? What kind of family do they prefer? Moreover, who should be the leader of a family? Regarding the purpose, if the marriage there were different responses such as for the reason of sharing responsibility, need of having a companion as well as doing it just because it is a stage in life where one needs to start a family. The majority were to start a family and sharing responsibilities.
Furthermore, the respondents stated that many people prefer unmarried families because of the divorce figure in the enormously increased. It makes many young people fear marriage and decide whether to start single families or live in customary marriages. Also, regarding the essential part of a family was concluded to be children. Considering the responses a family whether married, single, unmarried or same-sex marriage the essential thing is children whether adopted or born by the spouses. A significant percentage of the interviewees agreed that the bond of a family is kept healthy by the children and the core purpose of beginning a family has children. Many were against the traditional belief that father is the head of the family saying that both couples have the responsibility of making sure that the things are running on well. For instance, consider the case of a single parent or same-sex marriage which is legalized, who can be the head? The single parent will take all the responsibilities, and the same-sex partners will share the responsibilities in the family (Cherlin, 2010).
The common themes discussed in the related articles concerns same-sex marriage legalization changes from the tradition marriage ways and self-dependence as the hindrance of marriage today. Many instances regarding marriages and family have raised in the society where different groups such as same-sex marriage institutions are fighting for their rights and recognition as well as the single parents and unmarried ones. Change is inevitable, and people have to adopt it as generations come. The state of marriage and family today there is a significant variance compared to the traditional customs. People are fighting for independence regarding relationship issues as they are much concerned with their living standards and well-being and not affectionate as well as cultural beliefs. A small percentage of people remains in the religious boundaries where the marriage should be of opposite-sex couples, marriage should be carried on the recognized institutions, and same-sex marriage is regarded as immoral and is wholly condemned (Gates, 2015).
According to the discussion above, it is clear that the state of marriage and family today is fair. People have the right to choose among which bracket to fit and which form of marriage to prefer. Divorce has been a significant threat to the society which is bringing about family instabilities and lousy upbringing of the children. Therefore, it is the responsibility of marriage institutions as well as the public at the individual level to deal with it to make sure that it stops spreading to the coming generations. Family as an economic unit in the society enhances the social-economic well-being of the community. Hence, it should be treated with the respect it deserves, and it is everybody’s responsibility to curb the unethical evils that are ruining it.
Brown, S. L., Manning, W. D., & Stykes, J. B. (2015). Family structure and child well‐being: Integrating family complexity. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(1), 177-190.
Cherlin, A. J. (2010). The marriage-go-round: The state of marriage and the family in America today. Vintage.
Gates, G. J. (2015). Marriage and family: LGBT individuals and same-sex couples. The Future of Children, 25(2), 67-87.
Brown, S. L., Manning, W. D., & Stykes, J. B. (2015). Family structure and child well‐being: Integrating family complexity. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(1), 177-190.