Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name: XXX
Grade Level: 8
Date: 26/10/2022
Subject: Mathematics
Instructional Plan Title: Introduction to differentiation
Lesson Summary and Focus: This lesson centrally focuses on introduction to differentiation, recaps on prerequisite knowledge and some basic techniques for differentiation. Additionally, it will guarantee that the pupils can meet the standards set by the common core for differentiation students in the eighth grade.
Classroom and Student Factors. Diana, one of the students in the class is one grade lower than her fellow classmates; she may lack the pre-requisites for learning differentiation.
Enrique is one grade below in reading and at grade level in mathematics. His IEP is ADHD. Enrique will have flashcards with differentiation formulas which he will be allowed to use throughout the lesson.
The rest of the students are at grade level in reading and math and are English language learners.
National/State Learning Standards: Define, evaluate and compare functions
Understand that a function is a rule that assigns each input to exactly one output
Define the derivative of a function as a limit
Differentiate simple functions
Specific Learning Targets: By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Relate differentiation with rates of change.
-Perform simple calculations involving limits and
-State the definition of a derivative as a limit
Academic Language: Function
I will use an example of a previously learnt function e.g., y=mx+c to define that a function is a relation from a set of inputs to a set of outputs; I’d then define a limit as the output of a function as the variable approaches a certain value. I will relate differentiation to rates of change to enhance the understanding of the learners.
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Textbooks
Video tutorials
Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
I will do a recap on prerequisite knowledge on functions and limits
I will introduce the lesson by asking them if it is possible to find out how fast a runner is accelerating a few exact seconds after the starting gun, listen to their responses and introduce differentiation as rate of change.
I will then allow them to watch a video tutorial on introduction to differentiation
15 minutes
Multiple means of Representation
20 minutes
Multiple Means of Engagement
Explain how to differentiate activities in different groups Vocabulary acquisition
I will use an example of a previously learnt function e.g., y=mx+c to define that a function is a relation from a set of inputs to a set of outputs; I’d then define a limit as the output of a function as the variable approaches a certain value. I will relate differentiation to rates of change to enhance the understanding of the learners.
Direct instruction
I will use an example of a simple equation of a known line to demonstrate to the learners the concept of differentiation
Concept attainment
I will then ask the students to calculate the gradient of the line and compare the value with what the value after differentiation. This will enable them to relate differentiation to rates of change
20 minutes
Multiple means of Expression
I will write examples on the board and ask leaners to volunteer to work out on the board, applaud them when they get it write and correct them when they are wrong.
I will give flashcards containing functions and others containing derivatives and ask the learners to match the functions with their derivatives. This will assist to assess the learner with ADHD in another method apart from oral.
I will give exercises to be done individually and in groups to test their understanding
15 minutes
Extension activity and homework
The learner who was one grade below will be assigned extra work on pre-requisite knowledge to improve their understanding.
All the learners will be assigned online gamified homework on the topic for practice to reinforce their understanding. (Link at the end of the lesson plan)
I day
The instructional modes used in the lesson; vocabulary acquisition, direct instruction and concept attainment meet the diverse learning needs of the class profile as these modes of instruction incorporate all types of learners i.e., visual auditory and kinesthetic. To meet the class profile needs, different learning styles and treatment can also be included in assessment (Magazine, 2016). For the concept attainment mode, when learners are able to draw conclusions by themselves, they develop a more in-depth understanding in the topic.
The instruction and assessment method meet the development needs of the learners as instructions are individualized to meet the needs of specific learners like fore the case of the student with ADHD, multi-colored flashcards with instructional content material will be used to help capture and maintain their attention and focus. The assessments used in the multiple means of expression will give the learners an opportunity to demonstrate what they already know and what they have understood giving the teacher a rubric for assessment hence influencing and strengthening future instructional decision. (Kovac, 2021)
The technological resources used include; video tutorials and online quizzes. These resources engage students and break the monotony of direct instruction. The online quizzes are set in in a game-like environment. This motivates the learners to do more practice hence enhancing learning.
To sum up, to meet the diverse learning needs of the learners, multiple modes of instruction and assessment are used to ensure smooth learning process in the classroom and al the learners needs are met.
Kovac, L. (2021, August 30). Multiple Means of Action or Expression. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).