Green Computing UK
Table of Contents
TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299000” Introduction: PAGEREF _Toc374299000 h 2
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299001” Company’s Organizational Context: PAGEREF _Toc374299001 h 2
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299002” Host Company’s Description: PAGEREF _Toc374299002 h 4
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299003” 1.Introduction: PAGEREF _Toc374299003 h 4
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299004” 2.Background of the Project PAGEREF _Toc374299004 h 5
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299005” 3.Proposed Work PAGEREF _Toc374299005 h 5
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299006” 4.Specifying the Timeline PAGEREF _Toc374299006 h 5
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299007” 5.Making Budget PAGEREF _Toc374299007 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299008” 6.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc374299008 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299009” Company fit’s on requirements: PAGEREF _Toc374299009 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299010” Five Key Stakeholders PAGEREF _Toc374299010 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299011” 1.Employee PAGEREF _Toc374299011 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299012” 2.Customers PAGEREF _Toc374299012 h 6
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299013” 3.Communities PAGEREF _Toc374299013 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299014” 4.Investors PAGEREF _Toc374299014 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299015” 5.Regulators PAGEREF _Toc374299015 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299016” Analysis of Market: PAGEREF _Toc374299016 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299017” Summary Schedule: PAGEREF _Toc374299017 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299018” First month: PAGEREF _Toc374299018 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299019” Second month: PAGEREF _Toc374299019 h 7
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299020” Third month: PAGEREF _Toc374299020 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299021” Forth month: PAGEREF _Toc374299021 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299022” Fifth month: PAGEREF _Toc374299022 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299023” Sixth month: PAGEREF _Toc374299023 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299024” 1.Project budget summary: PAGEREF _Toc374299024 h 8
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299025” 2.Brief description on project’s objectives: PAGEREF _Toc374299025 h 9
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299026” 3.Project success criteria: PAGEREF _Toc374299026 h 9
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299027” Creation of Work Breakdown Structure: PAGEREF _Toc374299027 h 9
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299028” 5 PMBOK process areas: PAGEREF _Toc374299028 h 10
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299029” Work Breakdown Code for WBS: PAGEREF _Toc374299029 h 10
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299030” Packages assumption and duration estimation: PAGEREF _Toc374299030 h 11
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299031” One quality resource: PAGEREF _Toc374299031 h 11
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299032” Tool using in Green Computing Project: PAGEREF _Toc374299032 h 11
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299033” Scenario: PAGEREF _Toc374299033 h 12
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299034” 1.Quality Planning: PAGEREF _Toc374299034 h 13
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299035” 2.Time Duration: PAGEREF _Toc374299035 h 13
HYPERLINK l “_Toc374299036” References: PAGEREF _Toc374299036 h 13
Introduction:Green Computing is not box shifter though. They invest heavily in training their staff and developing innovative services, such as the ability to trace the status of their order via their website, to ensure that their customers receive the best possible service.
The description is basically an agreement that is always among the project team participating in the project. In this project sponsor, project participants and also the key stakeholders are necessarily included. It actually represents the mutual or common understanding between the project participants of that project for the basic purpose of the facilitating communication and interaction between stakeholders and also for managing and setting authorities and the typical limit for the project management team. The scope statement of the project basically includes the project related to the business objectives and that can comparatively meet the requirements of the business needs. The scope statement of the project basically describes the deliverables and also the required documents for the best successful conclusion for the real project look like.
Company’s Organizational Context:The environment technologies program has finally let us decided to sponsor for a project. We have a program manager and also the team that is going to help us out in the project management for the Green Computing Research (Weil, 2009). We also have the expertise and executives who can oversee the project. There are many projects going on under this program and one of them we are going to do is Green Computing Research. The CEO, project manager and also the project sponsors have decided to make this project special and prior to hold the different and specific interviews from the team. The CEO of this company actually sponsored it a vast computing firm to improve and manage the data center efficiency. We are going to discuss some possible applications that are included in the Green Computing Research:
The disposal of the different wastage of electronic and other devices
Recycling of the different waste electronic material
Telecommunication issues
Interaction issues and management
Help from data centers
Data centers and their overall efficiency
Servers using in the Green Computing
Virtualization of the systems
Thin client solutions and their management
Development of the new product for the internal use
Use of open source software
Host Company’s Description:There is a discussion on some important steps to make the requirements of the project. First analyze your audience who has actually this project or for whom you are going to write this IT project. Then come on decide that which participant will read out the document thoroughly and then how they can more interactive with the expected document. They would have to get familiar to the project they are going to design (Dan Lo, 2010). The easy and simple way to consult with the audience is to analyze in the proper way. The simplest method is actually to write down the knowledge do have about the expected project and that is on prior. There are some sub steps by which we can analyze the project:
Material Properties
Process Planning
Production Scheduling
Cost analysis
Introduction:The introduction of the project should have all the related background information and future aspects about the expected project to move on. We would need more information that can give specific aspects to discuss over it while we are writing an introduction and if labeling the introduction of the project. There should be a brief descriptive paragraph on the introduction of the expected project. There are some questions that we should have to ask for the introduction:
What is it?
Why do it?
When do I do it?
How do I do it?
Background of the ProjectIn this section of the project, we will have to include all the previous section on which this project is going to base upon. Put this section as the background scenario for the further work. There should be all research work done. You must have the specific background information about this. In this participant should have done all the work on it gathering critical knowledge.
Proposed WorkIn this step we write the specific proposal according to the proposed work. This actually includes the whole details about the project even related to each and every component. It also include the inputs and outputs in the project we are about to do. This is also responsible to give the resultant of the project with its scope.
Specifying the TimelineThis is a step in which we schedule the timeline of the project so that we set out all work according to the defined schedule. In this we can alternatively or similarly different sections based on the project criteria. The timeline we will designed should base on each and every components defining all the aspects of them step by step and this will be the responsible for completing all the aspects of the task that will specify the tasks with the defined dates.
Making BudgetCalculate all the components specify their expenses and then write down the budget with all the aspects. In this step there must be the presentation of all the expenses that basically is the requirement of the project. It’s better if you are going to write brief description of the budget discussing all the components.
ConclusionConclusion is the most important part in the project. Make the conclusion by starting the significance of the expected project. Note down all and then tell the customer that how project is directly and indirectly doing to effect on their life.
Company fit’s on requirements:Five Key StakeholdersWe are going to ensure that how different aspects effect our project in different ways. We are also going to make the competence really so that deliver the results using different values for the customers. Let’s discuss five stakeholders that what and why they are doing this:
EmployeeThey are the people who want and need to work on the project so that they can easily meet their different needs according to the situation. They are basically the participants of the project to whom work is assigned by the manager and they have to do it in required environment and vision. So that can help the participant to perform their work completely.
CustomersThey actually want from the project manager for the compel of the proper products and services so that they can give a big part in work.
CommunitiesThey can basically build an environment that is later used in organizing social responsibilities because they will have to serve big for it.
InvestorsThey actually want from the project managers to develop a better growth of the project and for its best management by using of investing their money for providing good services to the customers and to deliver them premises.
RegulatorsThey are the last key to the stakeholders of the project who actually demands to take over the department of principles of you can say management to give ethical output to the customer in full professional and legal way.
Analysis of Market:Summary Schedule: This project has estimated six months’ time period in completion. Summary is scheduling in step by step monthly basis information given below:
First month:
We need specific data centers of green computing research so that we can take different info according to the requirements.
We need the energy efficiency that we have want so that we can figure out how to work with available energy and how much energy we want more for the processing
Second month: We need to have the estimate of disposal electronics and other equipment so that we can recycle them and reuse for any other purpose.
Third month: We need a proper interaction between the people who are working over this project so that project will have no issue of work.
Forth month: We need virtualization of server resources in which we can identify the physical servers, operating systems and processors and divide the server administration in several virtual servers.
Fifth month: We need thin client solutions in which we can estimate the desktop replacement costs, data access between workers on this project through remote or wireless and also ensures that data is secure
Sixth month: We need to use the open sources to collaborate with public easily so that we can make secure and quality project
Development of a new requires software that will be compatible to let understand the green computing research for the internal use or you can say for the workers
Project budget summary: The budget for green computing research project is estimated 500,000 dollars. The goal of doing this project was basically the providence of effective and efficient report that includes all the estimated requirements and different recommendations implemented in the green computing research project in detail. It will also provide the financial analysis of the project budget step by step. All the official work done in the project is included in the project for recommended ideas and solutions are also included in the project.
The majority of the cost for green computing research project is on internal labor. Six dedicated workers group is needed as full time employees to complete this project in time. And the biggest thing is to select another project manager that will help Martin in doing this project. Other cost will be for external use that includes payment to consultants for resource books, articles related to the project requirements and helpful websites or maybe consultant’s advices too.
Brief description on project’s objectives: This is the charter of the green computing research project and the objective of this charter is to complete the project in six months. The project has planned to develop as resultant charter that will provide an effective report on the technologies of green computing research project that will be in detail. The objectives basically describe the purpose of the project and what project will achieve according to the business perspective. Generally the projects get successful all the objectives meet completely.
Project success criteria: The budget of 500,000 dollars within the six estimated months to provide the best extensive and required report of the green computing research project with all the external and internal details implemented on the project.
It can be a chart in which specific elements we usually call them tasks are illustrated. WBS has graphical nature and the graphical nature helps a project manager and participants to predict their responsibilities and can ensure the optimum decisions that are made to suggest procedures and changings in it.
Creation of Work Breakdown Structure:When we are creating a WBS, the manager of a project who is leading the way all, defines the very first key objectives and points. After defining this, it identifies the tasks that are required to reach to those goals who were defined and who have to achieve. A WBS, starts from a hierarchical tree type diagram with the main topic at the top and its branches under below. The basic requirement is to show the main topic on the top and then further details below step by step as the observer moves down reading all the WBS (Wright, Kemp & Williams, 2011).
A well-developed and well-organized detailed WBS shows clearly the effective allocation of resources, project budgeting, management, schedule of work, quality assurance, and delivery of the required project and also risk management. (Duncan Haughey, 2003)
5 PMBOK process areas:The Project Management Body of Knowledge( PMBOK) is basically a collection of different processes and areas of knowledge that generally accepted as participants in the project management disciplines.
It provides the fundamentals of project management, project construction, software engineering, automotive of different projects etc.
PMBOK recognizes 5 basic process areas that are typically used almost in all projects. They5 are applicable to any project, programs and operations in them too.
Work Breakdown Code for WBS:Go to the Microsoft Project, the define code:
Click Numbers
Click Uppercase Letters
Click Lowercase Letters
Click Characters
Generate WBS code for new task
Packages assumption and duration estimation:The top level in the WBS represents the final and deliverable project
Sub deliverables contains work packages that are basically used to assign to an organization’s unit
All the elements of WBS don’t need to defined all the levels at same point
WBS defines the work, work duration and cost for the tasks required to produce further sub deliverables of the task
All work packages are independent of each other
Work packages are unique in nature and they are never duplicate
Work breakdown structures takes 10 days of duration that will defined all the process
One quality resource:
Consult the expertise so that they can give advice in a better way. Try your best to estimate time and money under the range to make project valuable
Tool using in Green Computing Project:We are going to use Flowchart, a tool of quality for the green computing research.
A flowchart we are going to use is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm and process too that are showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows towards up to down.
Moreover, the basic thing is mapping the entire scenario. The act of mapping a process out in flow chart format actually helps you clarify your understanding of the process, and helps you think about where the process can be improved. Efficiency increases are a benefit of flowcharts, efficiency increment in the sense that things will become easier for the better processing. The flowchart lists each step necessary to perform a process because if of them will be left we cannot process further. According to the scenario we have make, the flowchart will help a designer remove unnecessary steps in a process that is going on, as well as errors for the better processing (Wiedmann and Minx, 2008). The flowchart should only include the basic steps with the brief instructions inside that are requirements to reach the endpoint of the process to get meet the requirements. They are the basic reasons we are using flow charts as a tool of quality for the green computing research.
Scenario:As the project manager of the green computing you actually need to be fully prepared for the person or you can say the customer’s questions that he is going to ask on the cost and duration of the project at the next monthly meeting of the project. You have to decide to fully prepare yourself by developing a complete quantitative risk analysis of the program you are going to make for the project. If you know that your customer likes comprehensive technical analysis and you are very good at using excel then make all the analysis specifically according to the need of that customer. Also you really need to have had one monthly meeting with the customer and as you know that your customer will ask more difficult questions and if you want to be fully prepared to provide comprehensive technical data to back up any questions he asks you and if he also want other information he will also ask and the answers that you provide him really matters (Kirsch, 2007).
At the beginning of programs that we are going to make for the customer it is very important to provide to all stakeholders quantitative information so they can make initial decisions on the program to continue it further. This information can be used as the program progresses also to provide a baseline for the analysis of how the program is progressing according to the situation. Additionally, you may want to be capable of providing the scenario even more precise information for the further discussion as the program progresses to ensure that you are on schedule and budget in the scenario.
We are going to discuss two major quality resources of this project.
Quality Planning:Quality planning is one of the important quality resources of this project that will be identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them. What is the process and how to deal with it according to the situation?
Time Duration:In this we need the proper duration of time in which we can complete all the processes using tool of quality to produce the better outcome.
References:Kevin Frankis. (2010). Green Maturity Model for Virtualization, Accessed from: < HYPERLINK “”> Retrieved on: 8th Dec, 2013.
Sarah Gingichashvili. (2007). Green Computing, Accessed from: < HYPERLINK “”> Retrieved on: 8th Dec, 2013.
Bill Nguyen. (2008).Green Computing Research Project, Accessed from: < HYPERLINK “”> Retrieved on: 8th Dec, 2013.
Kerala, (2010). Green Computing. Accessed from: < HYPERLINK “”> Retrieved on: 8th Dec, 2013.
Kathy Schwalbe. (2009).Information Technology Project Management. Cingage Learning Inc.
Lewis Cutis. (2008). The Architecture Journal- Green Computing.
Rich Kaestner. (1996). It’s Easier to Say Green than Be Green, Accessed from: < HYPERLINK “”> Retrieved on: 8th Dec, 2013.
Michael Halle. (2009). Green Computing can computation advance sustainability? An exploration. , Brigham and Women’s Hospital and IIC.
Kirsch, Nathan. (2007). “Intel Beats AMD to Lead-Free Processors.” Legit Reviews. < HYPERLINK “”> Retrieved on: 8th Dec, 2013.
Weil, Nancy. (2009). “The Realities of Green Computing.” PC World. < HYPERLINK “”> Retrieved on: 8th Dec, 2013.
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Dan Lo, C.T., (2010). Green Computing Methodology for Next Generation Computing Scientists. In 2010 IEEE 34th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference. JW Marriott Seoul, Korea (South), JW Marriott Seoul, Korea (South): IEEE. Pp: 1-8.
Wright, L., Kemp, S., Williams, I. (2011) ‘Carbon footprinting’: towards a universally accepted definition. Carbon Management, 2 (1): 61-72.
Wiedmann, T. and J. Minx (2008). A Definition of ‘Carbon Footprint’. Ecological Economics Research Trends. C. C. Pertsova: Chapter 1, pp. 1–11. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, Hauppauge NY.
Kirsch, Nathan. (2007). “Intel Beats AMD to Lead-Free Processors.” Legit Reviews.