Of the 116th congress united states congress (Malik, J. A. N. 2019)
Zipcode: 93726
Fresno, CA
Of the 116th congress united states congress (Malik, J. A. N. 2019), my residence area being Fresno is represented by democrats Senator Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris who were elected to class one and 3 three respectively representing the people of the state of California in the US senate. Fresno County is in the 16th district congressional district of California represented by congressman Jim costa in the house of representatives who is a democrat (Janiskee, B. P., Masugi, K., & Villegas, C. G. 2019). California has 80 state assembly districts of which the 31st California assembly district is represented by Joaquin Arambula of Fresno. Of the 40 California state senate districts, Fresno county is under the 8th state senate district represented by Republican Andreas Borgeas of Fresno. (Janiskee, B. P., Masugi, K., & Villegas, C. G. 2019) Senator Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Congressman Jim Costa, Joaquin Arambula are all elected as democrats whose philosophy encompasses the regulation of the economy by the government through modern liberation that advocates for social and economic equality. As Andreas Borgeas who represents the 8th district in California state senate was elected through the republican political party that has been described through social conservatism, with a war foreign policy intended to defeat terrorism and promote global democracy (Lezine, D. A. 2018).
The US House of the representative is represented by Congressman Jim Costa for California’s 16th congressional district that includes most of Fresno and the California assembly representative Joaquin Arambula is from Fresno county. Fresno is a city in the 16th district lying in the San Joaquin Valley, with Chafee zoo that has sea lions and Woodward zoo that is home to Shenzhen Japanese Garden. Fresno is a highly densely populated city with a racial make-up of 49% people living they’re being whites,8% African American, 12% Asian, 2% Indians and the rest from other races (Kresge, L. 2007). California state senator, Dianne Feinstein is from the 12 congressional district that is entirely within San Francisco, with a minority-majority population with racial make-up of 48% whites, 33% Asians, 6% African Americans and others (Chen, Y. 2002).
Occupation; financial analysis
Do you need a candidate who has lived amongst you for over 35 years, well am here, I well understand the conditions of living all of us have been subjected and as a homeowner, I will be staying with you here for the next 50 + years. With 17 years of working experience in the public sector, I am well placed to manage the state resources as a senator.
International relations are a national issue that as your senator will be top of my priority to enhance an effective relationship with other countries that would enhance our economic growth, creating more jobs for our people in the state means more flow of money and engagements o youths that will drift them from drug abuse. Security has been a major concern for all of us and with increased levels of crime and gun shoots even within schools, I am concerned as both a resident and a parent. I want to control and enhance the security of our state with improved services and working conditions for our men in uniform to create a stronger city. Police brutality against any citizen of the state shall be dealt with.
I pledge to look into the security issue in the state and use our tax dollars resourcefully to enhance our security. I will also create a conducive environment for business and funding for projects from the state reserves.
I would like to get an endorsement from the democratic political party since it is in line with my vision to create social and economic equality.
Vote for change. Spahn, B. (2017).
Affirmative action is the policy in which people who have been known to be discriminated before are being favored. Positive discrimination. The race is a considered factor in university admissions such that the university would consider the admission of other races to the university. From a supreme court ruling, these factors should be put into consideration upon admission however, not all universities should use it as a factor. Other non-racial factors include; academic performance, interests, background and leadership skills demonstrated (Heringer, R., Johnson, O., & Johnson III, O. A. (Eds.),2016).
The race-conscious admissions policies were challenged in court in 2017. Whereby the department of education was investigating Yale university for claims of discrimination against Asian Americans in the admission process. The investigations targeted Yale affirmative action policies. From past lawsuits, the department of justice has often weighed in on lawsuits against institutions in favour of plaintiffs like in case of Harvard University in 2016 where it was accused of discriminating against Asian Americans (Synnott, M. 2017).
Chen, Y. (2002). Chinese San Francisco, 1850-1943: A Trans-Pacific Community. Stanford University Press.
Heringer, R., Johnson, O., & Johnson III, O. A. (Eds.). (2016). Race, Politics, and Education in Brazil: Affirmative Action in Higher Education. Springer.
Janiskee, B. P., Masugi, K., & Villegas, C. G. (2019). Democracy in California: Politics and Government in the Golden State. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Kresge, L. (2007). Indigenous oaxacan communities in California: An overview. California Institute for Rural Studies, 1107.
Lezine, D. A. (2018). US political parties and support for suicide prevention. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior, 48(2), 199-203.
Malik, J. A. N. (2019). US 116th Congress sets new record for members with STEM backgrounds. MRS Bulletin, 44(2), 88-90.
Spahn, B. (2017). Before The American Voter. Working Paper, draft as of October 14.
Synnott, M. (2017). Introduction: Historical Perspectives on Admissions Policies at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Universities. In Student Diversity at the Big Three (pp. 15-78). Routledge.