NFC Detailed Introduction and Operation
NFC: Detailed Introduction and Operation
Applications of NFC
Near Field Communication provides massive abilities for diverse and wide utilization cases. NFC application is mainly based on prevailing RFID infrastructure which is cheap, fast acceptable and marketability (Coskun, 2013). NFC is applicable in mobile payment and mobile Ticketing. NFC is utilized in mobile payment, which is faster and easier payment at the underlying Point of Sale in places such as the supermarket checkout and ticket vending machine (CARDIS, Grimaud & Standaert, 2008). The POS also offer proper amount of invoiced money, change of need and scrabbled together. NFC capable phone utilized reader device that enforced payment which store personalized discount coupons and bonus cards (Resatsch, 2010). NFC mobile payment also are utilized include Google Wallet that offer card and compromise and record personalized vouchers and corresponding loyalty cards through means of a service known as Google Offers (Zhong, 2013). It also Offer Company owned commodities such as Google Maps and Google Places. NFC mobile payment also utilized ISIS Consortium and SIMpass Technology. Consortium is mainly constructed upon a partnership amidst major players of the US mobile communication market such as AT & T,T-Mobile and corresponding Verizon Wireless. SIMpass Technology offer diverse approaches for the mobile payments that is mainly based on an external NFC antenna that are manually placed amidst the battery and the back case of the prevailing mobile phone that is linked to the special RFID-SIM card (Zhong, 2013). For NFC based P2P Payment both users are normally demanded to possess an account at PayPal and to install the application of the Android NFC phones, Via a Request Money widget on the phone, the payee enters the favorite amount, shunts the phone of the corresponding user and buzz appearance (Resatsch, 2010).
NFC is also utilized in Mobile Ticketing via application of the Oyster Card, DB Touch and Travel, Movie, Concert and Hotel Ticketing (Resatsch, 2010). Oyster Card function with numerous smartcard for the prepaid mobile ticketing since it is equipped with RFID readers that customers utilized at the buses entrance and corresponding departure gates of the subway and train stations (Coskun, 2013). It automatically debits suitable fare from the card depending on the travelling type and duration. DB Touch and Travel is mainly based on the best price principle utilizing check-in and check-out sections at the train stations which the customers know in order to trace their journey (CARDIS, Grimaud & Standaert, 2008). NFC is applicable in the Movie, Concert and Hotel Ticketing that is tag advertisement poster and is redirected to a corresponding website that aids in buying ticket online.
Application of the NFC technology is also used in access control, P2P Data Transfer, Product Information System, Location-based Wikipedia, Indoor Navigation System and Educational Systems.
Security Concerns
NFC normally deals with complex data such as credit card numbers, bank account details, account balances, custom-made tickets and individual data. Therefore, data storage and corresponding wireless transfer security is fundamental for NFC. This is because it offers numerous mechanisms security and immunity (Coskun, 2013). NFC technology offers data transfer amidst dual devices and corresponding tagged object distance amidst the dual items falls below a particular range though certain physical security due to the underlying touch-to-connect principle (Resatsch, 2010). The transmit power of the radio frequency and the obtain sensitivity of the NFC readers that accomplish the ISO specifications that is robust to function to a certain centimeters. Thus, supermarket checkpoint the client requires setting the phone directly above the prevailing reading device. Data skimming that is responsible for capturing and intercepting transferred data by the distant attacker is not possible thereby making its misuse to be possible in the form to relay attacks. Moreover, the attacks are ideally achieved through an attacker serving as the underlying man-in-the-middle that forward transmission data amidst a reader such as the NFC payments and corresponding target transponder (CARDIS, Grimaud & Standaert, 2008). An attacker places their altered NFC phone on the top of the NFC reader at the underlying POS.
Wireless channel communication in regard to the NFC does not ensure secure encrypting mechanisms. Nevertheless, elevated layers of the NFC applications can be utilized industry-standard cryptographic protocols such as SSL/TLS based on the underlying methods that encrypt the prevailing data that are transferred over the air and stored within the secure element (Resatsch, 2010).
3. Challenges
The extent definite standards for the NFC services are currently missing. There is also lack of an ultimate conclusive strategy for the advancement of the NFC services originates within a fundamental conflict amidst numerous involved chief actors encompassing mobile phone manufacturers, network operators, banks and other supplementary service providers (Coskun, 2013). This means that each party normally strive to enforce interest and corresponding needs that play main role within the flow of the application scenario and relation acquisition of massive money (Zhong, 2013).
Moreover, third-party providers such as banks and financial institutions strive to host NFC applications within the neutral space on the handset whilst the network operators that can charge customers for offering services hoisted within secure environment on the prevailing UICC (CARDIS, Grimaud & Standaert, 2008). Conversely, the mobile phone manufacturers have decided kind of the NFC hardware, which is an alternative form of dedicated Secure Elements chips that are executed within the handset (Resatsch, 2010).
Dependability and usability of the NFC applications are likely the most significant elements of the user experience in the day to day utilization of the NFC technology and thus significant component for its accomplishment (Coskun, 2013). In comparison to the underlying alternative technologies, NFC provides massive merits. Fundamental basement of NFC have been established and effectual field trials have been finished (Zhong, 2013). Based on the accomplishment of partnerships and corresponding collaborations amidst the stakeholders the applications with good user knowledge require to be published. Moreover, the experience of the NFC applications has resulted to motivation of the handset manufacturers to be incentivized to the production of the NFC capable smartphones (CARDIS, Grimaud & Standaert, 2008). This makes NFC technology to the probable technology that is capable to play a big role in the people’s future day to day life.
Coskun, V. (2013). Professional NFC application development for Android. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
CARDIS (Conference), Grimaud, G., & Standaert, F.-X. (2008). Smart card research and advanced applications: 8th IFIP WG 8.8/11.2 international conference, CARDIS 2008, London, UK, September 8-11, 2008 ; proceedings. Berlin: SpResatsch, F. (2010). Ubiquitous computing: Developing and evaluating near field communication applications. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications, & Zhong, Z. (2013). Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA) 2012: Volume 4. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (IEA) 2012.) London: Springer