DateIntegrative Process:
Complex interdisciplinary) phenomena I am interested in learning more about /doing research on/ studying it further.
Complex Phenomenon #1. Combating Poverty.
Why is it complex?
It is complex because it is a multi-dimensional problem and has its roots in both the national and the international domains. It is also complex because no uniform solution can be found to be applied globally. The eradication of poverty programs are country-specific that get the support from international agencies by creating a supportive international environment. The eradication of poverty is also a complex phenomenon because it is the shared responsibility of so many countries and it is a challenge in most countries.
Why are you interested in this phenomenon/ problem?
Combating of poverty involve the sustainable management and utilization of resources as well as having an environmental policy in place which mainly focuses the conservation and protection of the resources. I am interested in the phenomenon because once we eradicate poverty.
What future professional relevance does studying this problem have for me?
My longer-term career objective is to help people and to enable people to achieve sustainable livelihoods and it will be of great importance when I understand the importance of combating poverty and what people should do, the resources and efforts to be rallied to ensure the international objective is achieved.
Complex Phenomenon #2. Environmental protection.
Why is it complex?
Environmental protection is complex because the environmental challenges are interlinked not only to themselves but also to the social and economic challenges. Also addressing the interconnected and the interacting environmental and social challenges require systems coordination in order to solve the environmental challenges.
I am interested in this phenomenon because it is complex and I believe the solution to the environmental challenges being seen in the world today, heavily lies on balancing the complexities related to the phenomenon. It is also a phenomenon where I can apply systems thinking in addressing the inter-connected, social, and economic and governance challenges across all the involved sectors. I also strongly believe that, if we put effort and focus on resilience and transformation then we shall be on the front lines advocating for environmental protection and setting the appropriate examples by protecting the environment ourselves.
The future and professional relevance that studying this aspect has for me.
By studying this aspect now I will certainly understand the policy making strategies on Environmental protection, which will of great value and benefits as I intend on being the best at and working at the Environmental protection docket nationally and internationally.
Complex Phenomenon #3 Improvement of Public Policy.
Why is it complex?
The improvement of public policy is complex in the sense that it involves so many stakeholders, individuals with different roles as well as interests and also it requires complex resources. Public policy deals with sensitive matters such as who gets what, the whys and the difference that the resource allocation makes. It is complex also because of the role the government plays in public policy.
Why are you interested on the same?
I am interested on the improvement of Public Policy because it is a docket that involves people and the citizens of the land. It is an interesting field because it involves making of decision that can positively or negatively affect the lives of people. What fascinates me the most about public policy is the sense that it is goal oriented and also it involves the courses of action, it also involves the identification of problems and the implementation of policies that will make the lives of people better.
The future and professional relevance that studying this aspect has for me.
By studying public policy now, I will obtain vast knowledge and I will understand more about certain policy issues which will later propel my career forward. The study of public policy will stimulate my imagination, the creativity down on the inside of me as well as discipline and the knowledge that I will greatly need as I grow and advance in the public policy field.
The complex phenomenon I would further study is complex phenomenon #2 Environmental protection.
Step 2: Formulation of the interdisciplinary question.
How can we solve the complex environmental problems?
Step 3: Relevant disciplines needed to study the problem further.
social sciences
Step 4. Consider the problem/question through the perspectives of each disciplines one at a time.
#1. Biology. By studying biology the main focus will be on ecology defining and illustrating how organisms interact with their environment and how the processes and functions of the organisms affect their environment.
#2. Social sciences: it is important to understand social sciences and its subsequent connection to the complex environmental problems. Social sciences may focus on the human behavior and how the human activities may lead to the Loss of biodiversity is connected to the painful climate change disasters being seen today, environmental degradation leads to the loss of biodiversity and hence the complex environmental problems.
#3. Chemistry. The discipline is related to the complex environmental problems, because it studies the chemicals and their interaction by studying chemistry the chemical aspect of environmental pollution can therefore be understood appropriately.
Step 5: All the insights gained from each discipline.
Biology. From the biology discipline we are able to understand how the interactions of the living things with the environment lead to Pollution which is rampant and has been associated with serious health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, pollution affects the ecosystem and a number of things contribute to pollution such as the exhaust from factories released to the atmosphere compromising the health of individuals.
Social sciences the social sciences aspect indicates how the human interactions and the human behaviors lead to the complex environmental problems being witnessed and also how the problems can be addressed in order to reduce the detrimental effects on the environment,
Chemistry. The insights on this discipline indicate the importance of understanding how chemicals interact and how they may cause environmental pollution. A good example is the release of carbon to the environment which subsequently leads to acid rain.
Step 6. There is a common ground between the disciplines as all the aspects of the individual disciplines highlight how their components may cause pollution and how by understanding the disciplines the complex environmental problems may be avoided to a greater extent.
Step 7. The complex environmental problem is an interaction between the biological, the chemical and the social aspect of the environment, and the solutions to the problems emanate from the complex disciplines involved.
Step 8. Complex environmental problem is an interaction between the disciplines involved. For effective measures to solve the environmental problems to be put in place it is necessary to understand how the disciplines interact and the role they may play in solving the problems.