Group Evaluation McDonalds Happy Meal and Healthy Living
Group Evaluation: McDonald’s Happy Meal and Healthy Living
Evaluation of any project is an integral part of the whole process, so it the evaluation of the team that carries out the project itself. The purpose of evaluating a team at the end of a project is to determine how well they worked as a unit to actually meet the objective that the group had set out to meet.
This team appraisal is done after the completion of the project itself not to find out whether the project is completely carried out but to determine the lessons that have been learnt, the mistakes that have been made and the obstacles that have been surmounted by the team that carried out the project. The essence of this evaluation is therefore to propose any recommendations were the group to work together in another project.
The project that my group was to carry out was in relation to McDonalds receiving pressure to do away with the Kid’s Happy Meal product due to concerns about childhood obesity. We were hired by McDonalds to develop a nutritious happy meal with a toy inside that represents healthy living.
This project presupposes the fact that most unhealthy kids tend to grow into adults who are unhealthy. Therefore, given the recent ban on toys that come with fast food that is laden with a lot of calories is not really the solution. An alternative is the most probable solution. Given that it is an assumption that it is the toys that attract the customers the same principle should be used.
The team was composed of Elizabeth, Monze, Arshad, Luis and I. Elizabeth and Monze were the leaders of the team; while Arshad, Luis and I worked on the ideas for the group.
Members of the group could not meet on personal level and so most of the work was done via electronic mail. Each member researched on a particular aspect of the project and sent it to the group leaders who then shared this information with the rest of the group. As leaders for the group, Elizabeth and Monze did most of the work, especially the compilation of the final report for the project.
There were very many useful ideas that members of the group came up with and the discussions were very inclusive. So in general each member of the group did his or her best to play their part in coming up with suggestions and ideas on how to meet the objective that we had.
Quality of Work and Group Attitude
Most of the members often met the deadlines to submit the information that was required by the group. Since most of this was via emails, there was always no need for meetings or adjusting them in order to accommodate individual members. The basic foundation was to come up with the ideas on how to meet the objective and send them to the group leaders who liaised among themselves on compiling these work. This was then sent to the members and as a group we evaluated the ultimate group work. This not only saved time but enabled the group to take part in other activities while at the same time meeting the deadlines provided.
Other than a few shortcomings and challenges here and there, as a unit the group worked together very efficiently and agreed with most of the basic principles on how the group was carrying out its project and found it easy to work seamlessly.
The group met its objective of coming up with a healthy alternative for Happy Meal that would have toys those encouraged kids and other consumers of the product on healthy living.