My Reflection on writing the research paper
My Reflection on writing the research paper
The research paper has been quite a challenge as well as a motivator in the field of medicine. It has been a challenge because I had to look for information from several books and internet and try to relate with whatever happens in real life in a short period of time. On the other hand, it has really expounded my knowledge in the field of medicine in that I have come to know that communication is very important when it comes to the client who is the patient and the medical practitioner. As I was doing the research I have been acquired a lot of knowledge that I will be able to apply in the field of medicine. I have learnt that it is very important for nurses to have open channels of communication so that once the clients have confidence with them, they can be in a position to open up and tell them of their problems which will even make it easier for the nurses to come up with the solutions or best cure. This is because they are in a position to obtain the history of the patient which they later use to analyse the main problem.
My feeling towards the entire research is that I have tried my best because as it was an extensive research and I had not done such a paper earlier on. I am very delighted to have completed it with the short period of time allocated and am quite sure that given enough time to do research I could do better as I would even engage the medical practitioners to be able to gain more information that is on the ground.
I therefore would take this opportunity to compliment my Lecuters who have been very much supportive in guiding me through the entire process of schooling. You have been of graet importance to me as I could not have reached this far. I finally would want to kindly request the person marking this essay to kindly accept the fact that I have done my level best given the challenges faced while doing the research as time was limited and therefore relied only on secondary data and that am still learning on how to conduct research . I therefore request that you kindly consider awarding me better marks which will enable me achieve a better grade and move ahead.