

Leadership teamwork consultant




Leadership teamwork consultant


In different organizations, teamwork training is the best resource in assessing and defining the needs and requirements to be implemented. Additionally, teamwork training that is effective and especially on project management usually present techniques and tools which bridge communication gaps and weaknesses across various organizational departments. Effective teamwork training ensure that success is reflected through the organization’s performance. Approaching organizations project through cohesive teamwork therefore results to a sure success.

1. Suggest two (2) key ways in which the proposed teamwork project would affect organizational performance.

Teamwork has a number of impacts on organizational performance. One of the major impacts is improving the performance through the production of quality products and services. When employees work in a team, they tend to offer outstanding performance compared to when an individual performs the task. The job is divided into simpler portions that can be handled by various persons. In most cases, teamwork results in the allocation of tasks to individuals in areas they are most specialized in. Specialization enables the team members to act in accordance with their knowledge and skills hence resulting to quality production (Ghorbanhosseini, 2013). The proposed teamwork project would, therefore, enable the employees to work in areas they are most specialized in, and as a result, improve the quality of their work.

Another way through which teamwork project would affect organizational performance is by increasing the speed at which tasks are performed. Tasks within the organizational setting have timelines through which they have to be accomplished. When individuals work alone, it is often difficult to work within the strict task deadlines, however, when tackled in groups, the work is disintegrated into smaller manageable pieces that enable the employees to work faster and accomplish within the required time. By improving quality and speed at which tasks are to be performed, the teamwork project is likely to have a huge impact on organizational performance (Ghorbanhosseini, 2013).

The proposed teamwork project would, therefore, instill vital teamwork skills that are necessary for any given work setting. Skills such as the distribution of labor are a common element in group work. The development of such skills by group members can translate to better performance in the organization. In addition, group membership revolves around the development of new skills by the members. In the course of their interactions, the group members interchange certain relevant skills that are applicable in the organizational setting. Motivation is another primary element of teamwork. With the leader constantly communicating with the members, they get motivated and become aligned to the organizational goals (Ghorbanhosseini, 2013). Alignment to the goals implies working towards the attainment of a particular course. They members would, therefore, become motivated towards working in the organization and in the long run become productive and instrumental in attaining organizational goals.

2. Recommend where the company should set limits on spending and on using company assets for socially responsible projects. Predict the main effect that socially responsible projects could have on the company’s overall bottom line.

Social responsibility constitutes an ethical framework that suggests that an organization is ethically obliged to act for the benefit of the social members within which it operates. The process of corporate social responsibility involves the use of company resources to benefit the society. At other times, the CSR involves the provision of services such as employments, medical treatments, and sports sponsorship. Most social responsibilities are often voluntary acts by the organization in a bid to benefit the business. In cases where the organization engages in environmental sustenance, or provision of a free medical camp, the resources utilized often belong to the organization (Carroll, 2015).

Certain limits can be set on the use of organizational resources in fulfillment of the social responsibility. One such limit can be incorporated when the expenditure exceeds the likely impact. Generally, organizations utilize social responsibilities to market their products and create awareness of their product existence in the market. The resources allocated in making the contribution needs to moderate to ensure that organization does not spend way beyond its ability.

Limits should also be set on socially responsible assets in cases where the assets do not perform as per the business expectations. For instance, in cases where business sponsors a free medical camp to members of a community, and the turn up is low, it is prudent that the resources used in managing such be reduced. Limitation of the resources in such a scenario would help in minimizing the maintenance and wage expenses for the personnel involved in the project management process. When making decisions on whether to utilize a given amount of resources, it is important that a company determine the levels of benefit as well as the levels of need of the project (Carroll, 2015). The socially responsible action must yield the target action to be effective.

Finally, the social responsibility action must represent and reflect the organizational values (Carroll, 2015). Within an organizational culture dwell values that are held by the members of the organization. Such values are often attached to the products and services offered by the organization. In case a social responsibility function or action does not depict or represent the company values, it may be prudent to limit or withdraw resources used in such cases. Continuous injection of resources in such projects may lead to massive losses and in the end lead to company collapse.

3. Propose two (2) approaches geared toward introducing the topic of ethics or ethical behavior in the teamwork-training project.

Ethics primarily concern with a person’s moral judgments of good and evil. Organizational culture tends to have certain ethics, which are adopted by members. The ethics define the values that each employee is expected to adhere to. Within a group setting, ethics play a significant role in the actions of members towards one another. Certain principles of ethics dictate that employees must be fair and honest towards one another. In introducing ethics to a team, one of the approaches is training them on the personality differences and cultural diversity. Employees tend to emanate from different cultural backgrounds. This makes them perceive and treat each other differently. Ethics dictates the behavior of individuals within the workplace and enables them to treat each other in a fair manner (Durie, 2013). By training the team members on ethics and its significance, the members learn to accept persons from other cultures and appreciate their ways of doing things.

Fairness in the workplace is another significant element of ethics. The members must learn to be fair to each other. In this perceptive, work needs to be divided equally and the management and team members need not to show any form of favoritism to the members. Such equal treatment of all members helps in ensuring that proper work ethics are upheld within the organizational setting (Durie, 2013). The ethics may dictate the reporting time as well as the amount of responsibilities an individual needs to perform. Ethical judgments must be aligned with the societal expectations and the organizational values that must be adhered to.

4. Examine two (2) aspects of teamwork training that change a person into a transformational leader. Justify your response.

Transformational leaders work with the subordinates in identifying areas that need change and coming up with structures to implement the changes. Transformational leaders tend to involve the group in decision making hence resulting in logical solutions to problems. One of the major advantages is the team spirit developed by the transformational leader (Avolio & Yammarino, 2013).

Teamwork training encompasses various aspects that can transform an individual into a transformational leader. One of the aspects is the team spirit. Team spirit encompasses engaging in activities as a team. The members make decisions collectively and implement the solutions to the problems encountered. Team spirit also involves the distribution of tasks and responsibilities. Group members tend to divide work according to areas of specialization. In the process, the group members develop skills that are essential for performance. Team spirit constitutes a key element of transformational leadership. The transformational leader works together with other team members to come up with solutions to various problems. Transformational leadership involves the leader pulling the subordinates and supporting them into becoming relevant within the social setting (Avolio & Yammarino, 2013). The element of team spirit can, therefore, transform a person into a transformational leader.

Another key element of a team is working towards a common purpose. In team building, the members often work towards achieving a common objective. The leader communicates the team objective, which is then taken over by the members. The same concept is demonstrated in transformational leadership where the leader communicates the objectives or vision and makes the other members work towards achieving it (Braun, Peus, Weisweiler, & Frey, 2013). By having a common purpose in mind both the team members and transformational leader’s group tend to emulate similar character (Avolio & Yammarino, 2013). A team member that has experienced similar aspects can easily suite in the context of transformational leadership since they have similar attributes in regards to working together.

5. Predict your possible reaction to a team member’s suggestion of another theme that does not relate in any way to the theme that you have proposed. Provide a rationale for your response.

Suggestions from team members tend to be distinct. The ideological difference within a team helps in coming up with new ways and approaches to tackling issues within the work setting. One of the likely suggestions that may be postulated by members includes approaches to conflict resolution. Members have different approaches to resolving conflicts; such approaches may emanate from social and cultural setup. Given one’s cultural background, they may choose to be introverted and therefore ignore the basic conflict resolution standards. On a differing opinion, I would opt to use the conflict resolution method, which entails the use of a mediator. Mediators are often neutral persons that are appointed by both parties to listen to complaints from both sides and help to determine the bone of contention between them.

Given the two separate suggestions, conflicts are bound to arise within the group setting resulting in disintegration. To solve the conflicting suggestions, the group leader needs to communicate the importance of group decision (Masclet & Puppe, 2015). The members should thus sit down and come up with decisions that would fit both parties. Group actions tend to be involving all members and therefore requiring them to engage in decision making. The team leader acts to coordinates the decision-making process and assists the members in formulating solutions to the problems emanating within the team.

Another possible reaction is seeking a unifying conclusion between the two conflicting parties. As the other member does not agree to my theme and vise verse, it is important to co e up with an approach that would favor both the groups. The team would investigate on the best approaches to such problems, and then each member gives a recommendation of their opinion. Such a reaction would help in uniting the team activities and enable members to formulate problem tailored solutions.


Avolio, B. J., & Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. In Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition (pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Braun, S., Peus, C., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2013). Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and team performance: A multilevel mediation model of trust. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 270-283.

Carroll, A. B. (2015). Corporate social responsibility. Organizational Dynamics, 44(2), 87-96.

Durie, E. T. (2013). Ethics and values in Maori research. He pukenga korero, 4(1).

Ghorbanhosseini, M. (2013). The effect of organizational culture, teamwork and organizational development on organizational commitment: the mediating role of human capital. Tehnički vjesnik, 20(6), 1019-1025.

Masclet, D., & Puppe, C. (2015). Introduction to the special issue “Experiments on conflicts and conflict resolution”.