Myers Briggs Analysis

Myers Briggs Analysis

Myers Briggs Analysis


Institutional Affiliation


A person’s personality type plays a critical role in their communication and management style. It identifies how best this person interacts with their coworkers as well as interactions with people in their social circles. The personality type in this case is based on the Myers/Briggs analysis and is then compared with the communication and managements styles available to pinpoint on the ones that work best in this regard. The writer will detail their appropriate personality type, alongside the communication and management style identified. 83


The writer found that there are three personality types that stand out following the Myers Briggs analysis. These are INFJ – the counselor, ISFJ – the protector, and ENFJ – the teacher. The first type identifies the creativity and dedication to helping others; the second type identifies compassion, care, and practicality of a person; and the third type identifies a person’s organization capabilities on top of being a humanitarian (Truity, 2020). The writer’s communication style, as can be identified from their experiences, is a combination of the passive-aggressive style and the assertive style. There is a balance of situations through which there might be a difficulty in communicating their feelings while there are times when they are clear in what they want, with the latter applicable in open communication environments and the former applicable in restrictive environments.

On this note, the writer uses the assertive communication style in their investment of time and resources into trying to help out others with their difficulties and to the best of their ability. They will forego having their needs met just to see the meeting of the needs of others. At the same time, they are motivated to lead others in having their goals met through strategic means. In this case, therefore, the writer applies a combination of affiliative and strategic management styles through delegation of work to help spread out the work for other goals to be met while they are happy to lend a hand when needed to do so (Sling Team, n.d.). As the protector, they combine passive-aggressive and assertive styles where the former is present when they feel that there is too much pressure placed on them to act as needed but with a lot of restrictions, resorting to subtle complaints (VIP, 2019). The latter is present when they consider the traditional way of doing things works right while trying to provide care for others, especially when they are in a sad state. As the counselor, the assertive style of communication comes in handy since they are able to hold the hands of those who require assistance in understanding situations as well as helping those who are in difficulty and in dire need. This is how the personality types identified shape and will shape the writer’s communication and management styles, when needing with others.


To summarize, the writer understands that the personality type is defining of the communication and management style that they practice. On this note, therefore, a protective, counseling, and teaching personality style works well with the combination of assertive and passive-aggressive communication styles, and the combination of affiliative and strategic management styles. This is dependent on the environment and situation in which the writer operates.


Sling Team. (N.D.). 10 Types Of Management Styles For Effective Leadership. Sling. (2020, Jun 29). The TypeFinder Personality Test. Truity., U. The four basic styles of communication. University of Kentucky Violence Intervention and Prevention Centre [Online]. Available at https://www. uky. edu/hr/sites/www. uky. edu. hr/files/wellness/images/Conf14_FourCommStyles. pdf (Accessed 10 July 2019).