Netflix’s Marketing Management Philosophy
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Netflix’s Marketing Management PhilosophyThere are some marketing management philosophies that various businesses adopt which include production, selling, product, marketing and social-marketing concepts. Netflix is one of the most famous entertainment companies in the world believes in customers’ satisfaction as their best marketing strategy. To achieve this, it adopts marketing concept as its prominent marketing management philosophy which best suits in providing consumers’ utility especially by the use of the online platform. With the application of philosophy, Netflix company greatly emphasis on understanding their customer’s requirement and as a result they produce the best products as well as services which at the end enhances their client’s satisfaction. Customers’ satisfaction comes to hand on hand with quality, setting fair prices for their commodities, updating the consumers on the newly available products to keep them in the truck as well as delivering their products in time. Therefore, the business has established a perfect market niche and has also outfitted its competitors. Starting with finding the market, Netflix has focused on the clients’ needs and by the use of integrated marketing means consumer utility is accomplished making the company leap its abundant profits.
Mission statement being an essential directorate to achieving goals of every running business, it has played a vital role in making Netflix firm stand firm in its operations as well as hitting their targeted objective. In this case, the company’s mission is ensuring customer’s satisfaction as it is the best in fitting out the competitors and also getting maximum profit.
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