Final Grant Proposal






Cover letter

Peter Ferdinand

Program Officer

Rhythm Community Foundation

2378 Common Lane

USA, Los Angeles.

Dear Mr. Ian:

Jubilee insurance firm is requesting a grant in the amount of $800,000 for the purpose of assisting individuals of Los Angeles. Since we are the largest nonprofit organization serving about 8o% of people living in the area, we are conscious of the changing demographics in our service area in order to adapt our center to meet emerging needs. Jubilee insurance projects will enable us to effectively provide security in the health care sector for individuals who can’t afford medical covers (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).Furthermore, the firm is determined to provide solutions for their clients in order to give reliable protection to its clients in the best way.

The firm’s board of directors is passionate about this program and excited about launching the event as it intends to be the most creative for Los Angeles communities that need these services (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). If the event is successful, the board is committed to integrate a portion of the projects earnings in order to enable the event become an integral part of our core services.

The firm is determined to act as a primary referral given by individuals of Los Angeles for the purpose of making their lives better. Therefore, we thank you for your understanding concerning our request. This is so as I will follow up in order to answer any queries you may have. This will enable me to learn whether there is a possibility of meeting with the funders and discuss on the merits our proposal (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).You can contact Roselyn Reid who is our Director of development at +254798765432 or email us on


Joanne Frits

Executive summary

The growth of Jubilee insurance firm in Los Angeles has expanded rapidly in the last five years. The number of individuals who need medical covers in the area has actually increased and hence great assistance is needed. In order to address this increasing problem, Jubilee insurance firm has established an event that is meant to make their living standards more comfortable. Donating blood, assisting women and HIV/AIDS victims are entities which the organization is determined to assist (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).This is meant to be possible through the help of the community, the government and other well wishers.

We successfully qualified for the company’s we will match that project that provides special assistance for grant funded projects. In event of this, Rhythm Community foundation’s grant will enable us to assist all the clients. This will assist about 80% of the residents living in Los Angeles as all individuals will be given an equal opportunity. This event is supposed to show some improvement within the first year of its operation (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This will be possible through the assistance of the community, government and the funder’s assistance.

Problem statement

Assistance activities ought to be put in place by the community, the government and the funders in order to provide the best medical covers for the people. The issue regarding poverty in the field of health care as a problem among the individuals of Los Angeles should be addressed. This is so as most individuals in the community are often unprepared to deal with these issues of paying for their insurance schemes in health care (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).This is so as this obstacle is in fact an opportunity to reach out to the less fortunate individuals consistently and repeatedly for a better future.

Rhythm’s Community Foundation of $800,000 will provide our firm with the necessary advantage of being there for the community’s well being. This is so as the investment will assist us to reach every individual that is need of medical coverage with the intention of assisting them. This indicates that the firm will give back a positive impact to the individuals of Los Angeles by eliminating poverty in the health care sector (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).Hence, the issue of diseases, expectant women and children will be assisted in the event that they become sick.

Program description

The Jubilee insurance firm project of assisting less fortunate individuals in medical cover to succeed, the project is entailed to improve their health. This will be possible through the issue of insuring individuals with medical covers that will enable them to be treated in event that they fall sick. This will enable the community to be in the position of going for efficient and modernized medication that will improve on their conditions (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).This is so as the assistance of the community, the government and funders will enable the firm to be a driving key to the citizens of Los Angeles.

Goals and objectives statement for the project

Goals and objectives

The firm’s goals and objective is to assist individuals to learn and grow in our culture competence as a firm. It is dedicated to assist all individuals in the area. Jubilee organization is in the position of assisting individuals in Los Angeles because it has the potential and capability of being there for people living below the poverty line. This is possible as the firm has had some experience for the past five years hence is in the position of delivering a better medical care for all participants (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).Thus, funder’s assistance will definitely generate a positive impact on the individual’s lifestyle and the firm as a whole.

The firm is determined to raise the lifestyle of all individuals within the shortest time possible. The firm is expected to assist about 70% of the individuals in the area and make their way of life better. The firm will be in the position of assisting pregnant women who are unable to pay for their bill and also children (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).Therefore, the targeted population will definitely benefit from this insurance firm that is meant to assist all individuals living below the poverty level.

We want very much to respond appropriately and successfully assist the community. This is so as we believe that the targeted participants are among individuals of Los Angeles community. Furthermore, development of formal referral systems and feedback strategy in our area, other community organs and giving out referrals too will assist the management of HIV/AIDS classes (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).The firm will have done a positive improvement to the individuals of Los Angeles in the field of health care.

Methods Section

The firm will hire a program officer and a full time nurse who will specialize in the management of HIV/AIDS and come up with an outreach committee that will be headed by two individuals and community representatives. The nurse and program officer will come with protocols for testing and tracking program participants for the first six months after finishing classes (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).This will be done in classes that will have been developed by both the nurse and program officer.

They undertake this program through the use of modernized tools and materials that are liquistically and culturally appropriate for the community. This will enable the staff to develop a formal referral system and feedback strategy between the center and all appropriate community agencies positioned to give out referrals to our individuals of Los Angeles individuals affected with HIV/AIDS being managed well (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).In the event of this, the firm is overwhelmed as the community will be covered with a medical insurance scheme.

Evaluation component

The firm’s formal referral system and feedback strategy will serve a dual purpose for all individuals of Los Angeles. This is possible as we will first track all referrals of Los Angeles, which services we are able to give out, and where the referrals are coming from. Thereafter, our feedback loop will enable us to be in the position of gathering information concerning member’s satisfaction with our services (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This assists us to review our running within every six months of attending to our patients.

Moreover, we strive to provide medical security for the Individuals living in Los Angeles and give them a better way of life style in the community (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).The satisfaction reports will enable us to fine-tune our outreach and newly developed HIV/AIDS program worth offering to the community.

Concerning issues related to our HIV/AIDS self management class, we will put into practice tools in order to reach the set target by the program. We will go to the extent of using pretests and protests with every new client who participates in the class. We will test each individual for HIV/AIDS at the beginning of classes. This issue of monitoring will be done by the nurse who will use safer and modernized equipments to measure it individual. Issues related to medical care will be analyzed in the patient’s file every month for six months Angels (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This will enable the patient’s to successfully manage their HIV/AIDS status and therefore effectively manage their lives.

The firm will go to the extent of using the program to counter all the negative impacts that are degrading the rise of the people of Los Angeles. This is so as all parties will be educated on ways of avoiding negative issues that might make them caught at wrong places. This is so as better and cheaper medical apparatus will be availed to them hence reduce the rise of HIV/AIDS. This will be possible due to the presence of a modernized community that will put into practice what they are taught at the classes Angels (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This will be assesses weekly by the program officer in order to confirm if all is going in the direct direction.

The program officer will also use medical records and interviews to confirm if patients are benefiting from the program. This will lead the program add more strategies in event that the objectives are not being met. Thus, their success will be based on the patient’s participation and assistance. This is so as the programs objective is to deliver a better and safer atmosphere for all individuals of Los Angeles (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). Particularly individuals who are unable to pay for their medical covers and this will be a positive impact for the firm.

Summary Questionnaires

What is the identity of your organization, and what is its mission?

Jubilee insurance firm was established in 1995 and was officially put into corporation in 1998 as a non- profit organization for the community. We are one of the largest firms in the area and our mission is to provide solutions in order to give reliable protection to its clients in the best way possible.

What is the proposed program or project (title, purpose, target population)?

Funding the less privileged individuals in the community is our first major outreach effort to serve individuals of Los Angeles in medical care. We will concentrate on providing all individuals with better medical covers.

Why is the proposed program or project important?

It is important as a result of individuals living below the poverty level being ignored. This is as 40% of individuals living in Los Angeles are unable to afford medical covers.

What will be accomplished by this program or project during the time period of the grant?

Jubilee insurance aim to assist the community of Los Angeles to be covered with medical covers. Moreover, to educate them on the importance of being covered in event of an emergency. This enable them to be medically secured and in a better condition.

Why should your organization do the program or project (credibility statement)?

Since we are one of the largest non-profit firms in the area, and we aim to satisfy about 80% of the population in Los Angeles. We have assisted about 54% of individuals in the area since 1998 and we believe we can do better. This is especially in issues related to health care covers and hence this will make them be in a better position health wise.

How much will the program or project cost during the grant time period? How much is being requested from this funder?

This project has a budget of $2000, 000 of which all but $1,200,000 has been secured from government, volunteers and the community. The request to this funder is for the remaining $ 800,000 that will enable the firm to successfully offer the community with better medical covers.

Budget Worksheet

WORKSHEET 8.1A: Revenue and Expense Budget


REVENUE Foundations $ 800,000 $


Government $500,000 $ $500,000

Corporations $400,000 $ $400,000

Individual contributions $150,000 $ $150,000

Donated printing and supplies $ $100,000 $100,000

Volunteer servicesOther (specify): $ $50,000 $50,000

    Total revenue Total $1,850,000 $150,000 $2,000,000

EXPENSES Salaries (prorated if less than full time)   Senior nurse $150,000 $


program officer $120,000 $ $

  Executive Director $170,000 $ $

  Donated printing & supplies $ $50,000 $

  Financial advisor $150,000 $ $

  Volunteer services $ $50,000 $

Payroll taxes and benefits (50%) $350,000 $ $

Bookkeeping contractor $100,000 $ $

Other (specify):   Total personnel $1,040,000 $ $1,040,000

Office rent (% for program) $ $ $

Supplies $50,000 $ $

Printing $ $50,000 $

Utilities $90,000 $ $

Telephone $70,000 $ $

Copy services $60,000 $ $

Postage $50,000 $ $

Travel $300,000 $ $

Membership dues $50,000 $ $

Other (overhead): 50% $140,000 $ $960,000

  Total nonpersonnel $810,000 $150,000 $2,000,000

    Total expenses Total Expenses $1,850,000 Budget Narrative

The budget for Jaysam insurance firm reflects on a narrated summary of program expenses which will enable the program to capitalize on the community strengths and resources and express to the needs of the people. This includes all individuals of Los Angels who are unable to afford medical covers (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).The twelve month budget of $2000000 will bring about resources that will individuals of Los Angels hence make their lives much better.

Total revenue: The total twelve month revenue request for Jaysam Insurance firm is $800000; this includes $ 500,000 from the government, $400,000 by corporations and $ 150,000 from individual contributions (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).Furthermore, $100,000 given by donated printing and supplies and $50,000 by volunteers which totals to $2000000.

Program personnel: The total cost for program expenses is $440,000 which includes fringe benefits at a rate of 50%. The cost paid to personnels increases at a rate 2% per year beginning with the second year and their details per position include perimeter benefit costs. The executive director will be paid $170,000 where he will provide supervision, recruitment and training of the program liaisons for the first year of employment. Moreover, the senior nurse will be paid $150,000 and $120,000 to the program officer for the proposed twelve months (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).And the book keeping contractor will be paid a total of $100,000 to deal with clerical services at the firm.

Program printing/telephone/utilities/copy services/

Printing: the total request for program entailed for printing for twelve month grant period is $50,000 of which is requested of jaysam firm (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).These costs includes the printing of medical bronchures.

Telephone: this is the total request for the program telephone expenses for twelve month grant periodis $70,000 of which is neede by Jaysam Insurance firm.

Utilities: the total request for utilities require for the usage for twelve month grant session is $90,000 that is needed by the firm in order to assist in its running.

Copy services: this service requires a total of $60,000 to be used for a period of twelve month grant that is meant to assist all individuals feel much better as services are available.

Program travel/membership duesTravel: the total request for program travel for the twelve month grant phase is $300,000 ,100% of which is requested by Jaysam (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).These costs include executive, patients and staff travel expenses within the firm.

Membership dues: the firm has a total request for the program of membership dues for the twelve month grant period is $50,000 which is needed by the firm. These costs are meant to be paid by each member in order to keep the firm running well and successfully.

Sustainability: the evaluation component of the project is specifically designed to address sustainability with future funding recommendations (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).Our firm development plan shows efforts to implement multiple fundraising events and hence launch an individual donor campaign that will enable the firm to succeed.


Carlson, M, O’Neal-McElrath , T &The Alliance for Nonprofit Management (2008) Winning Grants Step by Step, Volume 4, Edition3,Publisher John Wiley & Sons.