“Ethical Analysis”
Is there an ethical dilemma?
From an independent point of view, there is an ethical dilemma in the entire case due to the fact that Harry develops a program without the permission of his managers. To start with, Harry has been employed as a network programmer at ACE Inc. However, he comes up with his own anti-virus program and wants to sell it to the company. The company’s IT manager, Jill, turns the program down and this infuriates Harry. He in turn offers it online and offers consultation services to clients. When Jill discovers this, Harry is sacked. However, the owner of the company discovers Harry online whereby he orders the company’s manager to bring him to ACE. Thus, the ethical dilemma is: Should ACE management hire Harry once again despite having developed an individual program without the permission of his managers?
1A: Lists and number the relevant facts
Harry was a bright network programmer working at ACE Inc
Harry’s work included computer security
Harry pursued his interests in computer network applications even at home
He developed an anti-virus program
Harry approached his manager, Jill, and offered his program at ACE for a discount, as he was sure the program would improve security against infections
Jill expressed many misgivings about the program and labeled it dangerous
He decided to become an online consultant by releasing the program on a bulletin board and published it under the name Safe-T, with the consultation name Lock Smith
Jill fired Harry after learning what he had done
Brockley Smetherton, the executive head of IT at Ace supports the firing of Harry
The owner of the company, Ima Wig instructs Brockley to firing Loc Smith and offer him a job at ACE
1B: Which of these raise an ethical issue? What is the potential or resulting harm?
Number:Potential/resulting harm
4He acted against the company’s policies
8There was no enough ground to fire Harry
10Management not consulted in the appointment
1C: List the stake holders involved
Harry, also known as Lock Smith
Jill, Head of IT security at ACE
Brockley Smetherton, Executive head of IT at ACE
Ima Bigwig, owner of ACE
Step 2: Isolate major ethical dilemma
Should ACE management hire Harry once again despite having developed an individual program without the permission of his managers?
Step 3: Ethical Analysis
If action instep 2 is done, who will be harmed?
If ACE hires Harry in the company one again, who will be harmed?
Harry’s consultation clients will be harmed since he will be not available around the clock. His job at ACE will take most of his time.
If action in step 2 is NOT done, who will be harmed?
ACE as a company will be harmed due to the competition brought about by Harry’s program.
Which alternative results in the least harm?
Alternative A poses the least harm
D. If action in Step II is done, who will benefit?
If Harry is hired once again at ACE, the company will benefit from his expertise and creative mind.
E. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will benefit?
If Harry is not hired at ACE one again, then his online clients will benefit more. They will have him all to themselves for consultation and professional help.
F. Which alternative results in the maximum benefit?
Alternative D will have the most benefit
Consequentialism Comments (on the choices at C. and F.):
While more people outside ACE will lose when Harry is hired again, it is the best option for the company as he would assist them maximize profits. Harry seems to possess great innovative and creative mind that will enable ACE go through heights of IT security.
Rights and Duties:
G. List relevant abridged rights and neglected duties.
1. The management of ACE deserved to know that Harry was developing an anti-virus program
2. Harry required to be notified why he was being fired after he started selling his program online
3. The owner of ACE had the responsibility to ask for the suggestions of the management before asking them to hire Harry.
Rights and Duties Comments:
The rights and privileges of certain parties involved in this case are in collision. Thus, everything ought to be weighed down to see where the greatest loss or the greatest benefits will be
Kant’s Categorical Imperative:
H. If action in Step II is done, who will be treated with disrespect?
The management of ACE
I. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be treated with disrespect?
Harry and the owner of the company
J. Which alternative is preferable?
Alternative I
K. If action in Step II is done, who will be treated unlike others?
ACE company
L. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be treated unlike others?
No one
M. Which alternative is preferable?
N. Are there benefits if everyone did action in Step II?
Yes. Harry would benefit for acquiring the job and still be established online consultant
O. Are there benefits if nobody did action in Step II?
P. Which alternative is preferable?
Step III Discussion
After looking carefully at the issues at hand, it is certain that there are a collision of rights whereby an employee has violated the rules of the company. Though the management failed to inform Harry the reason behind his firing, they were right in firing him. The main issue here is rule violation, which is against the law and deserves a strict penalty.
On the other hand, the owner of the company requires Harry in the company. Though he has violated rights, he deserves another chance due to the fact that the company will find him very useful in future. The company should overlook his mistakes and follow the orders of their boss.
Step IV Making a decision
ACE should hire back harry into the company. Though he violated the rights as an employee, he is much beneficial to the company when he is with them, unlike when he is against them. He will assist them come up with more viable innovations in the future that will take the company to new heights.
IV A. Make a defensible ethical decision
ACE should hire Harry back with immediate effect.
IV B. List the steps needed to implement your defensible ethical decision
Jill and Brockley meet Harry and explain where he went wrong in the whole process.
Make sure that the basics rules and regulations are presented to Harry in the meeting.
Ensure that other geeks in the IT sector are involved in coming up with a proper anti-virus programs like the one Harry came up with.
Prepare to handle any complaint that will arise after other parties get aware of the program that Harry had come up with.
Work Cited
De Finance, Joseph. An Ethical Inquiry, Rome, Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2011.