Shaina Williams
Chapter 1Identify yourself as a traditional or nontraditional adult learner
Traditional learner
Identify personal resources that will facilitate your success in a vn nursing program
Academic Resources
Social support services
Using your birthdate, identify tour generation and characteristics of this generation viewed as a resource for success in a vn program.
Generation Z
Digital natives
Desire creative, collaboration & want to impact the world
Highly influenced using technology & always being highly connected
Prefer using smart phones & would rather text than talk
Identify factors and issues that could interfere with your use of resources in the vn program and strategies to address these factors and issues.
Difficulty of schoolwork and the amount of time it takes to complete assignments.
Personal issues- extremely busy with school and family affairs
Discuss personal responsibility for learning and active participation in the learning process.
receive and participate in evaluation
responsibility to learn
Instructors are not responsible for successful learning or for failure to learn. In fact, Instructors help students learn how to learn.
Discuss your rights as an adult learner.
First Amendment- freedom of expression
Fourteenth Amendment- due process
It states that if I were charged with a violation of policies or rules, I will be presented with evidence of my misconduct and will be entitled to state my position.
Right to have an organized curriculum and a responsible instructor who is prepared to teach it.
Identify various types of evaluation used in a practical/vn program
Theory tests- look at my tests with the goal of understanding why the correct answers are correct and why the wrong answers you gave are wrong
Clinical performance evaluations- comments directed toward my behavior and not me as a person
Create a personal plan, inclusive of your unique resources, aimed at successfully completing a vn program within the designated time frame.
Be aware of the rules and policies of my school and the practical/vn program
Keep a record of my grades as a course proceeds
Seek out my instructor when I am having difficulties in class or the clinical area
Prepare my own assignments
Be prepared in advance for classes and clinical experiences
When problems do develop, follow the recognized channels of communication both at school and in the clinical area
Chapter 2
Use techniques in learning situations that will increase your degree of concentration, improve your listening skills, enhance your comprehension (understanding) of information needed for critical thinking as a licensed practical nurse/licensed vocational nurse (LPN/LVN), and develop your ability to store information in long-term memory.
– Making study cards with key words and definitions
– Grouping terms together to create a concept map
– Studying in a clean, well-lit area
– Put up white boards or post notes around your study area for visual stimulation
– Get enough sleep so you can concentrate on learning the next day.
In addition, professors recommend that we don’t use our phones for social media or texting during class time. This is distracting and takes our attention away from their lesson plans.
Use hints for successful test-taking when taking tests in the LPN/LVN program.
-Break a sweat: I don’t want to be tempted to just skip the test or cheat
-Don’t get caught up with the scrap paper and pens that are offered, but do use them.
-Ask a friend how long every question takes! Sometimes questions feel like they take forever, so I make sure my time is accounted for
-Remember that there is always something new coming up! The next test will come along eventually. Don’t give up.
Identify your knowledge of your school’s learning resource center (LRC)
My knowledge of my school’s learning resource center (LRC) was put to the test one day when I was looking for something to help me with an assignment.
Discuss the value of reading assignments in periodicals.
1. Periodicals are a great way for students to combine their classroom learning with outside reading.
2. The reading time spent in periodicals will be more varied, and less repetitive than the same assignments from textbooks.
Use a digital database, and locate an article related to nursing
Hockenberry, M. J., & Wilson, D. (2018). Wong’s nursing care of infants and children-E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Discuss six hints used to gain full value from mini-lectures and PowerPoint presentations.
– Engage students by getting them on the right side of the room.
– Don’t rely of PowerPoint to tell your story. Add another layer to text, pictures, graphs and charts only when it will enhance understanding.
– Talk with passion and connect with your audience while presenting a mini-lecture or PowerPoint presentation.
– Create an environment that is conducive for listening – make eye contact with your audience and speak in a conversational tone.
– Use Microsoft OneNote for taking notes if you do not have access to Microsoft Word or PDF files during the presentation (or use voice recording).
Discuss the use of the resources such as labs, study groups, the Learning Management System (LMS), electronic devices, mannequins, and simulation (i.e. screen-based and virtual humans) in your personal learning.
In my personal learning, I utilize various resources such as abs, study groups, the Learning Management System (LMS), electronic devices, mannequins, and simulation (i.e. screen-based and virtual humans). The first thing to note is that I try and involve myself in as much of the course as possible. I attend lab sessions, and ask questions when a topic or concept is unclear. By asking questions in class, I am able to maximize the amount of knowledge I am able to gain from each section of the course.
For the past two semesters, I have been a part of a study group. I was able to learn from my peers in order to advance my knowledge and skills in cybersecurity. The study group helped me to develop the skills and confidence needed to pursue further training and employment in this field.
Describe how digital databases, nursing organizations, guest speakers, and mobile devices help you stay current in practical/vocational nursing.
Digital databases, nursing organizations, guest speakers, and mobile devices help me stay current in practical/vocational nursing. I use a nursing organization website to find articles on updated nursing research. The website aides in staying current with the latest information in my field. I also enjoy watching lectures from guest speakers and/or reading journal journals via digital databases. This keeps me up-to-date with the newest research findings and allows me to stay one step ahead of clinicians who may not have time to follow their field as closely as I do, or who may be out of date themselves.
Mobile devices are an invaluable tool for today’s nurses and other healthcare professionals, they allow us to access the most current information quickly and conveniently from any location (even from home).
Identify academic resources, in your local community, based on your unique personal qualities that will assist you to SUCCEED
Mentoring program where I can connect with graduate students and scholars to discuss more intricately any academic challenges that I may be facing.
My academic advisor who helps me stay organized, on track, and assists me in creating a personalized plan for future success.