Hello and welcome to this presentation. I will provide a questionnaire analysis regarding language use from our respondents.
First, we found that a majority of the respondents chose to use polite language to express their true feelings. In question 10, 78% of the respondents would rather suggest taking their friend somewhere another day as opposed to outrightly asking them to go alone.
Moving on to the next item, the questionnaire recorded that expressing a stomach ache in question 11 shows that a majority of people would rather use soft and subtle language (62%) as opposed to those exaggerating the pain (38%).
In addressing question 12 regarding the first response when the respondent encounters a thing that annoys them, the responses were almost split with 48% issuing no use of swear words and a majority of 52% saying their response may contain swear words.
Having looked at the results, an interpretation of the same indicate that while a majority of people are keen on using subtle, polite, and less exaggerative language to hide direct feelings or to express dissatisfaction and pain, they would also comfortably apply swear or dirty words in a conversation, especially if they encounter something annoying.
As a result, it emerges that the expressions used in language differ regarding the content and context. The use of rude or polite words is therefore a function of situation and context. Based on the level of education of the respondents, it emerges that high levels of education demand an analysis of situation to choose appropriate language.
Thank you. I will answer any questions now.