Group A: Diverse Learners
Understanding the inequalities by race, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomics in the learning system empowers the teacher with the potential to uncover such inequalities that affect education. In this paper, the following strategies a school or a teacher should implement for an inclusive learning environment:
Schools or teachers should provide an equal and bias free access to all students to all facilities, programs, courses, services and activities provided by the school regardless of the gender, race, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status. This can be achieved through ensuring that there is equal and barrier free access to all classroom and school facilities (Duffy, 2008). A teacher can attain a representation for the minority in class each class that may approximate overall minority repesentation in the school to achieve a balanced feasible and consistent educational system. The school support services should be made available to all students without any discrimination.
The school should ensure that it follows the curriculum and instructions that address elimination of discrimination through providing equality in the education system, narrowing the gap of achievement and providing opportunities for all learners to interact with others freely and positively without looking into there race, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomics (Fullan, 2009). Teachers can implement this by ensuring that there are no requirements that differentiate the students for the courses offered or study programns in the school based on sexual orientation, race, gender or socioeconomics. No course should be offered separately on this basis. The school in its instructional content, methods ands and material should demonstrate the inclusion of a multicultural educational system.
Schools should ensure that there are appropriate and adequate guidance and counselling services for all students. When teachers are informing their students about careers, vocational or professional opportunities available should not limit or restrict the options to students.
Group B: School Structure and ReformThe United States public schools should be entitled to an excellent education which includes students from all races, genders, socioeconomics and sexual orientations which will provide several opportunities for success. The president need to implement a number of educational strategies for its improvement and the following are some of them felt appropriate:
The United States government should have all public schools that are inclusive, respond and recognise to the diverse needs of all students without any discrimination to race, sexual orientation, gender or socioeconomics (Hammond, 2007). The public schools should ensure that they accommodate different rates and styles of learning, ensure quality education with appropriate curriculum, organisational arrangemnts, resources use teaching strategies and partnership with all communities living in the United States. Public school should have equal accessibility for all students to school services, facilities, programs and activities. Learning targets and student goals should be catered for all students with equal educational support to all.
Public schools should make strategic and purposeful teaching and learning decisions in regard to the governemnt’s allocation of learning and teaching resources (Glasser, 2010). The government should train teachers who understand students’ learning needs with pedagogical knowledge, skills and thinking that is appolicable in different ways without any discriminaqtion in trhe learning experinces.
Public schools should be effective in a manner that to produce learning outcomes above particular expectations for all students in the United States (Hammond, 2007). Effective schools will be looking at learning and teaching environments and programs which are highly responding to all learners needs. The schoolsthat will promote education that is inclusive and responsive to all students’ needs and diverse learning styles of the strudents. Equal education given to all students to improve their learning outcomes regardless of the background, economical status and capacities.
Hammond, L. (2007). The right to learn: Ablueprint for creating schools that work. N Y: Jossey Publishers.
Glasser, W. et al (2010). The quality school: Managing studentswithout coercion. N Y: Harper Publishers.
Duffy, M., (2008). Courage, passion, and vision: A guide to leading systemic school improvement. Hamnlan, ML: Scarecrow Press.
Fullan, M. (2009). Change forces: Probing the depths of educational reform. London: The Falmer Press.