lesson critique

lesson critique

Lesson critique



Formative assessment. (group work)

Strengths: Combination of ideas from different students improves learning; Weak students can get help from their peers in the group through discussion; Encourages teamwork and cooperation among students.

Weaknesses: Possibility of some students not participating and letting others do all the work; Individual attention by teacher to weak student is lost


Relevance of assessments

The formative assessment enables the students to grasp the basic concepts of the topic while the summative test gives them a deeper understanding of the three aspects of irony as well as a chance to demonstrate what they have understood

Summative assessment.

Strengths: Promotes deeper understanding of the concept through discussion and active criticism; Encourages interaction of students and fosters good relationships.

Weaknesses: Student will not learn all the three available options since discussion is only between two


Collection of feedback.

Pros: level and scope of understanding is assessable as students get a chance to present what they have learnt, and the method allows for learning from peers through group work and student to student criticism and correction.

Cons: students may not cover the three presentation areas; they are only required to cover two so the feedback may not be conclusive criticism from fellow students may not be sufficient.

Instructional strategies.

Strengths: encompasses the entire scope of the topic covering verbal situational and dramatic irony; encourage teamwork and group participation and peer learning through group work

Weaknesses: one on one interaction by the teacher with students is minimal; the tests do not exhaustively cover the entire scope of the topic for each student, and could promote laziness in some students who will rely on their group members to do all the work.


Borich, D. B. (2013). Effective teaching methods: research based practice. Pearson.

Embrey, S. (2010). Teachers lesson planner and record book. Sterling

Grant, C. A., and Sleeter, C. E. (2006). Turning on learning: five approaches for multicultural teaching plans for race, class gender and disability.