Management as an act of bringing different people together

Management as an act of bringing different people together

Management as an act of bringing different people togetherScientific research is a dynamic and robust practice employing different methods in investigating phenomena. This includes; comparison, description, modeling and experimentation. Even though these given methods are defined independently in the consequent module, many of these approaches are used particularly in combination or overlap. In the management’s art and science, managers need a lot of time in setting their goals and building their plans. They can increase their success chances by taking advantages of their brain chemistry.

An organization formation shows that a leader is supposed to take control of all the activities done in the organization. This work done by the leader is what is referred to as management. Management is mainly used in defining the works done by the managers. Management study is learning of the beliefs and the attitudes of the people and the organization. It also includes managers understanding and their environments; the organizations’ ethical and social responsibilities; decision making; organizations’ innovation change; managing productions of a given operation; controlling inventory and methods used in negotiating and communicating among others (Gr).

Management is an act of bringing different people together in order to get desired objectives and goals by using the resources available effectively and efficiently. It comprises of organizing, leading, staffing, controlling and planning an organization. On the other hand, resourcing consists of deploying and manipulating financial resources, natural resources, natural resources and technological resources. Management may be viewed as one of the ways used in adjusting plans, meeting goals and measuring quantity. This is applicable in conditions where there is no planning at all. Management can be considered to consist of various functions such as planning, commanding, forecasting, organizing, controlling and coordinating. Many people think that management is the same as business administration thus excluding management in areas that are not in the commerce field. Examples are in the public sectors and charities. Each and every corporation needs to manage its people, work, technology and processes so that they maximize effectiveness. Moreover, different people refer to the departments in the university that teach management as school of business.

In case of making profits in work, management satisfies a range of shareholders. This basically involves making profits for the stakeholders, create products that are valued and at a reasonable cost. Additionally, provide gratifying employment prospects for employees in an organization. In many governance and management models, investors votes mainly for the board of directors then it is the responsibility of the board of directors in hiring senior management (Griffin, 2012). To add on that, management functions through different functions such as; organizing, planning, leading, staffing, motivating and controlling. There are basic roles of management. Interpersonal role that entails interaction and coordination with employees. Decisional role that needs good decision making. Informational role entailing analyzed information, handling and sharing.

In conclusion, almost all organizations have three levels of management: the first level managers, middle level managers and top-level managers. They perform different tasks and they are classified in an authority hierarchy. A pyramid is mostly resembled by the number of managers in each level in most companies. Top level managers are expected to broaden policies and lay down their goals. They are also supposed to give direction and guidance. The middle level managers monitor group performance indicators and resolve problems in the working groups. The first level managers are responsible in providing career planning, motivation and supervision (Griffin, 2012).


Griffin, W. R., 2012. Management. Stamford: Cengage Learning.