Self-reflection on orientation

Self-reflection on orientation




DateSelf-reflection on orientation

Job orientation is an essential step in every new job. It helps the new employees understand what they are expected of, where they belong and how to get there. It also helps them learn this company’s work culture, which is usually different from the last company. In short, Job orientation is a way for companies to teach their new employees about the policies and procedures followed in the workplace so that it becomes easier for them to adjust themselves accordingly on their first day at work CITATION Zab12 l 1033 (Zablah, Franke, Brown, & Bartholomew, 2012).

It starts with a welcome speech from HR or HR leads who introduces him/herself and talks about his affiliation party with the company (which may include any relevant information about benefits). He will answer all the questions that the new employee is likely to have. The HR representative may ask questions in return, but as a new employee, you should not ask him any interview questions that you are familiar with or are still working on. A human resource representative does so because he wants to help bring your personality and skill into the company. He wants to test how comfortable you feel in the company and make sure that it is a good fit for you before you are given your first assignment CITATION Ram98 l 1033 (Ramamoorthy & Carroll, 1998).

The welcome speech will conclude with brief job orientation. During this, you will be given an outline, which will be mostly all the things you need to know to perform your duties and guidelines. For example, if it is your first day at work, you should ask any questions you may have about the organization and the rules and regulations followed by the company. This is important because it helps create a place for yourself in this company CITATION Zho16 l 1033 (Zhong, Wayne, & Liden, 2016). My first day at the workplace was perfect because I was given a chance to socialize with them even though we were not in the same department. It helped me understand how they worked and improved my communication with them.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Ramamoorthy, N., & Carroll, S. J. (1998). Individualism/collectivism orientations and reactions toward alternative human resource management practices. Human relations,, 571-588.

Zablah, A. R., Franke, G. R., Brown, T. J., & Bartholomew, D. E. (2012). How and when does customer orientation influence frontline employee job outcomes? A meta-analytic evaluation. . Journal of Marketing, , 21-40.

Zhong, L., Wayne, S. J., & Liden, R. C. (2016). Job engagement, perceived organizational support, high‐performance human resource practices, and cultural value orientations: A cross‐level investigation. Journal of Organizational Behavio, 823-844.