M4.1 Assignment Final Project Proposal

M4.1 Assignment Final Project Proposal

M4.1 Assignment: Final Project Proposal


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Note: Please be aware that you cannot move forward with the final project until this proposal is graded.

First, pick from the following options (Options 1 – 2) for your final project proposal. Please do not “cut & paste” the entire description of that Option in your proposal, but briefly indicate which option you chose.

Next, based on your option:

Provide a brief background of the company you wish to evaluate or a brief description of how you will address the topics (2-4 sentences).

Identify the Training and Development concept or concepts that you plan to apply or explore in your final project (2-4 sentences). 

Then, write an annotated bibliography with 3 entries that will further support your proposal (review the Library resource on annotated bibliographies). For the final project, it is expected that you will use materials from the course and texts to support your paper beyond the three annotated bibliography entries listed in the proposal. However, for the proposal we only need three annotated bibliography entries. Out of the three required entries, two entries should be academic sources (textbook or peer-reviewed journal articles), and one should be a popular source (news articles, for example). These sources must be published within the last ten years. 

For each annotated bibliography entry:

describe the book or article’s content (2-3 sentences)

demonstrate the book or article’s relevance to your research (2-3 sentences)

discuss the reliability or validity of the book or article’s content (2-3 sentences)

Summary: There should be a total of 3 annotated bibliography entries indicating the 3 resources you will use for your final project.


Your proposal should not be more than two pages long, not including the cover and reference pages with 1-inch margins (on all sides), lines double-spaced, with 12-size fonts. All references must follow the APA format (review the APA section of the Citing Your Sources).

Please submit the proposal only as a Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) attachment. Please include your name and title of this assignment.


Review the written assignment rubric to determine how you will be evaluated. Please note that you cannot move forward with your final project until you receive a grade and feedback on this proposal from your instructor.


Please choose one of the following options, and indicate your choice in your proposal:

Option 1

Design a program to address a specific training need in an organization (e.g. a program to help the employees become competent in learning to use a new software, or helping employees enhance skills in their current role etc). Your program design should include an explanation of what the training needs and training gaps are, along with a description of why the training program is important, and how it helps to support the organization. Your program should also discuss the implications of diversity of adult learners (race, age, generations, learning styles and differences, motivation and barriers, etc.) as they relate to training in the workplace.

Option 2

Advise the Management team of the present and future trends that will influence how training is developed in an organization. Discuss what are some of the economic, social, political or technological factors that affect training today. Then, examine two future trends that you believe will influence training, and provide evidence of these impending trends. As the Management team is interested in performance improvement, indicate which trend(s) you believe are ideal for the organization, to ensure effective training outcomes? (see The Top Ford Future Trends 2018, 15 Trends that are Shaping the Future, 10 Trends in Training and Development, etc.).

Employee training and development

Noe, R. (2020). Employee Training & Development (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9781260140279