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Do you think the term routing congestion can be replaced by network congestion? Why

Congestion is when there is too much of something which prevents work from going on efficiently and effectively. Routing is the movement of data from one network to another, networking congestion is when data deteriorate because there are too many packets present in a subnet. This occurs when the number of packet data Sent to network has a great capacity than that of the network .routing congestion is a general term that is used to define the interference and difference between tracks from the supplied and the ones available. Network congestion is analogous to routing congestion because they both minimize congestion collapse in communication networks (Perlman, 2000).

The above stated definitions both describe congestion which occurs in intermediate node because of scarce resources when data is transmitted from source location to destination. In networking congestion occurs when the load on networks greater in capacity as compared to the network. This means that when there is too much traffic performance decreases and congestion increases. This means that when it reaches destination and will be dropped to intermediate routers. If routers have insufficient memory congestion increases and packet data will be lost. The only way routers respond to overloading is by dropping the packet data.

Routing congestion is similar to network congestion as networking is done through the LAN and WAN which use routers and when the number delivered is un proportional to number of packets sent the routers may not handle the extra load and packets are lost .Construction of routing table is efficient in routing to enable minimize congestion in the networks by increasing memory.

In your opinion, what is the purpose of no routable protocols? Is there a legitimate reason for having no routable protocols? Do you think they can be replaced and with another type of protocol or innovative system?

In general a protocol is a set of guidelines or rules that must be followed to help network communicate effectively. A routing protocol is a path that is assisted by a routing protocol to transmit data, share information and report changes. They are software’s that determine which route is best suited for a specific packet data to advertise (Perlman, 2000). They may include border gateway protocols (BGP) and interior gateway routing protocols (IGRP).Routed protocols are similar to Internet Protocols which is the data being transported from source to the destination. This is achieved by routers which connect two or more networks to enhance the speed of the routing process. Routers are ideal in identifying best metric routes which will assist in efficiently sending information when received. They include Interior Gateway protocols ( Duggan, 2011).

Routed protocols are safe faster and reliable to transfer data without this protocols alternative routes could not be identified if current one goes down. A no routed protocol is a communicational protocol that has no network and only addresses schemes from sending data between networks. The can only work in a routed environment if they are bridged since they are not functioned to being routed. Non routable devices have no unique network meaning can only be used between same network segments. Example is the TCP/IP (Duggan, 2011).

Non routable protocols are mostly used in the modern day world example of routed protocol internet which is highly appreciated. It does not require large time consumption to process or in overheads compact. This affects greatly the transmission of data which is faster as compared to other protocols. The main importance of using non routable protocol is because it is secure. This is maintained by the fact that is does not require additional overheads of network addresses making it fast and efficient. They check data in a data transmission for errors which assist in reducing memory lost in each data transmission.

The protocol uses less system resources and is used in Windows LAN manager for work groups to share information. Examples include Net BEUI which is Extended User Interface, Data Link Control (DLC) and Local Area Transport (LAT) .NetBEUI is a non routable protocol that is fast and was used in Microsoft networks. The Net BEUI is considered the fastest protocol in small LANS and is involved in identifying nodes and sharing information between available networks. It operates and has physical layers of OSI model.

NetBIOS is a non routable protocol that generates more traffic but with plenty of bandwidth and is essential in small networks. In routing information needs to be sent to establish link by using minimum number of segments which are held in a routing table which is assisted By Routing Information Protocol that is adapted in very router. The DLC allows communication between mainframe computers and mini computers to establish connection between computers on remote segments.

The best alternative for the non routable networks is routed networks such as TCIP/IP which allow connectivity (Duggan, 2011). .This allows for effective internet connectivity which means information can be routed anywhere and uses both systems of interior and exterior to transmit data. This protocol is best suit as it allows packet data to be taken from one source to a particular destination. This is done by gateways which are defined as layer protocol translation between devices. This model as opposed to no routable protocol is reliable, secure and was designed for scalability unfortunately it is not that fast due to traffic interference.

Internet is a major requirement in most offices today, meaning that the world has opened its eyes to the superhighway which is the worldwide web. Internet popularity has enabled the TCIP/IP protocol to be effective .In all computers at home the TCIP/IP has been connected without the owner realizing. This makes it the most widely used protocol in the world. Routers operate at operated protocol levels and they provide security but the more the routers filter down the lower the performance.

Routers are devices that are small in sizes and join multiple networks together. The device forward data between the computer networks and through information obtained from routing table it directs the packet data to the destination node. Routers are best suited in very large networks Wide area Network where information is passed over a vast distance .They use special languages such as Transfer Control Protocol or Internet protocol to identify which way is shortest and routes data packet in a network (Perlman, 2000). They are mostly used in home or small office routers to filter traffic, either incoming or outgoing based on the wired or wireless internet protocol (IP).

A routed protocol allows packet data to be forwarded and provides appropriate addressing information from one network to another. They also avoid routing loops and this gives them competitive edge over no routing protocols .They do this by using information about costs of hop, scalability, selection of preferred routes(Perlman, 2000).


Perlman, R. (2000). Interconnections: Bridges, routers, switches, and internetworking protocols. (2 ed., pp. 20-64). US: Addison-Wesley Professional.

Duggan, M (2011) Ccie routing and switching v4.0 troubleshooting practice labs (Vol. 4, pp. 30-79) Indianapolis: Cisco Press.