Significance of the Research
Student’s Name
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Significance of the Research
Significance of the Proposed Research to the Field
My proposed study, which seeks to examine how narcissism contributes to antisocial behavior in men, will be of significant value to the field of psychology. While many scholars have investigated the relationship between narcissism and antisocial behaviors, most of the studies seek to establish whether there is a significant relationship between these variables. However, to the best of my knowledge, after establishing that there is a significant positive relationship between narcissism and antisocial behaviors in men, no study has further investigated how narcissism contributes to antisocial behavior in men. Thus, this is the research gap that this study seeks to fill. By examining how narcissism contributes to antisocial behavior in men, the study will help in understanding the source of antisocial behaviors in narcissistic men.
Significance of the Proposed Research to the General Public
My proposed study will also be of great value to the general public. The suggested research will be important to the public because narcissists and NPD patients do not seek therapy since it does not suit their current image and because narcissistic leaders interact negatively with their subordinates. Understanding various narcissism symptoms, such as arrogance, a lack of empathy, and narcissistic qualities, would help people better comprehend narcissistic people. Additionally, it will assist workers in comprehending the narcissism of their leaders and creating the necessary plans.
Significance of the Proposed Research to Participants and/or their communities
Lastly, this study will benefit the participants of the study and their communities. The participants of the proposed study will be narcissistic men. Therefore, the proposed study will benefit those who are affected by NPD at the lower end of the narcissistic spectrum by providing different therapy modalities and dos and don’ts for NPD treatment. Thus, this will allow the communities that they live in to better handle narcissism and its contribution to antisocial behavior.