Nutritional adaptabuility

Nutritional adaptabuility


Interview GuideOpening Remarks: I appreciate you for having given me an opportunity to interview you on the issues of your nutritional adaptability here in Australia. The interview is intended to understand your needs and find ways of helping you to adjust to Australian eating habits.

Do you prefer to cook meals for yourself or buy from restaurants?How long did it take before you adapted to the foods offered in Australia?

Why do you think it took so long/or why so quick (as appropriate)?

What types of foods do the international students prefer than the others?

How the university did support you in understanding Australian food?

Do you think that the school administration ensures that the nutritional needs of international students are met?

In places where preferred foods are unavailable, what steps are taken to ensure that the students are provided with other meals?

Is there need to come up with a team that will be in charge of affairs of international students in Australia?

Finally, is there anything else you can tell me about how living in Australia has impacted your diet and eating that we haven’t talked about yet?

Ethics FormFlinders University


Project No.


BEHAVIOURAL RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTSIMPORTANT – refer to the ‘Application Submission Process’ and ‘Application Submission Guidelines’ documents available from SBREC Guidelines, Application Form and Templates web page before completion of the form.

New Ethics Application

Χ Response to Deferral Notice

Project Number Research Involving Children or Vulnerable Adults

If you are intending to conduct research involving children or vulnerable adults you are required to have undergone a Criminal History Check. A set of procedures has been agreed between the University and the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) Screening and Licensing Branch. For specific information about these procedures please refer to the Research Involving Children or Vulnerable Adults webpage and the Criminal History Check Procedures webpage.

Accordingly, Section H (Certification and Signatures) asks whether the research will involve children and vulnerable adults and if yes, asks for confirmation that a current Criminal History Check is in place.


A1.Project Title

Foreign students dietary adjustments

A2.Plain language, or lay, title

How do foreign students adapt to changes in diet?

A3.Period for which approval is sought

Projects may not commence until formal written notification of final ethics approval has been provided.

Date data collection is due to commence: 06/05 /2013

Or following approval: Date data collection is expected to be completed: 06/05/2013

Date project is expected to be completed: 13th June 2013


Correspondence regarding ethics approval will be emailed to the Principal Researcher with copies to all other researchers listed on the application unless otherwise indicated. Please note that is a requirement that all supervisors receive a copy of all correspondence relating to the project.

Principal Researcher (student or staff member)

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Χ Flinders Uni Student: Associate: Flinders Uni Student No.

(Principal researcher only) Degree enrolled in:(please do not use acronyms) Supervisor(s)

(also list as researcher below) Flinders Uni School/Department or Organisation: Postal Address: (students only) Phone: Principal Researcher Email: Researcher 2/Supervisor

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate / Other: Copies of correspondence required Yes No Flinders Uni School/Department Postal Address: Phone: Email:

Researcher 3/Supervisor

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate / Other: Copies of correspondence required Yes No Flinders Uni School/Departmentor External Organisation: Postal Address: Phone: Email:

Researcher 4/Supervisor

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate / Other: Copies of correspondence required Yes No Flinders Uni School/Departmentor External Organisation: Postal Address: Phone: Email: Researcher 5/Supervisor

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate / Other: Copies of correspondence required Yes No Flinders Uni School/Departmentor External Organisation: Postal Address: Phone: Email: Researcher 6/Supervisor

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate / Other: Copies of correspondence required Yes No Flinders Uni School/Departmentor External Organisation: Postal Address: Phone: Email: NOTE – If there are more than six researchers/supervisors involved in the project

please copy and paste the researcher details boxes above.




C1.Brief outline of:

Athe project:

The project is aimed at establishing how foreign students adapt to changed dietary offerings in the host countries and the support systems available to them.


Foreign students in Flinders University are not accorded a structured system for cultural and dietary change assistance. The study will seek to find if there exists need for such a structure.

Cresearch objective(s):

No. Research objective

Establish the factors that affect how students adapt to changes in dietary offerings

Establish how well the students adapt and the time it takes

Define the sources of information on cultural and dietary changes for foreign students and whether these sources are sufficient

*Note: tab across to add new rows for additional research objectives.

C2.Medical or Health Research involving the Privacy Act 1988

Is the research related to medical or health matters?

Yes X Place letter ‘X’ in the relevant box


If YES, to question (A) below; if NO, go to item C4.

AWill personal information be sought from the records of a Commonwealth Agency?

Yes No X

If YES, complete Part A of the Appendix ‘Privacy Legislation Matters’ that relates to compliance with the Guidelines under Section 95 of the Privacy Act 1988.

If NO, go to question (b) below.

BWill health information be sought from a Private Sector Organisation or a health service provider funded by the State Department of Health?

Yes No X

If YES, complete Part B of the Appendix ‘Privacy Legislation Matters’ that relates to compliance with the Guidelines under Section 95 of the Privacy Act 1988.

If you answered ‘NO’ to both (a) and (b) above go to item C4.

C3.Health Research Involving or Impacting Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander PeoplesDoes your project comprise of health research involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples?

Yes No X

IMPORTANT Proposals to conduct health-related research involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples or communities in South Australia must also be submitted to the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA).

C4.Project Information and Data Type


Y or N

Publication Intend to publish results?

(e.g., article, book, thesis) N

Data Type

Is DATA to be obtained primarily Quantitative Qualitative Is information to be sought by Questionnaire Interview X If OTHER, please state:

Experiment Computer / Online Focus Group Secondary analysis of data Other Recording / Observation If YES, outline what will be recorded or observed below

Will participants be video, audio recorded, photographed or observed? Video Audio If YES, please place a letter ‘x’ in the relevant response box or boxes and outline what will be recorded or observed. Photographed Observed X

C5.Research MethodOutline of the research method, including what participants will be asked to do

WHO will be recruited?The Study will be carried out on Saudi Arabian students who are Training as Paramedics in Flinders University.

SOURCE of participantsThe study’s participants will be drawn from members of the Saudi Paramedics Association.

RESEARCH METHOD – participants will be asked to:

RECORDING – Audio / video recording / photographs

WHERE will each component of the research be conducted?

The Participants will be interviewed at a place of their convenience.

C6.Research ObjectivesBriefly describe how the information which will be requested from participants addresses the research objectives outlined in item C1(c)

The researcher will only seek to draw from the experience of the paramedics on issues related to stress and its causes.


D1.Brief outline of:

AIdentity and Basis for RecruitmentWho will the participants be? What is the basis for their recruitment to the study? What component of the research will each participant group be involved in?

The research will only seek to recruit Saudi Paramedic students. The other desired qualification is that they should have worked for a substantial length of time as Paramedics.

Participant Type Basis for Recruitment Component of Research Involved In

(e.g, survey, interview, focus group, observations)

BParticipant Numbers Approached and Population PoolPlease specify the number of people that will be approached (or an approximation if the exact number is unknown) AND the size of the population pool from which participants will be drawn.

The study will only seek to examine four (4) respondents.

Participant Type / Group Population Pool Numbers to be approached Expected / Required No.

CSource of ParticipantsFrom what source will participants be recruited (e.g., public, department, organisation)?

The participants will be sourced from Flinders University.

Participant Type Source of Participants

DConflict of InterestPlease specify whether any of the researchers involved in the project have any role, or relation to, the source from which participants will be recruited (e.g., organisation). Please indicate whether there may be a potential for a conflict of interest that may exist (financial or other interest or affiliation).IF a possible conflict of interest may exist, please explain how this will be managed.

The researcher is also a student of Flinders University but no conflict of interest is expected.

Researcher(s) Name

(ALL Researchers) Possible conflict of interest? If YES, explain how this will be managed.

EParticipant AgeWill any participants be less than 18 years of age? IF YES, please indicate the age range or potential participants and confirm whether information has been presented in a manner and format appropriate to the age group of participants.

Yes No X

Please note: that 17 year old Flinders University students may participate in research without parental consent. Participants recruited outside of the University under the age of 18-years will require parental consent unless a compelling argument can be made to the Committee.

Age range of each participant type / group Information presented in a manner / format appropriate to age group and participants? Yes/No

FInformed ConsentDo participants have the ability to give informed consent? If YES, please explain how participants will indicate willingness to be involved (e.g., completion of questionnaire, return of consent form etc). If NOT, please explain why not. If participants will be aged under 18 indicate whether they will be given the opportunity to assent to research participation (e.g., sign parental consent form).

Participants will be able to give informed consent during the time they agree to a face to face interview.

D2.Cultural and/or Religious BackgroundIndicate whether the participant group will be comprised of people from a specific cultural or religious background (for example, Indigenous and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, Greek people etc) OR if any such categories are likely to form a significant proportion of the population to be sampled.

The research is primarily on Saudi students.

D3.LanguageWill there be any issues with language? If YES, please explain what the issues are and whether information will need to presented in a language other than English.Please also indicate whether anyone other than the researcher will be involved in translation of participant responses. If YES, explain how anonymity and confidentiality matters will be managed.

Yes No X

If YES, (a) explain what the issues are and (b) whether information will need to be presented in a language other than English

Overtype response here

WHO will translate information and how will anonymity and confidentiality matters be managed if translation will be conducted by someone other than a researcher?

Overtype response here

D4.Participant Contact and Recruitment

AContact and RecruitmentPlease provide a detailed explanation of how potential participants will be contacted and recruited. For example, if making direct contact (e.g., face-to-face, in class, telephone) HOW will contact details be obtained and how will participants indicate their willingness to be involved in the project?

The researcher being a member of the Saudi paramedic association will use the association to contact potential participants.

BVerbal ScriptIf potential participants will be approached directly (e.g., face-to-face, in class, on telephone) please provide a verbal script of what will be said by researchers or a third party who will recruit on the researcher’s behalf.The Committee recognises that a verbal script cannot predict all the possible responses or questions from potential participants and does not expect that the researcher will read directly from it during interaction with participants as this would impede open and natural communication. The verbal script should be an explanation of the key points that will be communicated to participants during contact and recruitment so that the Committee can be confident that participants will receive a complete picture of what the research entails to ensure that informed consent can be given

‘I am interested in conducting a survey on the causes and effects of stress among paramedics. It is desired that the respondents for this survey be Saudi Paramedic students who have previous working experience. I am proud to inform you that you fit the specifications of the study and if it were possible, I would like to arrange a face to face interview with you so we can go through the issues and I be able to get your views on the issus”

CEmail TextIf potential participants will be approached via email, provide the text that will be emailed. If participants will be contacted via email please provide the text that will be used in the email sent to potential participants to ensure that informed consent can be given.Important – email text for student projects should be written by the supervisor to act as a Letter of Introduction for the student.

Nat Applicable

D5.Information given to participantsWhat information will be given to participants? For example, the letter of introduction, information sheet, consent form, survey, debriefing or feedback information. Please clearly outline when this information will be provided to potential participants. Please note that letters of introduction, information sheets and consent forms must be provided before a decision is made on whether or not to participate.

What information will be given to participants and/or recruiting organisations? When will information be given?

D6.Direct Recruitment ApproachesDoes recruitment involve a direct personal approach to potential participants (e.g., face-to-face, classroom, telephone) by the researchers or by other parties/organisations to be involved in contact and recruitment?

Yes No If YES, please (1) justify why a direct recruitment approach is required and (2) explain how the researchers will address any real, or perceived, coercion felt by potential participants?

Overtype response here.

D7.Confidentiality and AnonymityIndicate any confidentiality and anonymity assurances to be given to potential participants and explain the procedures for obtaining free and informed consent of participants.Please note that where the sample size is very small, it may be impossible to guarantee participant anonymity and confidentiality. Participants involves in such projects should be clearly advised of this limitation in the Information Sheet.

Please answer the following questions: Y or N Will participation be anonymous? ImportantIf answered ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to any questions, please ensure that potential participants are advised accordingly in the Information Sheet to ensure informed consent can be obtained.

Will participation be confidential? IF a lecturer / topic coordinator be involved in participant recruitment will they know who has participated? Overtype more detailed response to item D7 here

D8.PermissionsIndicate any permissions that may need to be sought to conduct the research, recruit specific people, access existing data sets or post advertising material and attach correspondence requesting permission AND granting permission. If this correspondence is not yet available please respond that a copy will be submitted to SBREC on receipt. For example, permission may need to be sought from parents or guardians, teachers, school principals, DECD, Head of School, organisational Head to recruit employees, Head of a University department or school, data custodians, community organisations etc).

Please note that permissions should be sought, in the first instance, from the Chief Officer or Head of the peak organisation or governing body unless adequate justification can be provided that contextual circumstances require a different approach.

Please note for class projects where permission letters are required to conduct the research, permission letters will need to be provided for every student.

Permission will be sought from: Permission request attached? Correspondence granting permission attached?

D9.Incidental PeopleIndicate whether anyone may be incidentally involved in the research (e.g., members of the public, colleagues, family members, children etc). In certain professional studies consideration may need to be given how such people will be informed about the research and how consent may be obtained for their incidental involvement. An oral statement given to a person / group incidentally involved prior to the commencement of the research may be sufficient.

Overtype response here.

D10.Time CommitmentIndicate the expected time commitment(s) by participants AND the proposed location(s) for every component of the research (e.g., survey, interview, focus group, observation). This information should be clearly conveyed to potential participants in the Letter of Introduction and/or Information Sheet.

Component of Research

(e.g., questionnaire, interview) Expected Time Commitment Proposed Location


E1.Recruitment of Overseas ParticipantsWill any participants be recruited from overseas or will the research be conducted outside of Australia? Please note that regardless of the physical location of the researcher, if participants recruited will be located overseas the NHMRC considers it to be ‘overseas’ research.

Yes No If YES, please ensure you are familiar with the University’s Policy on Travel, Accommodation and Subsistence available from which states that all travel is prohibited to Level 5 regions (see section 7). Please be reminded that all travel to level 4 areas requires approval from the person responsible for authorising travel in your area and the Cost Centre Head.

If ‘YES’, go to item E2. If ‘NO’ go to section F.

E2.Identity of Overseas CountryIf research participants will be recruited from overseas indicate from which country or countries they will be recruited from.

Overtype response here.

E3.Overseas Ethics Approval ProcessesIndicate whether there any ethics approval processes, relevant to the research, in the country (or countries) where research will be conducted.

Yes No If ‘NO’ go to item E4.

If ‘YES’, indicate whether the ethics approval processes are mandatory.

Yes No Give a brief explanation of how the ethics approval process functions and the values and principles on which they rely.

Overtype response here.

E4.Student SupervisionIf the researcher is a student, explain how their academic supervision will be maintained while they are in the field, with particular reference to the wellbeing of both the applicant and research participants.

Overtype response here.

E5.Overseas Co-researchersWill co-researchers be recruited in the country, or countries in which the research will be conducted?

Yes No If ‘YES’ continue with item E5. If ‘NO’ go to section F.

If YES, how will their expertise and capacity to conduct the component of the research they will be involved in be determined?

Overtype response here.

No. Co-researcher full name and title Role in research


F1.Project Value and BenefitsOutline the value and benefits of the project to the participants, the discipline, the community etc.

Overtype response here.

F2.Burdens and/or RisksNotwithstanding the value and benefits of the project (listed above), outline any possible burdens and/or risks of the project for research participants, researchers and incidental people.

If illegal activities may be disclosed by participants during the course of the research please explain how this will be managed and clarify whether the researcher is a mandated reporter. Please note that even if a researcher is not a mandated reporter that researchers could be held criminally liable if they fail to disclose information to authorities relating to serious indictable offences (e.g., murder, rape child abuse) under S241 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act of South Australia.

Overtype response here.

F3.Management of Burdens and/or RisksIF any issues were raised in item F2 (above), explain how the researcher will respond to each identified burden and/or risk. IMPORTANT

If there is any possibility that research participation may cause some participants to experience emotional discomfort (e.g., anxiety, distress, embarrassment) the Committee recommends that contact details of free support services (e.g., counselling, Life Line) are included in the Information Sheet to be provided to respondents prior to a decision being made about whether or not to participate.

If the researcher(s) are mandated reporters or it is possible that illegal activities could be uncovered or disclosed, participants should be advised in the Information Sheet that although information will be treated with the strictest confidence by the researcher, that disclosure of information either must be reported to relevant authorities or cannot be safe from legal search and seizure.

Overtype response here.

F4.ConcealmentWill the true purpose of the research be concealed from participants?

Yes No X

If YES, outline the rationale for, and provide details of, the concealment.

Overtype response here.

F5.Feedback and/or DebriefingDescribe any feedback or debriefing to be provided to participants that may be relevant to the research, including how participants will be informed of any deliberate deception or concealment. Please provide copies of any information to be provided to participants.

Overtype response here.

F6.QuestionnairesIf participants will be required to complete a questionnaire indicate what the arrangements will be for the secure and confidential return of questionnaires to the researcher (e.g., sealable self-addressed envelope, collection by researcher or someone other than researcher, secure collection box etc).Please also indicate how participants will be informed of the arrangement (e.g., verbal instruction, information sheet, information listed at end of questionnaire etc).

WHO will distribute the questionnaire / survey to participants?

HOW will participants return completed questionnaires / surveys?

WHO will collect completed questionnaires / surveys?

HOW will participants be informed of the arrangements?

F7.Participant Reimbursement

Is it the intention of the researcher to reimburse participants? Refer to the Application Submission Guidelines available from the SBREC Guidelines, Application Form and Templates web page for guidelines on participant reimbursement.

Yes No X

If YES, how much or what will participants be given as a reimbursement? Please also provide a justification for the amount or item provided as reimbursement.

Overtype response here.

F8.Data Transcription

Indicate whether data may need to be transcribed. If YES, please indicate who will transcribe the data (e.g, researcher(s), secretarial assistance, professional transcription company). If anyone other than the researcher(s) will transcribe data, confirm whether they will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, a template for which is available from the SBREC Guidelines, Application Form and Templates web page.


F9.Participant Control of Data

Indicate what control participants will have in the immediate reporting and future use of data collected for the purposes of the research. Will participants have the ability to view individual transcripts (if relevant) and/or the final report for comment and/or amendment prior to publication? If YES, explain how participants will be given this access and/or opportunity in the Information Sheet.



Note that the data should be retained in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and Flinders University policy.

F10(a)Data Transmission ProtocolsDuring the research project:

What protocols will be used for the secure transmission of data (if required) to e.g., transcribers, interpreters or other members of research team? If transcription or interpreter services will be used will the data received be deleted by transcribers / interpreters on completion of services? F10(b)Data TypeOn completion of the project, data will be stored:

In writing X On Flinders University computer server On audio tape/CD On video tape/DVD Other (please indicate):

Please note that audio tapes should be retained as they may be required for the verification of results and/or secondary data analysis unless written transcriptions have been reviewed and agreed to be participants.

F10(c)Data De-identificationWill data be stored in a de-identified form?

Yes X

No If YES, please confirm whether this means: ‘X’

that the data cannot in any way be linked to an individual or organisation (non-identifiable data); OR X

that the data has had all identifying information removed but the means still exists to re-identify an individual and/or organisation (re-identifiable data). If NO, explain how any relevant anonymity and confidentiality standards will be met for data storage.

Overtype response here.

F10(d)Data Storage LocationClarify where the data will be stored securely. Wherever possible, research data should be held in the researcher’s department or other appropriate institutional repository, however researchers are permitted to hold copies of research data for their own use, and for data to be stored in locations other than Flinders University.If data will not be stored at Flinders University, explain why and indicate where and how long it will be stored for in accordance with the retention periods listed below (see Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research, paragraph 2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3).

Overtype response here.

F10(e)Data Retention PeriodData will be stored securely at location listed above for:

X At least 12-months after the completion of the project if the research project is for assessment purposes only, such as class research projects completed by all students.

Note: Applies to research projects which include a whole topic list of students on one application, not for projects that include one or a few student researchers.

At least five years from the date of publication

At least seven years if the research involves a South Australian Government Department from the date of publication

Permanently if data relates to work that has a community or heritage value, preferably within a national collection


G1.Other Ethics CommitteesIndicate any other centres involved in this research AND/OR any other Ethics Committee(s) being approached for approval of this project including the approval status of each. If copies of approvals cannot be provided at the time of application submission please confirm that copies of all approvals will be submitted to the Committee on receipt.IMPORTANT

Please note that Flinders University and the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) have agreed that ethics approvals granted by an SA Health Human Research Ethics Committee will be accepted by Flinders University without further scrutiny. If this applies to your project please refer to the SBREC multi-site research web page for further information.

Other Centres and Ethics Committees to be approached for approval? Ethics Approval Attached?

Please note that if other Ethics Committees