Hinduism begun as a result of vibrant meeting of the darker skinned Indians and the lighter skinned Aryans.

Hinduism begun as a result of vibrant meeting of the darker skinned Indians and the lighter skinned Aryans.



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Hinduism is believed to have begun as a result of vibrant meeting of the darker skinned Indians and the lighter skinned Aryans. The Hindus sang hymns and performed so many rituals until the rituals were deep-seated in them and the enthused individuals came up with guide for them. The inspired members of Hinduism developed Veda which is the guide for all the Hindus. The religion has really expanded its wings since its initiation and the consecration to the religion even interfered with the British throttlehold. This essay explains some of the facts and issues concerning Hinduism ritual.

Hinduism is believed to have started in Indus valley and a larger percentage of the Hinduism faithful are found in India. Most of the facts and important issues about Hinduism are preserved in the Vedas. The Aryans took with them the Persian and the Western concepts. Their divinity were said to be the normal supremacies of heaven and earth and they honored their gods via conducting animal sacrifices (Matthews 72-74). The Aryan gods were shinning objects which portrayed nice things for human beings unlike the Asuras that were said to be evil powers that signified hurtful things to humans. However, the intermingling of Aryans and the natives (Dravidians) led to sharing of their rites, customs with the natives thus leading to Hinduism that contains most of the Aryans practices. Aryans practices dominated the Davidians for reasons not known since some scholars blame it on stratification while others think that Aryans were just superior to the natives (Rinehart 123-127).

There are four collections of the Vedas and the popular Veda is known as the Ring Veda. Other Vedas include the Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and the Artharva Veda. These Vedas had different roles in the religion as some contained prayers and other information regarding devotion while others contained people’s daily worries such as lust (Matthews 75-80). The Vedas are regarded as the basis and the roots for Hinduism since they contain variety of clarifications concerning the religion which is very crucial to the members. The Hindu faithful have a leader called Brahmin who execute rites that is under their powers to the devotees and further inspire people worldwide to favor the devotees (Rinehart 123-127).

Hindus have several gods that include the Agni that ascend from Purusha and the Indra deity, the Soma which is regarded as very important god and finally the Varina who is considered as the preserver of truth. However, there are some groups that branched from the original Hinduism such as Upanishads. Contemporarily, Hinduism has established four main goals and they are not needed to pursue the peak of release in their lifespan. The goals include the dharma which requires the devotee to live while bestowing the obligations of their standing, karma that prompts an individual to seek pleasurable life (Matthews 75-80).

Bhagavad Gita came up with distinct tracks for Hindu devotees to walk through followed by the puranas and the tantaras that have engrained detailed information regarding the divinities and service to them. Hinduism is very unique religion that greatly honors the Vedas as well as traditional customs and practices unlike the Western religions that believe that believe in the progress of events since the initiation. Hindus uniquely consider that there are cycles of events that take place in their religion and that whatever is exact for the universe also applies to mankind (Fuller 62-65).

The most interesting thing about Hinduism is their rituals and symbols. Just like any other religion from across the world, rites and rituals are very important aspects of the religion. These rites and rituals play vital role in identification of the religion in question. To Hindus, most of these customs are compulsory but very flexible since devotees in different regions follow different customs. These rituals further ensure that the devotees do not go off the spiritual life and achieving spiritual objectives due to materialistic detractors.

Samskaras are some of the vital rituals that assimilate the devotees into the community such as the birth of a child and naming ceremony (Matthews 100-108). The other ritual is the upanayana that recruits a boy as a person who has obligation for his religious acts as he becomes more sacred and is required to respect all his seniors. The other ritual is the vivaha that signifies the admittance into the next level of marriage where the ceremony is normally climaxed with substantial meal. Initially, marriage was very vital to the Hindus because a son who would continue with the sacrifice was supposed to be raised (Fuller 62-65).

Hindus strongly believe in their rights as a way of avoiding antagonistic influences and also as a way of enticing spiritual and general life benefits for life success. There are a number of benefits associated with the Hinduism rituals such as life longevity, prosperity, power and intelligence. The customs and rites of Hinduism are said to be increasing the status of a devotee due to their connections with spirituality and social wellbeing. A fully devoted Hindu is believed to have grown to a full man if he obeys and practices all the Hinduism rituals. All the conducts of a devotee especially as far as completeness of a man is regarded amongst Hindus is dependent on the way he obeys the rules and regulations of the rituals (Fuller 62-65).

One of the most interesting rituals is the Puja which is regarded by Hindus as a way of honoring deities through various ways. Some of the ways of displaying devotion to gods are via prayers and hymns. Puja is considered worldwide by Hindus as a means of making spiritual connection with gods where some images and symbols are used as a connection between the devotee and the gods (Dasa Web). The images, objects and the symbols used in Hinduism for puja’s purposes are believed to contain some divinity powers which are essential in worshipping. Although the symbols are very significant for the Hindu devotee, they are not as crucial as the spiritual content. The objects just relay important information to the Hindu thus making the worshipper to feel that he is directly communicating with god (Fuller 62-65).

It is really thought-provoking to observe a Hindu performing puja in a way that satisfies the deity. Initially, an individual showers and switch changes to clothes which are only meant for worshipping and goes to a specific room or place set. The devotee then meditates upon the god to be revered as the body is further consecrated by a substance called acamana. There are some essential ingredients required before performing puja such as a cup of water and a spoon, a jug of fresh water, a bell, and mixture of milk, yoghurt, ghee, honey, sugar, flowers, and sandalwood pulp. Some other ingredients are a cotton swab, cloth folded into a triangle, fragrance incense and a cup for throwing discarded water. However, there are other substitutes that may be used in case all these ingredients are unavailable especially shorter pujas. All the articles are supposed to be as tidy as possible due to their association with spirituality.

The prepared items must be sanctified with the divine water and the devotee salutes the reverence educator then removes the cloth from the shrine. The god must be initially greeted with hands folded while uttering some words of commitment and consecration. The items offered should not be re-offered to the deity and therefore the offered items are put on the right hand side of the shrine to avoid the confusion.

While initiating puja, a devotee directs the god or goddess with the use of hand gestures to the seat where it is required to seat as per the devotee. After the use of hand gestures in giving directions, a Hindu welcomes the deity with folded hands and then sacred water for washing the deity’s feet is offered. After the feet washing, the devotee sprinkles water upon him and further sips before offering the cup with mixture of milk and honey. Other events that follow include giving more sipping water and ring the bell while bathing the divinity (Dasa Web).

Additionally, the deity is dried and clothed and decorate it with numerous beautiful ornaments and offering dots of fragrant sandalwood pulp to the divinity’s forehead. Flowers and beautiful leaves are then put to the god’s feet as well as waving incense around the divinity and repeat the action with the lamp. Foodstuffs are then offered to the deity while chanting offering mantra as you let the god eat. While waiting for the deity to eat, a devotee may sing and recite some hymns then later water is offered for washing the divinity’s mouth. Finally after all the offerings and events, the devotee offers suitable prayers while bowing down as a show of respect (Raatan 297-300).

Hindu temples and shrines have many of the images and objects such as carved stone and casts which represent divinity in human form to serve very crucial part during puja. These anthropomorphic symbols such as a pot or cone are strongly associated with strengths and powers of the deity spirit. Puja is conducted in various places and environments such as inside temples and homes since the deities can be usually revered everyplace (Dasa Web). The symbols are so crucial that the devotees believe that if they are not properly been taken care of then the deity may leave the temples. This prompts the religious leaders to take good care of the temple and all its contents. Although the religious leaders carry out their pujas in the temple at different times of the day such as at sunrise and noon, the other devotees do not need to visit temple frequently. Laypersons may decide to carry out their pujas at home on regular basis since the most important thing is a person’s offering to the god (Raatan 297-300).

According to the Hinduism, temple is very important thing in the religion because the divinity is believed to be waiting to serve his faithful and partaking of their offerings. The gods are considered special and compared to kings thus justifying the palace like nature of the temples. Each temple is devoted to a particular god and this is shown by outside decoration of the divinity being revered. It is worth noting that the sacred symbols remind the devotees about the divine stories they must have learnt. Before entering a temple, an individual is required to take off their shoes as a way of showing respect to the gods.

In every Hindu’s home, there is a shrine which is regarded as a holy place for reverencing and praising the deities. Some of the Hindu devotees do not need to go to temples except during very special festivals or perhaps tries to ask for a very special favor from the gods. Hindus believe that the pujas taking place at home are important in determining the family’s choice and acts. It is regarded that worshiping in the temples may need a priest as an intervener but the home pujas is said to be offering direct contact between god and the worshipper. Interestingly, the size of the home shrine is not regarded as a big issue provided the family understands that the shrine is in a particular place (Raatan 297-300).

Even the decorations of the home shrine is not given much attention compared to the temples but must have the images of god or gods pertaining to the family’s belief. It is also very usual to find a number of shrines in a particular home. It is also worth noting that the Hindu children are given opportunity to choose from the many gods or goddesses. Pujas at home is considered significant in protecting the family from bad fortunes and granting the family members several benefits. Pujas at home can be cared out by a single individual member of the family and the deity’s existence is pleased by cleaning the images and giving it flower and fruit offerings.

Works Cited

Dasa, Shukavak. Devasthanam: Ways Of Worship: Puja And Archana. Sanskrit Religions Institute. 2007. Web. 15 Jul. 2013. <Http://Owl.English.Purdue.Edu/Owl/Resource/747/08/>.

Fuller, C J. The Camphor Flame: Popular Hinduism and Society in India. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2004. Print.

Matthews, Alfred W. World Religions. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/ Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.

Raatan, T. History, Religion and Culture Of North East India. Delhi: Isha Books, 2006. Print.

Rinehart, Robin. Contemporary Hinduism: Ritual, Culture, and Practice. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2004. Internet Resource.