Night Vision Goggles Fatigue and Decline of Cognitive Levels
Night Vision Goggles: Fatigue and Decline of Cognitive Levels
In modern combat, the desire to operate at night is paramount because of the heightened enemy prowess against aggressors. As a result, technology has researched on the possibility of developing systems, which would minimize the challenge resulted by night darkness. A common example of this technology is Night Vision Goggles (NVG). However, due to physical and physiological associated with NVG technology, pilots often find piloting a dissatisfying career. This leads to the constant labor mobility as pilots will attempt to live current employment for cognitive backed psychological problems. This research proposal will attempt to prove that NVG primarily causes fatigue and later quality of cognitive judgments required in piloting. The paper is structured into two pain parts and one secondary part. The commencing part one – problem analysis- will analyze the problems associated with NVG technology in piloting. This part will as well analyze the importance this study. The research will also suggest satellite proposition of where future research will focus – scope of the study. The second part – literature review- will examine the relevant literature backing up problems enlisted in the problem statement part. The paper will also provide a recommendation on what should be done to replace NVG technology.
Statement Problem
Night Vision Goggles (NVG) is a successful technology in the military aviation industry. However, its success has several shortcomings which occasion usability problems. Pilots using this technology are accustomed to mental and physical suffering. Occasional inabilities triggered by poor working environment naturally demoralizes the pilot. As a result, loss of manpower technically results to high financial cost for the aircraft investment (Harrison et al, 2010). However, the central concern of this research is the quality of cognitive judgments processed by pilots. In piloting, coherent judgments are imperative; thus, ineffective judgments resulted from poor syntax construction is primarily a demerit in the in controlling an aircraft. Fatigue in the airline industry is caused by a plethora of factors. Firstly, night vision goggles are bulky, and they are mounted on an equally bulky helmet (McLean, 1999). As a result, the pilot is forced to continously support the weight for hours. Excessive supported weight is a potential cause factor of the neck and back pain. Further to this, Parush et al (2011) establishes that Pilots are required to work in demanding situations.
Environmental factors; which are aided by use of night vision goggles forms a significant muse in factors leading to increased fatigue levels. These are aspects related to terrain, weather, lighting and climate. So to it, the Pilot is expected to respond to challenging physiological and physical demands with outmost accuracy. Davis, Johnson & Stepaneck (2008, p. 358), establishes that the technical complexity of NVG goggles combined with a demanding working environment naturally overpowers what a moderate human can accommodate. Not to mention that piloting is also challenged by gravity problems. Federal Aviation Administration (2011, p. 5) establishes that a pilot nervous system is subject to push-pull factors of gravity. Physiologically, when a pilot tilts his or her head, the weight of these crystals causes this membrane to shirt due to gravity and sensory hairs which detect the shit. Therefore, the combined challenges in piloting primarily leads to heightened fatigue levels.
Significance of this study
Training pilots is an expensive initiative that requires time, financial and capital resource mobilization. The clinical problems established in the above description are potent factors that explain the high labor mobility in the airline industry (Parush et al, 2011). The purpose of this research is to establish factors leading to fatigue levels, and how they impact on the airline industry cognitive requirements, standards and thresholds. The research will analyze relevant research in medical and labor field. Central objectives include; the development of quantifiable physiological research relating to fatigue and cognitive factors. Secondly, the information generated from this research will be applied diagnosis of fatigue instigators and how these factors can be managed by future industrial standards
Scope of the study (Future detailed research)
The upcoming research will collect data from pilots, psychologists, and human resource managers. Research question will be oriented to ensure that respondents offer vital information based on real live experiences. In particular, research questions will inherently seek to investigate the relationship between fatigue and cognitive levels. This research is timely challenged by the absence of aviation engineers. The researcher has not yet identified sources from this field. Primarily, aviation engineers are the nucleus behind the development of cockpit technologies. Lack of no data from this group will impact heavily on this research constraining it from achieving reliable results.
Research questions
Q1. To what degree are pilots’ comfortable piloting as a career?
Q2. To what extent do rising fatigue levels impact on cognitive levels of a pilot?
Q3. To what extent do narrowing cognitive discourage the pilot from engaging in piloting as a career?
Literature Review
A night vision goggle is an electronically powered optical device that allows images to be produced at a given level of light in total darkness. Although night vision goggles have been used in military and other law enforcement agencies, the aviation industry is increasing adapting their usage. This is based on the knowledge that; in the blink of the night, lighting becomes necessary. In the aviation field, the most use night vision goggles are panoramic night vision goggles. These are superior devices using close to 20mm image intensifier tubes.
History of night vision goggles in Aviation
In July 1972, the U.S Army Combat Development Experimentation Command (USACDEC) validated a series helicopter clear Night Defense Experiments. The experiments focused on how trainees could respond at the blink of the night. During the Cold war era, the necessity to conduct night attacks was paramount based on the knowledge enemies were constantly orienting parallel and vicious technologies. In a military briefing in late 1975, it was accessed that implication of Middle East War on U.S could be overrun if the military adopted night operations. Night vision is developed from three primary technologies. Firstly, the Active illumination works in principle of coupling intensification technology. This technology uses two methods, shortwave infrared (SWIR) band and near infrared (NIR). The second technology and the most used in aviation is image intensification. The underlying principle behind this technology is its ability magnify the amount of protons received from various sources. Thirdly, the thermal imaging technology operates by detecting the temperate differences forecasted on the background of the objects. In February 1976, the military fully acknowledged the integration of night vision helmets in aiding night missions. This was backed by the publication of Training Circular (TC) 1-28 Rotary Wing Flight.
Impact of night vision goggles in piloting
Following the 1976 publication, several companies began pursuing technologies that will boost night vision devices. Currently, night vision devices are constructed of anodized aircraft aluminum. The helmet is designed to respond to demanding ergonomic requirements (Harrison et al, 2010). Key considerations are proper respiration process and response to bodily discharges. The helmets are suited with up to 25mm optical display. Primarily, the NVG tube receives behind the objective lens propels light from a wide range in the spectrum of the deep red area. The tube is suited with phosphor screen; which is viewed through an eyepiece lens (McLean, 1999). This screen enables a magnification of +2 to -6 diopter adjustment, with an eye relief of 14mm at 25mm distance. Most of these devices are powered by the docking deck situated in the airplane cockpit. This features makes it possible for night vision goggles to gain popularity in the aviation industry
The ocular configuration; which determines the nature of the NVG is adjusted differently to meet the demands of a given environment. Primarily, there are three main components in NVG technology. This are monocular NVG configuration. This configuration has components has a single objective lens, as well as a single amplifying tube in a single eyepiece. This device can only be used by one eye. The biocular NVG configuration has a single objective lens in a single tube, but two ear pieces. The two eyes are intensified in one single tube. The binocular device right hand image has two objective lenses, and two intensifying tubes. The configuration tube has an upper hand since it has two separate intensified images from two separate viewpoints. The depth perception in enhanced with contrast, expansion and detection (Chen et al, 2011)
How Night Vision goggle works
NVG device in war aircrafts and helicopters enables pilots to fly in enemy zones secretly and at night. The NVG projects ambient light; which is distributed within the device tunnel. The head worn device have various electrical and mechanical processes. The device infrared ability collects any available amount of light including the lower light spectrum and amplify it to enable the user to see vivid images. To accomplish this, the device applies thermal imaging technology which captures the upper part of infrared light spectrum. Thermal imaging light is emitted to all objects view. The light is duplicated to phased array system detector. Light at this stage is detailed in a pattern known as thermogram. The thermogram pattern duplicate image into electric impulses. The impulses are sent to a signal processing board, a dedicated chip that translates information into data display. The signal processing unit sends images in various color, after which the infrared filters excessive colors (Parush, 2011). Although the NVG is a great night viewing device, it is prudent to note that the process involved in image processing deter the quality of the image. In most case, pilots will often struggle to view all details provided in the NVG display.
Navigation risk
Piloting, especially in field combat is a demanding task that requires considerate physical movements. The pilot mounted with the NVG visualizer requires the constant view the environment surrounding him. Failure of proper visualization may result to accidents. In fact, according to Rash et al. (2009) the number of accidents involved in military flights are primarily caused by poor visualization. Also, there has been issues related to lack of proper orientation to the technologies. Of recent, there have been many vendors of night vision goggles. Most vendors have customized feature with intent to outcompete their competitors. As a result, the devices do not meet similar industrial standards. For instance, a pilot could previously be using a narrow FOV. Traditionally, this device was designed to have a lower peripheral vision. This may result to increased spatial disorientation. However, in a different mission, the pilot may be using a larger FOV grounded on demands of that mission. Based on this, pilots find it hard to meet demands of a device with a higher peripheral vision. This not only puts not only causes anxiety/ fatigue to the pilot, but also exposes the pilot on the risk of accidents.
Posture problems
The configuration aspect has a different impact in how it impact on human physiological functions. This is based on the fact of additional weight and luminance additional weight. This is based on how the NVGs impact on neck strains, injuries and headaches. Firstly, the physical aspect of mounting is inefficient and creates an uncomfortable piloting manner. The physical issues related to the user are anthropometry and inadequacy of navigation space. This is based on the fact that piloting requires sudden and agile moves. As a result, weight and configuration problems resulted by mounted equipment are primarily responsible for the creation of instability; thus, resulting to gross neck and muscle strain leading to fatigue problems. Pervasive head, neck and spine injuries are responsible for crash (Falla, 2004). In any case, the device weight and the changing center of gravity does not correlate positively with human physiological functions. The pilot will be forced to spend more energy in trying to balance the device demanding weight problems than concentrating on field activities.
Neurotransmission ProblemsConstant exposure to these working conditions (head, neck and spine injuries) prompts the development of central nervous breakdown and development of chronic of headaches (Davies, 2008). Headaches are common complaints of pilots navigating in demanding situations. This is linked to visual difficulties, flight neck discomforts and constrained lighting amongst long working hours in complex computer cock-pits trigger headache on several accounts (Falla, 2004). Also, the combined effect of headaches, nervous and sight breakdowns is the primary cause of bone fractures. The dysfunction associated bone fractures is constant fatigue and general disorientation.
Body vibration and gravity
A moving helicopter vibrates heavily impacting negatively on the human seated vertically on a cockpit. Vibration can be a measure on the scale of principle harmonic frequency of 5Hz. Heavy vibration induced constraints energy transfer resulting the standard frequency to 4.5 Hz (Chen et al, 2007). Vibration causes the pilot to suffer Z axis displacement. Z axis displacements are emitted from the floor of the aircraft this is caused by vibration transmission emitted from the buttocks of a vertically seated individual. In any event, most body parts are engaged either hand, legs, buttocks, head, and back. However, the neck, which is supporting the head, is not engaged to anything. As a result, the neck experiences severe vibration. Naturally, the neck is configured to support any vibrations frequencies, a good example being running (Patricia, 2010). Nonetheless, the neck is constrained severe if it has additional weight to support. Vibration, vertical seating problems and long working hours are the primary cause factors of spine problems. In fact, neck induced vibrations is primary responsible for the development of the neck and back muscle fatigue (Chen et al, 2007). Constrained neck and back impairs the brain central processing functions forcing the pilot to develop severe vision problems (Gallagher, 2008)
Cognitive Risk
Chronic mental problems caused by fatigue are a result of impaired judgment. Pilots exposed to these conditions are in a greater risk of suffering from greater myoelectric manifestations. Muscle fatigue and relative neck pain controls resulted negatively on the slope. This is based on the knowledge that EMG frequency has outcompeted by demanding neuron-functions. Also, constant neck pain prompts disturbances in cognitive judgments. Impairments of muscles, heightened abrupt activities, respiratory problems and constrained visions impact heavily on the quality of syntax required to process a given activity. Research has established that pilots working in demanding condition not only suffer a mental breakdown while at work, but socially (Falla, 2004). Technically, constant neck pain demands increased muscular and electrical activity. In any event, the body requires to produce equivalent to combat rising demands, of visions, gravity and posture problems. However, the body spends more concentration in responding to weight problems constraining the neck. Constant exposure to neck problems forces the pilot to develop lower output of neuron-functions. The pilot not only suffers mild and temporary fatigue, but the breakdown of neuron-process. The pilot seem to forget basic things because of deeply drenched fatigue problems. In addition, the pilot may develop chronic physical problems as a result of declined cognitive levels (Falla, 2004).
Career dissatisfaction
While it is common knowledge that piloting is a great career, this notion is contested by the development challenging mental conditions. Piloting involves the ability of the pilot to think and act in demanding situations. Again, the notion of inefficiencies, primarily caused by neck problems often results to the development of anxiety and anger. Research has endeavored to relate air crashes to the development of mal-functionality of the pilot. A pilot in a combat mission takes a lot of time in preparation than initially considered by industry developers. Pilot preparation can take up to 30 percent of total productive time (Parush, 2011). In the combat situation, the pilot is expected to work in demanding situations; for instance, responding to multiple enemy threats (Patricia, 2010). Demanding combat environment often results to questions on inefficiency. The pilot is under evaluation that severally lives depends on the decision he or she makes. Also, the pilot could be suffering from psychological factors aside physiological and physical constraints. The in a remote combat mission, in most cases thousands of kilometers from home could be thinking about his family or any interpersonal relationships. This crops in inefficiencies of good judgments, and in any case, constrained judgments further accelerates fatigue levels. As a result, the pilot might consider piloting an unprofitable venture, and in most cases the pilot might live a demanding military aviation career to take light jobs in other airline fields.
This research document has accessed several implications Night Vision goggles in leading to the development of fatigue problems. The report has expressed high dissatisfactions in applying the NVG systems in a demanding combat environment. However, there are several remedies to manage NVG constraints. Research has established that NVG primary function is providing visionary light in dark environments. The goal is to make sure that night mission are tackled with minimized risk of notability. So to it, this research document proposes the application of night vision devices on the aircraft itself. Night vision devices mounted on the aircraft can be aided by computers affixed on the aircraft deck. The pilot will be monitoring night vision by viewing the computer strategically situated on the aircraft cockpit. This will salvage the pilot from having to carry a heavier device. Secondly, the pilot will have the privilege to use normal night light or night vision powered light at ease. As a result, the pilot will not have mounted device on his head. This not only reduced visionary problems but as well minimized neck problems, fatigue and career dissatisfaction. This research proposal also recommends further research in the field of piloting-neuroscience/ psychology and labor mobility factors in the upcoming research document.
This research document has established the various challenges accustomed to using Night Vision goggles in a demanding enemy combat environment. The document has established NVG as the primary cause factor of fatigue which leads to career dissatisfaction. In particular, the document has established the interrelation between physical, physiological (both combined results fatigue) and psychological factors leads to career dissatisfaction. The document has encapsulated by offering a recommendation. The recommendation has reinstated the necessity of mounting night vision devices on the aircraft as compared to being mounted on the human head.
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