Part 1 Bottle feeding Vs Breastfeeding

Part 1 Bottle feeding Vs Breastfeeding


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Part 1: Bottle feeding Vs Breastfeeding

Bottle Feeding

Bottle feeding is the substitute method for the breastfeeding method. Most moms who are not able to breastfeed or would want to provide formula milk together with breastfeeding choose the bottle feeding method for their babies. Some of them even feed their babies using bottles (Arora, 2019). This method has some its pros and cons. One of the pros of bottle feeding is that either of the parents can be able to feed the baby. Feeding is known to be an essential bonding moment and breastfeeding does not provide the father to the baby the opportunity of bonding with the baby. Bottle feeding thus provides the father, siblings, or even other family members to spend time with the newborns (Arora, 2019). Secondly, bottle feeding provides an easy way of tracking the intake of the newborn. It is never an easy task to know how much milk the baby should drink while breastfeeding. Bottle feeding, however, makes it possible to find out the quantity of milk the newborn takes daily (Arora, 2019). Furthermore, when using bottle feeding, the mother does not have to worry about a low supply of breast milk. Notably, most moms worry that the baby would be underfed due to insufficient milk supply. This results in most women resorting to bottle feeding. This makes sure that the newborn gets enough milk that is required I growth and development (Arora, 2019).

Despite the pros of bottle feeding, this method of feeding also has its disadvantages. Firstly, formula milk is less nutritious compared to breast milk. Breast milk contains all the nutrients required by a newborn to develop and grow. It is also light for their stomach. Bottle feeding, therefore, increases the risk of obesity in newborns (Arora, 2019). Secondly, bottle feeding equipment is an additional expense. It requires the purchase of feeding bottles, sterilizers, and cleaning brushes if a bottle-feeding formula is chosen. These are forms of added expenses (Arora, 2019). Furthermore, bottle-feeding affects the bond between the mother and the baby. The skin-to-skin contact lacks in bottle feeding therefore the bonding between the newborn and the mother is hampered (Arora, 2019).


This is the act of feeding a newborn with milk directly from the breast (Murray, 2020). This method has its pro and cons. One of the pros of breastfeeding is that the method is convenient. Breastfeeding is the perfect way of supplying the newborn with optimal nutrition at perfect temperatures. There are no worries about the bottle cleaning up before and after feedings or heating formula or even preparing (Murray, 2020). Secondly, breastfeeding is economical. The method saves a lot of money as self-nursing the newborn eradicates the need of buying bottles or milk supplies. It keeps the children healthier thus reducing medical costs for the sick infant (Murray, 2020). Furthermore, breastfeeding is benefits breastfeeding mothers, where breastfeeding women recover faster from childbirth compared to those who bottle feed. This method also reduces breast and ovarian cancer risks (Murray, 2020).

One disadvantage of breastfeeding is that it can be painful. Breastfeeding mothers sometimes encounter painful and uncomfortable problems associated with breastfeeding. These include blisters, mastitis, or sore nipples (Murray, 2020). Secondly, breastfeeding requires healthy lifestyle choices. Breastfeeding mothers have to think about their lifestyle or diet while breastfeeding. Babies have different reactions to different foods in the mother’s diet. Breastfeeding moms would therefore stop consuming dairy foods or other items that they enjoy (Murray, 2020). The third con of breastfeeding is that not everyone can feed the baby. The rest of the family, siblings, or the father cannot be involved in feeding the newborn. This may make more so the partner feels like missing out on the breastfeeding connection (Murray, 2020).



The brand costs of each ounce lie between 54 cents for cheer brands and $1.15 for higher-end brands (Simpn, 2022).

If I chose higher-end brands, the total cost would be

1.15*30= $34.5 per day



Diapers cost between $0.20 and $0.30 (Harris, 2022).

For a 12 months child, the average diapers used per day is 8

So in one month, there are 240 diapers used.

Total cost if the cost of diapers is $0.30= 0.30*240

= $72


Arora, M. (2019). 14 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bottle Feeding. FirstCry Parenting. Retrieved 5 October 2022, from

Harris, N. (2022). A New Parent’s Guide to Estimating How Many Diapers You Need and What They’ll Cost. Parents. Retrieved 5 October 2022, from

Murray, D. (2020). The Pros and Cons of Breastfeeding. Verywell Family. Retrieved 5 October 2022, from,cardiovascular%20disease%20as%20you%20age.

Simpn, J. (2022). The Cost of Baby Formula – SmartAsset. SmartAsset. Retrieved 5 October 2022, from