My Future in Computer Science.

My Future in Computer Science.

Computer Science


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My Future in Computer Science.

I have always loved the challenging concepts that make one reason and consult with team members for long periods of time that result in obtaining brilliant and excellent solutions that make systems to function properly and adequately. Computer science, software engineering and information systems are international qualifications that give every individual the ability to work globally and in a very broad variety of roles coupled with tremendous opportunities for growth and progress. Interest in Computer science fueled my desire to learn and to know more concerning the field. The more you conduct a research on a particular field, the more the desire to pursue it will grow as well.

Computer Science is a field that has also witnessed serious growth in this era and the growth and the expansion can be attributed to the technological advancements and innovations changing the computer science and information technology. Computer science is now alive and very present in the life of every individual especially through the technologies and advancements and innovations all around us. Computer science assists and enables systems and processes to run and to function smoothly. I would like to pursue it as a career because of the transformations it makes possible. Computer science aids and transforms health care and also enables and contributes towards a robust national defense. A career in computer science will play a central role and will also put me in the forefront of discovery and driving economic growth and transforming the lives of individuals.

Computer Science job responsibilities include being hired by the software and development firms and bearing the role and the responsibility of creating and formulating new theories especially around the development of technology. It is a diverse field that requires an individual to be quick, innovative and creative and to have the ability to work perfectly well. Research indicates that computer scientists are highly sought after individuals and as the technology keeps advancing and growing a career in computer science will be a good fit. It also important to recognize the role that being an excellent communicator plays when thinking about focusing on a career in computer science.

Computer science is interesting in the that it will offer the opportunity to work with the government on different spheres. It entails having the solid ability to be able to completely express the reality of the computer science world to individuals. Computer science is a great career because I personally want to change the world. We one stops to think about what will happen if the society stops innovating, the outcome will certainly be detrimental. Computer science has provided that technology is beneficial and very good if at all it is put on the right hands. Computer science also needs brilliance and ethics that will stimulate the understanding of the powerful technologies and to ensure they are used for good.

Striving to have a positive impact on society is what influences me the most to channeling my energy and effort to starting a career in computer science. Being a computer scientist entails, that one will come into direct contact with beneficial applications and system process that seek to address the problems being faced in the world today like unemployment, climate change as well as poverty. Putting that into consideration it is clear that a career in Computer Science will make it possible for me to work tirelessly to meet the needs of the populations and the society as a whole. (Teague, 2018).

Computer science is also seen as an important contributor and the biggest influence in the world of communication. Computer science has made it possible to share information and has also made the world a global village. The technological outcomes we enjoy today as individuals can only be attributed to Computer Science. A career in computer science is essential for me as it will give me the chance to do so well and to employ all the abilities that I possess together with the appropriate skill set that I also have. It is a field that has witnessed improvement and growth and it particularly important to be part of the revolutionized team and workforce and the career changing the lives of people. It is also enhanced and ass it keeps scaling it assists in solving challenges that could have otherwise been catastrophic. Computer Science systems can predict climates, seasons as well as human behavior and in return assist particular in preventing disasters and catastrophes. (Alshahrani, 2018)

The possession of excellent communications skills is important while taking a career in computer science. The career itself requires the sharing of results and findings of the conducted surveys and investigations in written journals and publications as well as through presentations to the boards and in other instances global platforms. Having appropriate communication skills will therefore assist in becoming better as well as scaling the career heights in computer science. Being accomplished in the computer science field is a gift. It requires working extremely hard as well as being on the know how always, growing, advancing learning more and obtaining mentorship from individuals who have performed extremely well and those that have gone before us in the field. (Alexander, 2011) Having the ability and the appropriate skills to solve complex and challenging technological problems is exciting and triggers the need to want to experience and be part of the team that contributes to success.

Computer science is a career that I would like to pursue because it speaks directly to the very fabric of my being and just being among a problem solving team is a great sight to behold. Computer science will also introduce me to artificial intelligence and computer programming. Through computer science we shall obtain skills necessary to advance and to do well in this life.

References.Alexander, P. M., Holmner, M., Lotriet, H. H., Matthee, M. C., Pieterse, H. V., Naidoo, S., … & Jordaan, D. (2011). Factors affecting career choice: Comparison between students from computer and other disciplines. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(3), 300-315.

Alshahrani, A., Ross, I., & Wood, M. I. (2018, August). Using social cognitive career theory to understand why students choose to study computer science. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM conference on international computing education research (pp. 205-214).

Teague, J. (2018, July). Personality type, career preference and implications for computer science recruitment and teaching. In Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian conference on Computer science education (pp. 155-163).