Rubric for Research Papers (please have a copy of this rubric stapled on top of each paper) (2)

Rubric for Research Papers (please have a copy of this rubric stapled on top of each paper) (2)

Name: _____________________

Rubric for Research Papers (please have a copy of this rubric stapled on top of each paper)

Item Points/Points Possible

Rubric stapled on top


Proper formatting (12-pt. Times New Roman, double spaced, 4-5 pages, single-sided with 1” margins on all sides; cover page) /5

Paper is proof-read and uses complete sentences, paragraphs, punctuation, etc. /5

Proper use of citations (using APA style, with in-text citations and works cited list attached to back of paper)

*please note: automatic deduction of 100 points (i.e. all points) if no citations are used. Any question response that features uncited information will receive zero points. /10

Paper answers each of the questions included in the case study succinctly and accurately (please find specific notes from your instructor on your paper) *note that no points will be awarded for any response to a question that lacks a citation /75



*if paper is turned in after 11:59 pm on the date of the lecture exam, 40 points will be deducted, leaving a maximum of 60 points.

Case Study A&P II Options:

Choose one of the following diseases for a student. The student must then answer the following questions:

Q1. What is the main Pathology for this disease? Who primarily gets it and why? 15 points

Q2. How is this disease diagnosed and what are the necessary laboratory findings specific to this

disease? Please include blood work, radiology and necessary clinical tools for proper diagnosis in the

medical community? 10 points

Q3. Are there any significant signs and symptoms common to this disease? Are there similar disease’s

that might get confused with this disease? Compare how you would rule in or out the difference’s

between the different diseases similar to this one?

You must write this in essay format and then you can include a grid for compare and contrast.

25 points

Q4. Is there a genetic component to this disease? And what is the like hood that it will be inherited? 10points

Q5. How is this disease commonly treated in the medical community and what is the prognosis after

treatment? Please include if there are any natural therapies accepted amongst the medical

community? (Natural therapies: massage, exercise, nutrition etc.) 15 points

Hemophilia A&B

Addison’s Disease


Growth Hormone Deficiency

Hashimoto’s TyroiditisSickle Cell Anemia

Cushions Disease

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


Tertralogy of felotGliblastomaDiabetes 1&2 compare/contrast



UMNL/LMNL compare/contrast

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy


Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (compare/contrast 3 types)

GynomastiaHypo/hyperthyroidism compare/ contrast

Mitral valve stenosis





Cerebrovascular accident

Coronary Artery Disease




Burkitt’s lymphoma

Lyme Disease




Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome



Ectopic Pregnancy

Cervical Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Breast Cancer

Uterine Cancer

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Ovarian Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Gall Stones

Peptic Ulcer

Irritable Bowel Syndrome



Celiac Disease

Crohn’s Disease

Ulcerative Colitis

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Urinary Tract Infection

Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetic Nephropathy

Kidney Failure

Urinary Incontinence

Cystitis (Chronic vs. Interstitial)


Wilms Tumor
