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To me, resilience means standing up for myself and what I believe in at all times. This is one of the many life lessons that my mother instilled in me from a tender age. For me, resilience is all about advocating for what I believe is right at all times. Resilience is all about having the capacity to recover from setbacks one may experience. Adversity is part of life, but despite all the problems we go through, the most important thing is remaining strong and growing. Essentially, resilience is the process and outcome of adapting successfully to life’s challenging experiences. Resilient people are all-rounded as they demonstrate mental, behavioral, and emotional flexibility to cope with external and internal demands. People who have resilience can stay calm in times of disaster. Instead of folding whenever a problem arises, they turn their adversities into strongholds and employ their strengths and skills to respond to life’s challenges. Life is filled with ups and downs. People face many challenges in life, ranging from divorce, the death of a loved one, illness, financial problems, natural disaster, and job loss to emergencies. In short, resilience is all about having a survivor mentality. It is all about staying strong enough to survive a difficult situation.
An example of how my mother showed me resilience was a time I could not join the girls’ scouts troops in our elementary school. I had applied to join girls scouts, but my teachers told me that I could not become a girl scout as all troops were full. My mother was not satisfied with the situation and did not want me missing out on becoming a girl scout. She was told that I would be placed on a waiting list and be notified the next time an opportunity arose. I got sad, and I remember even refusing to attend school. I told her to enroll me in a different school where I could become a girl scout. Rather than giving up, my mother volunteered to form a new trope and become the troop leader and asked her friend, whose daughter was also on the waitlist to become to help co-lead the troop. The arrangement emerged successful eventually. This shows the importance of being resilient if one wants to achieve their goals.