Principles of behaviorism

Principles of behaviorism

Unit V (5) Journal

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Principles of behaviorism

Behaviorism denotes a theory of learning that asserts that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment by a process known as conditioning. Behaviorism, also referred to as behavioral psychology also denotes a learning model based upon the notion that all behaviors are obtained through conditioning. On the other hand, conditioning happens by the interaction with the environment. Behaviorists have confidence in the fact that our responses to ecological stimuli nature our behaviors. Behaviorism, also referred to as behavioral psychology, also denotes a model of learning grounded upon the notion that all behaviors are obtained through conditioning. On the other hand, conditioning happens by the interaction with the environment. Behaviorists have confidence in the fact that our responses to ecological stimuli nature our behaviors. Behaviorism is a viewpoint on the knowledge that emphasizes changes in a persons’ noticeable behaviors.

As a result, the behavior is just a response to environmental stimuli. I have ever used the principles of behaviorism on several occasions. The principles of behaviorism learning comprise of the role of consequences, schedules of reinforcement, the immediacy of consequences, the role of antecedents, reinforcers, punishers, and maintenance. I have ever tried the principles of behaviorism on my younger sister, who studies in a high school. My sister had a tendency of behaving poorly each time. I had to develop a behavior management system in hopes of motivating her to behave better. At the end of each day, if she conducted herself well at an acceptable level, I buy her chocolate. At the end of the week, if she behaved extremely well, I promise her a nice shoe. Once she behaves well for an additional one week, she then gets a new shoe. My hope was that a new shoe’s incentive would motivate her to behave extremely well and work hard in class. The hope is that she will continue to exhibit the desired behavior because of the shoe reward until it eventually turns into a habit.

Behaviorism principles are epitomized by a series of proceedings and perhaps result in a “time-out” period. I have ever for once used time-out as a disciplinary tool towards my misbehaving brother. I responded to actions through reinforcement that was to be expressed by positive or negative feedback. When an individual does something troublesome or unacceptable, we may use seclusion as a type of punishment called a time-out. The leading debatable aspects of behaviorism might concern learning and language and thinking, which is just considered both a form of behavior. One example of behaviorism that I could have put into practice was using therapeutic techniques from behaviorism to help individuals in our region overcome specific issues like drug abuse, depression, and other concerns. The principles of behaviorism I used on my sister made her change her behavior completely because of the motivation she got from me. The principles of behaviorism are the popular concept that centers on how individuals learn or change their behavior. It centers on the perception that all behaviors are learned by interaction with the environment.