Guest worker program Costs and Benefits of the guest worker program

Guest worker program Costs and Benefits of the guest worker program





Guest worker program Costs and Benefits of the guest worker program

Temporary labor migration has the potential to relieve labour sending countries of acute unemployment. In addition, the labour exporting countries have the benefit of economic improvement through remittances channeled back and acquisition of new skills. Value building in labour migration programmes is therefore of great importance and should embrace developing sound mechanisms which can incorporate connection of newly acquired skills to the local demands and development priorities. Temporary foreign worker programmes have the potential to effectively contribute to economic development through implementation of policies and programmes to diversify and develop the skills of the returning workers so that they can earn independent incomes in their mother countries (Steven, 123-156).

However, immigration has not been effective enough to address any country’s economic and demographic problems. Foreign worker legislation programme is being debated in the United States Of America with the view of resolving illegal immigration and drug trafficking. Statistics show that there are over eleven million illegal immigrants residing in USA. Most of these immigrants are from the neighboring Caribbean countries with Mexicans making the greatest percentage. Nevertheless, the illegal workers legislation has met with some stiff opposition as some opponents of the legislation argue that it will further spur illegal migration thereby forcing low-skilled native workers out of work. These proponents of the legislation are urging the government to consider granting some amnesty to the already established illegal emigrants working in the USA and strategize for the future of guest worker programmes (Steven, 2001).

Recent changes in the guest worker program

During its tenure, the George Bush administration came up with a series of changes to the programme on foreign farm workers with the aim of ensuring that such workers are protected. The revised legislation made it easier for farm owners to bring in foreign workers to the USA. This legislation was aimed at ending labor shortage across USA farms.

However the legislation failed to secure congressional approval and therefore the government opted for an alternative which does not rely on congress approval. Among other things the proposed changes will make it easier for foreign workers to get accommodation and not to be subjected to heavy taxes (Cornelius. 178).

Under these changes wages will be based entirely on skills and local salary scales. The government sets wages for all regions and all workers across the regions earn equally. The new legislations will undo labor cuts and introduce labor protection for guest farm workers. The key changes addressed in the new legislation are:

Increased wages to match the increased cost of living and offset tax impacts.

Nil wage deduction.

Transport reimbursement. This legislation will compel farm owners to reimburse the workers long distance travel costs.

Compulsory inspection of worker housing. This legislation is meant to ensure that the workers are housed in safe and health environments.

Full disclosure of terms of service.

Help for US workers looking for employment.

Transparency and public information. This will help workers understand what the job entails and any other relevant information pertaining to it.

Senator John McCain’s view on the guest worker program and immigration reform

McCain has publicly said that he supports the reforms on immigration and has called for deportation of illegal farm workers residing in the United States of America. He has said that he supports the guest worker programme but vehemently objected to any plans to have illegal immigrants accorded citizenship. The senator furthers stressed that the proposed guest worker program would only be temporary. McCain argues that failure to implement a comprehensive reform policy will see illegal immigrants with dubious intents moving to the United Stated of America thereby jeordadizing the stability that Americans have enjoyed for long. All in all, McCain seems worried by the current huge number of illegal immigrants who are flocking America. The senator has called for American neighbors especially Mexico and Canada to be keen lest they be used as stepping stones by illegal immigrants to gain entry into the United States of America (Marre, 46-53).

What the Obama administration is planning to do with regards to immigration reforms.

The Obama administration is of the view that the proposed legislation will not be passed by the congress and has thus resorted to ways of effecting the legislation without congressional approval. Among the objectives the administration seeks are giving permanent resident status to the already established illegal immigrants.The government has drafted a memo outlining the various ways the government would grant permanent residency to this class of people as well as delay deportation of several others. This act by the Obama administration gives credence that the authorities are deeply concerned the illegal immigration of citizens from other countries.

The memo further said that standards for hardship cases would be simplified so that more US citizens and lawfully residing permanent workers could seek jobs without fearing deportation. Contrary to the position held by the previous administrations, the memo by the Obama administration calls for granting of green cards to all people currently residing in the country under lawfully. This will typically delay deportation of foreign nationals. Majority of the supporters of the immigration reform have welcomed efforts by the Obama administration to open citizen pathways for undocumented foreign nationals living in the USA (Bryan, 1-4).

Works cited

Bryan, Griffith. Morning News 9/10/10, 2010

Cornelius. “The Changing Role of Mexican Labor in the U.S. Economy”. 1989.

Marre, Klaus “46-53, immigration bill goes down in defeat”. The Hill. Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. 2007.

Steven C. “Immigration from Mexico: Assessing the Impact on the United States”. Center for Immigration Studies. 2001.