Management Capabilities Practising Maori Values to be an Effective Manager at Kiwi Minerals Limited (KML)

Management Capabilities Practising Maori Values to be an Effective Manager at Kiwi Minerals Limited (KML)

Management Capabilities: Practising Maori Values to be an Effective Manager at Kiwi Minerals Limited (KML)

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TOC o “1-3” h z u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc89158367 h 21.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc89158368 h 42.Capabilities of the PD PAGEREF _Toc89158369 h 42.1 Budget Management PAGEREF _Toc89158370 h 52.2 Leadership PAGEREF _Toc89158371 h 63.Maori Values PAGEREF _Toc89158372 h 73.1 Kaitiakitanga PAGEREF _Toc89158373 h 73.2 Manaakitanga PAGEREF _Toc89158374 h 83.3 Whanaungatanga PAGEREF _Toc89158375 h 94.Corporate Social Responsibility issues PAGEREF _Toc89158376 h 94.1 CSR Disclosure Issue PAGEREF _Toc89158377 h 104.2 Environmental Issue PAGEREF _Toc89158378 h 125.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc89158379 h 13References PAGEREF _Toc89158380 h 14

Executive Summary

In a contract with the government of New Zealand, Kiwi Minerals Limited (KML), a silver and gold mining corporation, was tasked with exploring and mapping the silver and gold deposits that are available on the Mahia Peninsula. Because this is a large project, the organization intends to hire a project director whose managerial qualities will be critical to the project’s success. Due to the fact that a substantial amount of the land is owned by the local Iwi, specific Mori values will be important to the project’s overall success. It is possible that the project will encounter a number of challenges in respect to corporate social responsibility while in operation. In a contract with the government of New Zealand, Kiwi Minerals Limited (KML), a silver and gold mining corporation, was tasked with exploring and mapping the silver and gold deposits that are available on the Mahia Peninsula. Because this is a large project, the organization intends to hire a project director whose managerial qualities will be critical to the project’s success. The papers covers the essential leadership capabilities, Māori values essential to the project, and corporate social responsibility that determine the future of the project.


Kiwi Minerals Limited (KML), a silver and gold mining organization has been contracted by the government of New Zealand to explore and map the available silver and gold resources that is available in Mahia Peninsula. Being a significant project, the organization plans to recruit a project director whose managerial capabilities are key to the success of the project. Since a considerable portion is owned by the local Iwi, there are certain Māori values that will also be significant to the project. The project might also face a number of issues in relation to corporate social responsibility when working. The purpose of this paper is identifying the management capabilities needed for the project director to ensure the project’s success, identification of Māori values and their significance in relation to the project as well as how they may be implemented and the potential advantages of incorporating indigenous world perspectives. Lastly, the paper will also address the issues in relation to corporate social responsibility that KLM will probably face when carrying out the project.

Capabilities of the PD

In the modern business world of today, project management is one of the most sought-after qualities. Nevertheless, project directors are not solely tasked with the duties of a project. The world has become a competitive market where project directors project directors are required to expand their skillset and competency on a constant basis across different spheres. Among the most essential capabilities that the project directors are inclusive of time management, risk mitigation, task management skills, team management, planning and strategic thinking, effective communication, leadership skills and budget planning. Considering the fact that the project has a specific budget and a tight timeframe, among the most essential capabilities that the project director ought to have in ensuring the success of the project time management, budget planning and leadership skills.

2.1 Budget ManagementA project director’s primary role is to ensure that a project is completed on time as stated earlier, within the allocated budget, and to the highest quality standards possible. Each project’s core is made up of these three elements: budget, timeframe, and quality. However, while both time and quality are important in the project lifecycle, nothing else can proceed forward without the appropriate funds, which necessitates a well-planned and accurately predicted budget (Kwon, Hyukchun, and Chang, 2019). The truth is that a considerable number of project directors focus the majority of their energy on keeping the project on track. They tend to devote the majority of their time organizing and controlling the timetable and often overlook budget monitoring and management. For example, effective managers are expected to ensure that all expenses adhere to the allocated budgets. All project operations are inextricably linked to project finances (Eyibio & Daniel, 2020). The timeframe and sort of utilised resources, processes, and operations within the domain of a project are usually dictated by the quantity of available or needed cash. When it comes to project finances, a miscalculation, poor decision making, or a lack of sufficient oversight could spell the collapse of the project.

With regards to underestimating project costs, there are numerous scenarios that could arise, all of which have adverse effects. The consequences on fulfilling the clients’ requirements are first and paramount (Ali et al., 2021). For example, an effective manager is expected to advise clients accordingly while relating back to shareholder goals and objectives. Inability to meet the project’s agreed-upon objectives and quality requirements may have a severe impact on the credibility as well as future professional development of the Kiwi Minerals Limited (KML). Furthermore, this could harm the company’s reputation and have a detrimental effect on all members of the team. Project budgeting is frequently done in tandem with the establishment of the project timeline during the early stages of project development. Both the projected durations of jobs and the resources given to the project influence the procedures involved in budgeting. Budgeting can be considered as a control tool that allows one to evaluate and quantify actual expenditures against the budget. In the implementation of a project, the budget is frequently a pretty fixed parameter. Whenever a timetable starts to slip, the expense is impacted accordingly. 

2.2 LeadershipThe project managers of today must efficiently oversee and manage employees, provide a real direction, gain buy-in, encourage, instruct, and motivate teams, and handle conflict (Garcés, 2020). Individuals and groups can become discouraged and burned out if they perceive that the project director does not have appropriate leadership skills, which can affect the project’s quality and timeliness (Khamaksorn, 2016). To prevent this, modern project management necessitates the development of leadership abilities that enable project directors to lead strategically as well as operationally. For example, from a tactical standpoint, effective managers must comprehend the project’s business value proposition and have the capacity to successfully articulate it to task flows and teams (Novo, Landis, & Haley, 2017). They must be capable of articulating the task stream’s role and contribute to the project in terms of the anticipated business value proposition.

As projects become more complicated and move faster, it’s critical to be able to gain buy-in from group members on both elevated strategic positions and tactical duties (Podgórska & Pichlak, 2019). This necessitates sensitivity, empathy, and clarity, which are all necessary for self-awareness, leadership growth and emotional intelligence (Podgórska & Pichlak, 2019). For example, a manager is expected to be sensitive to the corporation’s demands in order to ensure coherence; empathy for workflows, their demands, and job loads in order to successfully load balance groups; and conciseness of direction, risks, deliverables, and mitigation measures in order to maximize time and resources.

Maori ValuesIt is important to recognize that Māori people have a unique cultural identification and that their viewpoint, when contrasted to contemporary culture in New Zealand, is frequently different. Whakapapa and the duties given to them as descendants bind Mori as traditional caretakers of this land, and thus establishes their obligations to and for coming generations (Jolly et al., 2015). The people of Māori have co-habited with the environment from generation to generation and have established an all-encompassing and sophisticated understanding of its ecologies, which is connected with their comprehensive cultural heritage; this expertise is the backbone of the authenticity of Aotearoa New Zealand. 

3.1 KaitiakitangaWhen it comes to environmental challenges, as well as the safeguarding of ancient traditions for the benefit of coming generations, kaitiakitanga entails conserving, safeguarding, and sheltering – all of which are important aspects of this practice. It has serious repercussions whenever the obligation of kaitiakitanga is not treated with the seriousness it deserves, as it has resulted in the loss of mana as well as treasures, and also the harm and depletion of natural resources. The function of kaitiakitanga continues to be solely a duty of the Maori community, as it has been for centuries. This is a profound sense of accountability that includes taking care of the environment and natural resources as well as one’s own health. Thus, it is critical that an organization that employs Mori values adheres to the ideas of kaitiakitanga when conducting business with them. This may include promoting recycling, protecting the environment, and managing the utilization of natural resources, to name a few initiatives. Companies that fail to adhere to kaitiakitanga standards may see a loss in mana in their workers’ perspectives, which may lead to unproductive behaviors. It is possible that implementing kaitiakitanga within organizations will lead to more positive views and honour from Mori employees, as well as pro-social attitudes toward colleagues and the company. Mining is an industry that has for quite sometime be associated with negative impacts on the environment such as deforestation, water pollution, soil erosion, habitat loss among others. Considering the fact that KML is an organization that is involved in the mining sector, it will be crucial the project director incorporate Kaitiakitanga in its business operations.

3.2 ManaakitangaManaakitanga is a civility of kindness, respect, modesty, and hospitality – being a personally liable host, showing concern for everyone else, making individuals feel at home, showing respect, and conserving natural resources.  In general, it relates to the relation that exists between the host and the guest. If the host does not demonstrate that they have the capacity to care for their guests, the host runs the possibility of getting their mana, which is dignity or status diminished, which is particularly true from the standpoint of the guest and of the Māori community. These values should be considered valuable members of decision-making teams in the approach to policy development and decision-making, since they can contribute a unique indigenous point of view to the mutual purpose of preserving and protecting the different qualities of the nation’s culture and environment. Among the key values possessed by the people of Maori include; kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, and whakamanatanga. Adopting these Maori values in contemporary companies is an essential focus within the New Zealand communities since it has an effect not only within the firms as entities in their own right, but also the people of Maori.

Adoption of manaakitanga within a company necessitates appropriate hospitality, which includes creating a friendly workplace atmosphere and giving opportunity for employees to display their cultural identities. Thus, the organization can profit from affective commitment behavior on the part of its employees, such as pro-social behaviour and commitment. They will be welcomed and experience a higher feeling of belonging as a result, and they are more inclined to be devoted to exhibiting their cultural identities in order to improve the organization’s reputation.

3.3 WhanaungatangaWhanaungatanga also Whakawhanaungatanga is a concept that acknowledges whakapapa as a connecting mechanism that connects persons throughout generations (Marek, 2020). Whakawhanaungatanga places a high emphasis on interpersonal relationships. Māori are entitled to the support of their family members, regardless of the physical distance from them. This value extends beyond whakapapa ties to encompass non-related persons who have formed bonds with one another in the same way that kin have. There is a shared accountability for each other as well as inclusion of others in the larger situation. When whakawhanaungatanga is implemented in the family context, people who support participation in decision-making report increased joint action and favourable outcomes as a result of the implementation.

Establishing true employer-employee connections, including employees in decision-making procedures, and assisting employees through joint goal setting to enhance their skill and knowledge are all ways that an organization might implement Whakawhanaungatanga. As an added benefit, whakawhanaungatanga can assist in the development and achievement of work-life balance as well as the participation of families in workplace decisions, such as adjustments to working hours and career paths. Whakawhanaungatanga inside an organization will promote workers’ prosocial behaviour and strengthen their dedication, leading to a reduction in employee turnover in the long run. KML can incorporate this value in the project to ensure minimal probabilities for employee turnover.

Corporate Social Responsibility issuesCorporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the social obligation that a company undertakes on and carries out. A firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) is concerned with how they use their own expertise in an appropriate fashion to generate money for the business while also protecting the interests of community as a whole. Organizations are not only interested with their personal interests and welfare, but they are also interested with the interests and wellbeing of the entire society. Additionally, corporate social responsibility provides an overview of how a firm monitors their business operations in order to have a generally positive influence on the general public. Among the difficulties involved in the beginning of CSR initiatives are numerous that are associated to a firm’s concern conduct in its social environment, beyond from the corporation’s economic sector, with which the firm has historically been associated. In order to enact corporate social responsibility, the company must consider the welfare of the general public in addition to its own financial interests when conducting business. In order for the firm to be effective, it must not be self-interested in believing that its own interests are the primary goal. They must not believe that increasing the stock price and short-term profits are the most valuable factors for the organization to focus on. The corporate’s commitment to serving the community is a vital goal, one that is on parity with its commitment to profit. There are several issues related with CSR that KML will likely face inclusive of but not limited to disclosures, environmental, and role of government.

4.1 CSR Disclosure IssueThe disclosure of CSR documentation provides information on what businesses have accomplished or working towards for the betterment of the public. This documentation also contains information about the actions taken by businesses to improve the wellbeing of community, as well as what they intend to do in the coming years to further the well and interests of the community in which they operate (Kamaliah, 2020). Typically, the disclosure is made in a social responsibility report, which is published on the firm’s site or in the annual report of publicly traded corporations, as necessary. Certain companies have been mandated to reveal their annual reports in order to maintain a positive image in the eyes of the public and the country’s administration, and the vast majority of them follow the rules in order to create a good public image.

The disclosure of a firm’s corporate social responsibility is absolutely critical to its stakeholders. The disclosure is often taken into consideration by the corporate’s stakeholders as it demonstrates whatever the firm plans to do and has already executed for the betterment of the public in question (Coffie et al., 2018). According to recent research, the vast majority of investors prefer to put their money into companies that are heavily involved in social responsibility. With an enthusiastic involvement in CSR initiatives, KML can improve their corporate brand in the community. With a growing group of shareholders investing in the corporation and a greater number of key players cooperating with them, it can be advantageous to the corporates. Certain businesses choose to disclose their CSR information on their own will. Generally speaking, the causes can be divided into three categories: pressure from the country’s administration and its citizens, enhancement of the company’s image, and top-level management consciousness. Organizations are also disclosing their CSR information since they believe that it is their responsibility to inform the general population about what they have already accomplished and will do in the coming years for the benefit of the public. For KML, this will particularly be of major concern in regards to the values of Maori people. As stated earlier, Maori values Kaitiakitanga which places more emphasis on a sense of accountability that includes taking care of the environment and natural resources. Being an organization that deals with the mining of gold and silver, which is an industry that has always had a negative image in relation to environmental conservation. Disclosing CSR information will probably have an impact the future of the organization. Such information may entail how the organization may conduct its activities while keeping into account environmental protection for the benefit of Maori people. The CSR disclosure will surely meet the stakeholder’s demands while ensuring the future of the KML project. CSR will eliminate disruptions such as public unrest which is usually common from the surrounding communities in the mining areas.

4.2 Environmental IssueFor quite some time, mining was limited to the process of exploiting a place until its mineral wealth were depleted, followed by the process of exploitation of a new location. The mining industry in these locations used a no-holds-barred attitude, which meant that local people perceived mining operations as both an economic driver and a menace to the natural setting, with detrimental environmental impacts on the air, soil and water. Nowadays, there is a better understanding of sustainable development challenges, and even the consideration with the environmental protection has grown to be a concern with the society in which the business operates. A key factor in this is the increasing regulatory stress on concerns such as waste, contamination, occupational health, and safety in especially hazardous occupations, all of which are becoming increasingly essential. Along with societal and legal pressures, these factors have contributed to a greater level of public awareness of these issues. The discussion over mining operations and sustainable development has shifted to a focus on sustainability on a global as well as a national scale over the previous (Pons et al., 2021). However, although some research highlights the good effects that mining operations can also have, there still exists some ambiguity around the relationship between “sustainable development” and mining operations. One of the most persuasive arguments against the mining industry leading to sustainable development is following the fact that mineral resources are limited and at the same time non-renewable, and as a result, subsequent generations will have less opportunity to utilize these resources than they do today. Using corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices, KML operations could be perceived as more environmentally responsible and this may ensure its survival in the future. Reinvestment methods such as investing the revenue earned in the creation of key infrastructure for local communities have the capacity to boost sustainability levels in the industry. Any adverse impact ought to be remedied as soon as possible, that might help in enhancing mining’s name and reputation.


When it comes to the current corporate world of today, project management is one of the most highly desirable skills. Project directors, on the other hand, are not solely responsible for the tasks associated with a project. The landscape has grown into a competitive market in which project directors are obliged to constantly broaden and deepen their knowledge and skillset across a variety of domains of expertise. One of the most important qualities possessed by project directors is the ability to manage time and risks effectively. Other key abilities include task management competencies, team leadership, strategic planning, communication skills, overall managerial skills, and financial management. Due to the fact that the project will be conducted in regions where the indigenous people live, it will also be prudent for KML to adopt the values of the people within the organization to ensure its success. Lastly, CSR is also another area of concern that will determine the future of the project. The organization must act socially responsible to ensure its success in the long term.

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