Principles of Management

Principles of Management





Principles of Management

A successful project usually is as a result of panning your activities carefully and the collaboration and the talents of the team members of the project. Therefore, our members could move forward without their key team members. My role in the project was to overview the other four functions of management i.e. planning, controlling, leadership, and organization. All these functions were coordinated well to ensure we achieve our main goal as a group My responsibility was to ensure that the project was completed successfully and to ensure that all the involved activities of the project proceed with a specified period and under the set budget to achieve our objective of volunteer services of providing care to those that need it as a team.

The organization that our team impacted was called The Life Care Center of Lawrenceville. This organization deals with inpatient and outpatient rehab services and giving nursing care facilities to assist in living.

I can confidently say that my effectiveness contribution towards our project was a 3/5. I can give myself this fraction because, during our class meeting, I had some unfortunate situations which could not make me volunteer to the hours I had originally committed to and due to that, I had to take more than one role to fulfill my duties.

In management, planning is a very fundamental part. Planning can be defined as the process of presuming what will take place shortly considering the prevailing circumstance and must be prepared for (Majchrzak. 110). Therefore, through proper planning, we were able to perform our activities well without any interruption. Proper planning enabled us to do the following;

We were able to create our goal through planning. We created realistic goals that we’re able to be achieved and enabled us to be goal-oriented to achieve set objectives. Thus, planning was the basis of all other management functions.

Planning gave us the right direction in all our activities. Proper planning gave us direction to where the efforts were to be channeled to achieve our main objectives and effective results.

Proper planning helped us to tackle uncertainties. Because of our good planning, we were able to bring about a certain degree of certainty to the uncertainty future. Planning, therefore, helped us to avoid the instance of risks during our project period.

Planning also helped us to reduce the overlapping of activities. Effective planning played an important role in making sure that no activities overlapped throughout the project process.

Planning enabled us to give innovative ideas and facilitated easier decision making. Planning helped us to make the decision easily since there were no problems of duplication and overlapping activities throughout the project.

In this section, we did not have a procedural plan, therefore, our activities were faced with a lot of challenges in some steps. Hence, I would recommend that we improve so that we can plan with procedures to guide us in every step.

Organizing is assigning tasks into departments to enable managers to coordinate resources, employees, policies, and procedures to achieve set goals. Therefore, proper organizing of our team helped us in the following way;

It helped us to identify the activities needed for our project. We were able to identify important activities. Activities were grouped according to their needs.

Organizing helped us in coordination amongst our team members. Through proper organizing, each individual was aware of his or her roles. Proper coordination helped to reduce the chances of confusion amongst our team members.

Also, a good organization helped us have an effective administration. The role of each member was well specified through administration.

In this section, the one that can be improved is to have a chain of command so that group members can know the direction they should follow.

Leadership is an important element in management for directing functions. Hence, leadership is a way of managers can use to induce subordinates’ staff to work with a lot of confidence and zeal. Proper leadership enabled our team to achieve the following;

Leadership enabled us to set goals. As a leader, I ensured that all the other group members performed their roles and functions with a lot of confidence and zeal. This enabled our team to achieve the set objectives of our team.

Leadership also helped us in organizing for our activities well. Leadership helped our team to achieve its goals by creating and shaping our team by assigning roles to group members to ensure that various components operate without failure.

Leadership gave us proper direction. Good leadership enabled us to work towards the guided direction and motivate other group members to achieve optimum results.

Coordination. Good leadership helped our team to have proper coordination of activities hence, no activity was left undone.

Controlling is one of the vital functions of a group leader or manager. Therefore, to achieve the planned results, the results of the subordinates and mangers should have effective control. Hence, proper controlling function helped our team to achieve the following;

We were able to accomplish our team’s goals. The controlling function helped us to achieve our objectives and indicated where there was a deviation and corrective actions were taken.

Controlling enabled us to use resources efficiently. We were able to use resources effectively and efficiently through proper controlling function.

We were also able to ensure order and discipline amongst our team members. By the use of controlling functions, we were able to create an atmosphere of discipline and order in our team.

We were able to judge the accuracy of the standard of what we were doing through proper controlling. A member who was in charge of controlling function ensured that the standard set for our project was accurate and objective. We also able to check on the changes and helped us to revise and review the standards.

In managerial functions of control, there was no mention of how to improve group member’s motivation and this is the part we were to improve on. Therefore, this affected member’s performance in their roles.

In conclusion, a successful project usually is as a result of proper planning of activities, and collaboration of the talents of the team members of the project. In this project of impacting The Life Care Center of Lawrenceville organization, every group member played a very crucial role to ensure success. Hence, my main role was to overview the other four functions of management. Our project was a result of the coordination of different managerial functions like planning, controlling, organizing, and leadership to achieve optimum results.

Works cited

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