My interest in technology, particularly computers, how they operate and facilitate easy and faster information processing, da

My interest in technology, particularly computers, how they operate and facilitate easy and faster information processing, da

My interest in technology, particularly computers, how they operate and facilitate easy and faster information processing, dates back to the years when I was in high school. Excelling in computer studies in my Highschool aligned my passion for computers with my future career. It compelled me to take a short course in computer proficiency to expand my knowledge base regarding computers and increase my chances of working in a Tech company in the long run. These studies and experiences in the field have prepared me for this moment and qualify me as the perfect and worthy applicant for the Tech Nation Visa.

I have developed an interest, particularly in computer engineering in the realm of technological innovations and advancement. My extensive knowledge regarding computers enabled me to attain a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from the Enugu State University of Science and Technology. I intend to continue with my master’s in the future to learn more about this field and become a certified computer engineer. I have also advanced my skills and knowledge through undertaking a minor in Database statistics such as Microsoft Access and file maker pro.

Additionally, I worked for the Fintech entrepreneur organization, where I invested in blockchain as a services experience. My experiences and knowledge base in the computer engineering field fit exceptionally to the Promise criteria and places me as the fit candidate in the exceptional Promise Category. I have also worked as an invoice manager in a partnership with World Blockchain in the United Arab Emirates, where I facilitated OTC and exchange transactions for 1WB clients worldwide. I also consolidated and analyzed data for marketing taking and developing functional solutions for blockchain applications. While working in the company, I partnered with a 66-year-old American expert in IT with three-decades-long expertise in cross-border payment as a service. It was a remarkable learning journey of self-evaluation and discovering my potential and capabilities. I also worked as a director in the Innospot project management services, where I majored in global logistics, procurement and finance, trade finance, and vendor management.

I’m highly motivated than ever to pursue this career and achieve my long-term goals. Your endorsement and approval of my application will be life-changing for me. It will create an opportunity for me to network and land informative and lucrative jobs in the IT labor market sector. I highly appreciate your consideration and hope to hear from you soon.